Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance) Motorcycle Insurance Reviews

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Got into an accident, they do everything they can to make everything on the injury side difficult, once I had prove led that my own benefit plan through work would not cover anything like massage or chiropractic sessions instantly it was impossible to get ahold of my claims advisor or get an appointment through the health provider they require you to go through. They will screw you around at all costs to not have to cover the medical side of your claim.
It’s funny reading people who were annoyed being on hold for 20-30 min. Me? I’ve been on hold for 3 hours and 10 min so far. Listening to this repeating music on loop. Not even an automated message saying they are sorry for the long wait times...just this elevator music... I called at 8:30 am. Now it is noon and I’m depressed.
2 hours and 20 minutes and still counting on hold. Need to cancel my insurance on a motorcycle I sold today.
I am a potential customer but have been on hold for 4.5 hours and a total of 8 hours with other attempts. If this is how long I have to wait to give them my business how long would the claim line be? Going to go with a company who answers the phone.
It's not an "online quote" at all. They ask all personal questions including street address and then tell you: Download insurance application form, fill it up and mail it to us and in 2-4wks you will receive our response. So why in the world did I just wasted time filling up all that online? Oh yes, now I remember, I had to check the checkbox to agree to share my personal info with their "business partners". This is a personal info harvesting scheme, plain and simple.
First of all TD Insurance was more than happy to take over my policy. I been driving almost 35 years ,motorcycle riding about 30 years. I have never had a accident or ticket on a motorcycle maybe two minor accidents in the car in and a few tickets all minor tickets with no points lost. I had my first accident on the bike well the bike hit a pot hole in the road while I was backing up out of the driveway and my foot slipped on the wet pavement long story short the bike fell over. I considered it to be a comp claim but because I had accident forgiveness the adjuster recommended I claim it as an accident because it would be forgiven and my rates would remain unchanged so I did. That's where the nightmare began they wanted to cancel my insurance a month later because they said my bike was modified. All I had done to the bike was some decaling and exhaust, so the gave me 30 days to find another company and guess what I was quoted almost 4x what I was paying because of the accident I was forgiven for. Well they agreed to keep me on if I canceled collision so I did. I have since sold the bike but my auto insurance remained with them. My bike renewal was in February the car was in July last year they moved my auto renewal to February funny I turn 50 this year so they now get another year of me paying higher premiums. Well I have two tickets on the car both minor with no points both will be three years on my record this year one up in May one in June conveniently since they moved my renewal date to February both tickets stay on for another year. I just got a call for the renewal and guess what they are cancelling me. They say three strikes on my driving record they don't want me anymore one accident and 2 tickets the accident I was to have been forgiven for and the 2 tickets that if they didn't move my renewal date from July to February I would have had a clean driving record. No I have to get a quote with an accident and 2 tickets. I will be paying out the arse. I am to the point where I am changing my banking and taking all my investments and going else-where. They should have stuck with banking only but makes me think twice about it since they are so shady with how they deal with insurance please beware and go somewhere else . You might save a little bit at first that's the way the operate but you won't live through a nightmare later. I am so through with dealing withTD
I had my house, car, business, motorcycle insured with them. They had the in home business as a rider on my policy, I called for a quote one day and they claimed they did not cover my at home business and my policy is now void. Next they cancelled the theft on my motorcycle policy without me knowing, when i called they said it's because I didn't report to them that i had an alarm and their requirements had changed. Finally this year, the only thing i have left with them at this point is my motorcycle, the just jacked my rate 30%. Never again. As of today I will be officially done with this sack of shit company.
As we enter a world of uncertainty we value our possessions..and want to guarantee these goods etc...Meloche I was insured with for many years and no claims...I had 3 items House / auto / moto..
At the start they were competitive in pricing and I tried to stay loyal with them...What a waste of time as my policies went up an avg of 70% each year...when I approached them on this issue ..was told government taxes was the cause also they told me all insurance company go up....
People be ware this company is only out to make money and lots of it...they do not treat you fair nor do they care....they just want $$$$$$$..
I also notice that the TV ads are of TD Meloche Insurance recently...guess what they are loosing clients and not surprising.after looking at all the other reviews...and can agree with all of if you are a person or persons looking for a good insurer Meloche is not the one...there are many competitive companies out there..I found one and changed immediately saving over $1000 a year for my 3 items...which one you may ask....well I know some would disagree with me but it is Dejardins Ins...yes saved me more than $1000 a yr....I did do extensive research before but I wanted Replacement cost on my Auto ...not all will do that for a already 3yr old is a example of my personal difference..3 items=$ 3200 a yr..with Meloche...........
Dejardin =$ the research take the time and patience to find the right Insurer for you....I did and very happy I did...that extra saving is taking me and wife to mexico.....Thank you Desjardin but hope in future years my premium doesn't go up????lets see...I will be watching.
I bought a brand new motorcycle and six month after it got stolen. Well to make the story short, they didn't pay me the value of my motorcycle. They deducted depreciation, they didn't recognize the market value and it took them for ever to send me the money.
I don't recommend this company.
They don't pick up the phone ever. It is pure wasting time. They supposed to let clients know the waiting time or have service to call is back as other companies do. So bad and so shame to have this attitude from a big insurance company.