Car Insurance Reviews

Wawanesa Auto Insurance Reviews

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(125 reviews)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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Accident in Jun 2016.

by Arny on Sep 11, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I got in an accident in Jun 2016. It was a collision caused by firefighter truck. Police report says that I am not guilty! Wawanesa insurance adjuster tried to run away from their contract duties, by ignoring and trying to get excuses for not paying to property lost cost! One is clear for me - regardless of my past experience with many other insurance companies: Wawanesa is one of most crooked Companies around. Just scamming is their kind of work. Just realise that getting insured by "that" company is being hooked by their "cheap" rate. You have to realise there is no insurance at all, if you are in trouble. Stay away from that company "1000 miles" away!!!

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save Yourself from Headaches

by redderhead on Jul 29, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Sure, the rates may be cheap but there's no peace of mind in relation to their service. Read below for an explanation:

In 2012 I got into a vehicle accident and filed a claim that day and provided a claim number. I was told I would have an adjuster contact me in 72 hours. About a week went by with no update so I gave them a call again only to find they had no record of my previous claim and needed me to file a claim all over again. I was told again that an adjuster would be in contact with me in 72 hours. So I waited.

A few weeks go by and I'm getting notified by the other party's adjuster that the other party has contacted a lawyer as they believe I'm not cooperating. I panic and call again. Shockingly, they have no record of my claim. Again.

So submit a claim for the third time, and because it's been escalated I was told someone would contact me within 48 hours. In true Wawanesa fashion, I don't hear back until I hound them for an adjuster. Finally, the glorious moment happens where they got me and adjuster and the issue was wrapped up in less than a week.

I go on with my life, thinking everything is OK, and then nearly two years later I get an email from a lawyer saying they need my address to serve me a civil lawsuit. I panic. How am I going to afford a lawyer? What is going to happen to me? What am I supposed to do? Will Wawanesa help me seeing as I was insured with them at the time?

I gave them a call and spoke with someone who let me know "Oh, we've known about this litigation for awhile and even hired a lawyer to represent you. I'm sorry we didn't tell you (not that I was the main defendant in the case or anything) and we'll make a note to follow up with you every few months".

As you can imagine, I have a hard time trusting them for their word. So, I keep an eye on the case online. I see the occasionally update from my lawyer (a person I had never met and didn't try to contact me at all). Documents get filed, progress is happening. Then it comes to a standstill on September 17th, 2015.

I spent the next 10 months chronically checking for updates on the case and wondering when my life can keep going. I'm holding off on job applications and house applications because I don't know what is going to happen.

People are busy and litigation can take years, but it got to the point where I finally needed to know what was happening. I emailed the lawyer I had never spoken with to see if he knew who I was and what was happening. To my surprise, the whole thing had been dealt with almost a year before. But again, no one decided to tell me. Not like I was involved or anything.

So, in closing, I do not recommend this company. They don't seem to understand that when something terrible happens and you need your insurance (that you dutifully pay for), the smallest things, like keeping your word and providing updates when things get scary, actually matter.

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Wawanesa Terrible!

by Loyal Customer on Apr 6, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Terrible service. Terrible rates. Terrible organization.
They sure don't care about their customers.
You could be a good paying customer of 40 years and you get treated like crap.
Good Bye Wawanesa!

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They won't help you.

by RagingSaturn on Feb 23, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

These people are jokes, I had an incident where a confused semi truck started backing up at a 4-way stop intersection in a residential area, he didn't see more or hear me sound the horn I had to go into reverse, I checked behind me and it was all clear so I start reversing, I feel a slight bump and sure enough another car snuck in behind me. I gave him my information and he bailed pretty quickly. No damage to either vehicle. I called Wawa immediately after to notify them of the incident. One week later I get a call from my adjuster, Kathleen asking for my side of the story. Fast forward almost a year later and my insurance has jumped up 1500 dollars and yet the driving record is still rated a no collisions. I contact the broker and they got me Kathleen's contact information, I give her a call and naturally she isn't picking up so I get in touch with the next available adjuster and I'm informed that buddy boy filed for a claim of 1200 dollars and it was all finalized. I asked for proof that my vehicle had done the damage, I asked what was damaged, why wasn't someone sent to look check out my car and more importantly why wasn't I or my broker contacted in regards to this happening, none of these questions were answered and Kathleen is actively avoiding my phone calls and not returning my messages. My mom set me up with Wawa because they had the cheapest rates, I'm still really young and new to driving, I've never had a claim put against me so I really don't know what to expect. From what Brokerlink and more experienced drivers are telling me they needed to send an appraiser to take a look at my car as well to make sure this wasn't a fraudulent claim, they needed to continue contact with me and inform me on everything that is happening, more importantly they needed to actually answer my questions which still remain unanswered. I have found insurance companies that have been able to offer me premiums that are 1300 dollars cheaper with the collision under my belt. These people are crooks and would screw over their own mothers if they had the chance. Parents, if you are helping your children for auto insurance please avoid Wawa, many other insurance companies offer collision forgiveness which is fantastic for new drivers, Wawa does not offer such a thing and will destroy your child's driving record if they are involved with an at fault collision. Go for AMA.

