Car Insurance Reviews
MPI Auto Insurance Reviews
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(59 reviews)
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Agent/rep attitude (4)
Agent/rep availability (2)
Agent/rep callbacks (2)
Agent/rep knowledge (3)
Billing/payments (7)
Claim - adjuster (6)
Claim - denial (1)
Claim - injuries (2)
Claim - not-at-fault (3)
Claim - rental car (2)
Claim - repair shop (3)
Claim - total loss (1)
Claim payout amount (2)
Claim processing time (4)
Complaints/ombudsman (3)
Email/message wait time (1)
Fax experience (1)
Insurance Rates, Prices (2)
Paper mail experience (1)
Phone wait times (3)
Policy coverage (7)
Rates competitiveness (2)
Review author
Trying to deal with a total loss claim and called my adjuster to ask questions (as per his email sent hours before). Found an out of office message. No ability to leave a voice-mail. When I contacted a member of his team for help they put me through to a supervisor who doesn't work before noon apparently! Or so I assume from his inability to answer or return a phone call before noon for over a week! We've been playing phone tag so long my adjustor will be back from vacation soon and my problem STILL isn't being handled! I'm absolutely blown away at how an experience that should have taken a few days has taken almost a month (from Aug14/20). Every time I have to deal with MPI, it takes an excruciatingly long time to do anything! It's sickening and inhumane that we are FORCED to use this corrupt organization! I hate giving them any of my hard-earned money knowing they won't help me when I need it most. What is the point in even calling it public insurance? They aren't there to help the public, just line their own pockets.