Car Insurance Reviews

State Farm Auto Insurance Reviews

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(121 reviews)
State Farm
1.9 out of 5 stars:
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Not good !!

by Not fair on Mar 10, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Insurance renewal with an increase of almost $100
Spoke with my agent her response was "that's the new rates"!!
I have been with them for over ten years ,never a ticket or a claim ...
Tao I began to shop around for a better price and was then informed that State Farm had a at falt code on my record for an accident for others to see but when I got in touch with the again they said "oops we made a mistake "it's been there for 6yrs!!!
Long story short I cancelled!!
I've never been treated so unfairly!!

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State Farm goes down the drain

by Jack of all trades on Mar 2, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

So it does my business with them. Been with them for 19 years, no claim, no accident, nothing, zero, zilch, nada. My car insurance premium just went up almost 15%. Accident free protection is not anymore included (an extra $60 yearly to buy). Asked my agent about all these. Answer: I know you have a stellar driving and claim-free record, but it's a new company, we changed ownership to Dejardins (that includes Certas). Alright, milk somebody else.

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Went from great to awful

by Fed up on Jan 2, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

My family and i have been with state farm for years. Never a problem. However this last two years have been awful for me. I feel forced to leave the company that was once so good. Since certa became part or owners,nothing but mistakes that cost me. If my rate stayed the same month to month, i could budget. With out relying on these people. I called and asked for them to stop the auto pays. I never know when to money will actually come out. They refused. My bank tells me to close the account, and set up a new one. Why should i have to? I would have to change all my other accounts. I am very upset with the person i don't have a choice but to speak to at this company, absolutely useless and uncaring. The snippy comments and lack of empathy. Besides the auto pay issue, they cant get the communication with head office. OR it really is the incompetent office worker. I get bills sent saying the money is due a certain day. Then the money gets taken out whenever. Sometimes i try and pay back when the money is available and they take the payment for the car and put it toward my house?!? Why would i pay the damned house insurance for three months in advance when i had no |€|*[€| car insurance. I asked about it to the moron they have answering the phones at the office and was told they cant transfer the payment or refund me. The last thing that happened was they send me a notice, say i owed x amountp of dollars. On the date due they take DOUBLE. Or tried too. I had the amount in the account but not double. So boom bank hits me nsf charge. Same day, my mortage company tries to ding me for no fire insurance. Seems the company forgot to send the reinstatement to my mortgage company. So THEY tried to charge me for not having insurance. Again had gotten nsf charges. So 90 in charges from my bank because these arses wont even try anymore. I tried explaining. I am on a very limited budget. I need to know how much and when money is due. They wont work with me at all. Now i am shopping elsewhere. So will my family.

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Arbitrary premium increases

by Justin on Oct 30, 2014
1.5 out of 5 stars

I am a Canadian, and was Statefarm's customer for four years. After having a bad experience with a rude, misleading agent at Allstate I was initially relieved to have such a friendly agent and such a great rate on auto insurance when I purchased a policy from Statefarm. After four years of doing business with Statefarm I got a letter in the mail stating that my premium was increasing by 15%, to nearly the same rate I was paying prior to receiving a discount when I reached the age of 25. The letter asked me to call them for further explanation. Since becoming a Statefarm customer I have not received any demerits on my license, made any claims, or had any at-fault accidents.

In preparation for my phone conversation with my agent I gathered some competitive quotes from around the web and called them asking what additional services they planned to offer me to account for the rate increase. The representative responded "none - your plan is the same but your rate is increasing." so I asked "if I give you an assortment of competitive quotes I've received will you price match, or would you prefer to lose my business?". The rep replied "I can't price match", so I have now ensured that my policy will not renew and have secured a new policy with a more competitive broker.

Statefarm should value long-time customers with discounts, but if you purchase an insurance policy from them you should be aware that won't be the case. My agent assured me that this insulting rate increase isn't related to the Desjardins takeover but I'm not convinced, and believe that under Desjardins' ownership you should find a different insurance provider.

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Just a RUDE RIPOFF now.

by Down StateFarm on Aug 29, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I've been with the company for over 12 years, Zero Claims and in last 6 months they raised my monthly by 30%... Called; got lied to "new government regulation in Alberta" and got "we encourage you to shop around"... so be it!

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Zero Stars

by Grinch on Dec 19, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

been with them for five years, clean driving record never made a claim and i'm over 25 years of age. Still getting charged a rate $50 more then most other companies. Traded in old car for a new one and changed my polices with them. Got a bill in the mail for almost double what I had agreed to pay. I called them, they told me about all the hidden charges and the double first payment they had failed to tell me to be expecting when I agreed to the quote they gave me. The agent at the location I use then proceeded to get rude with me, tell me I was stupid and that they never tell their customers the grand total of their policies or their monthly payments. So they withhold information, train their employees to twist words so customers believe they are paying much less then what they really are and when a customer stands up for themselves they call them stupid. Never once did this agent say he was sorry for the "misunderstanding", say that his co-worker must have used the wrong words, or offered me anything to try to fix the problem. He said it was my fault because I'm stupid. If you are smart you will never use state farm, I know I never will again!

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.


by tom on Dec 3, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

mistakenly they start to charge me more then they should. they didn't refund me overpayment in 2 months so I cancel insurance. they charge me a monthly payment fee for cancelation! they charge $20 for address change. I couldn't expect this in my worst imagination.

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Would never use again

by hughfrost on Nov 25, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

I had several years of no-claim insurance with Statefarm in Canada, followed by 6 years of no-claim insurance in the UK. When I returned to Canada I was surprised that not only were they slow to return calls, that they would not offer me a quote! Quite clearly I will never use them again for this experience.

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by AOS on Nov 15, 2013
1.5 out of 5 stars

I have my car insured by the state farm for 2 months
the reason why it is only 2 month long is the mistake of the agent while she process our files, which is OK because people do make mistakes. However, what can not be tolerant is, as we have to re-apply the insurance again, the quote increased from $220/month to 380/month! We tried to ask exactly why this is happening and the response is: due to the cancellation of previous agreement, they will increase the cost of next quote. Which is ridiculous because it is state farm first bring up this issue and stop the insurance by themselves, to be more specific it is their agent's mistakes. Yet, they are cold and did not even willing to discuss this! As a customer this is totally wrong and can not be accept.

Then we switch to TD insurance, with exactly same car and driver. Right now they charge $190/month, and relatively better services. I could't say TD is the best but certainly better than State farm.

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