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incompetent adjusters and rude

by plumber2 on Jan 2, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

i was stopped on the roadway at cabelas grand opening waiting for a pedestrian to cross in front of me, another operator backed out of a parking space and hit my vehicle. The other operator of a shell canada vehicle exited his vehicle and stated how sorry he was and that he didnt see me. When he went to his insurance he told them we were both backing up and all wawanesa did for me was to try and stick me with 50 percent liability. my own insurance company trying to screw me over. The claims adjuster was Lisa. Anyone else have this kind of trouble with her. I got wawanesa insurance for my car in 1966 when i graduated high school. 50 years without a claim and this is the treatment i get from wawanesa. Dont get this insurance company as even 50 years of loyality to them means nothing

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by Maritime Nick on Dec 2, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

1 vehicle years ago- deer hit- car had to go in shop twice because the appraiser missed damage. Customer service throughout was awe full.
new vehicle- parking lot hit- had to go in shop twice appraiser again missed damage! customer service is absolutelly horrible: the works for both, runarounds, passing me off, passing blame through every contact and not a single apology, in 6 months my policy is up for renewal and I will not be. Great way to treat customers with a over a decade of loyalty.

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

aggrssive agent

by sally on Nov 9, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

very argumentive with me regarding a claim making me feel like some criminal with a claim under 1000.00 and no police required.rates were doubled

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Worst customer service

by Very dissatisfied on Sep 24, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I made a claim with wawanesa for hail on my brand new car. I was told multiple times to just continue to drive the car even though the windows were broken. I have had to make so many phone calls and no one answers the phone or returns calls. By far the worst customer service experience I have ever had. What's the point in having insurance if they won't help you when you need them?

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I was in a no fault accident.

by Prime Time on Aug 18, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I was struck by a driver no fault to my own., My vehicle had 55% total damage. Wawanesa stated my vehicle is deemed repairable. It took the shop they recommended over 30days to repair the vehicle given the extent of the damage. Even the shop repairing the vehicle suggested the vehicle be a write off. I was dealing with an adjuster who had me bring the vehicle to and from the dealership for additional repairs, to the point where the dealership no longer wanted to service the vehicle. I had made a list of issues with vehicle after the repairs to find out that A. i will not receive a rental vehicle for those repairs, and B. the repairs needed will be review to determine if accident related. My vehicle is a year old what else could of caused structural issues to the vehicle other then the accident.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

worst insurance company EVER

by unhappy1 on Mar 5, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I had Wawanesa as an insurer and received a back injury in a car accident when another driver ran a red light and crashed into me. Since then they have been a pain to deal with. They are impossible to reach, ignore or lose medical receipts so you have to resubmit the expense and deny any tests or treatment plans to help you recover. But they take your money quick enough. Delayed paying out on car which was a right off and took forever to get income replacement benefits. They offer minimal coverage for treatment and refuse all tests so you have to pay for them. They then send you to their specialist who no matter what your doctor, independent tests and treatment reports show he will tell you and them that you are able to return to work. All this to reduce the settlement since they say you can work or force you to settle for less since they refuse to pay any more benefits or treatment or for pain medication. So basically you have to apply for Ontario Works which does not work if you have a spouse earning their minimum cutoff, ODSP which takes months and is always denied at first or Canada Pension Disability which also takes months. So in meantime as a divorced dad with no income my children do without child support, and you become delinquent and FRO suspends your licence. Or you can attempt to go to work and if injured or aggravates your injury you are not covered by WSIB for pre existing injury, Wawanesa cares nothing about their customers, just putting money in their pocket.

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