AMA Auto Insurance Reviews

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No one will call me back after an accident (over a month already) phoned and complained, and they said they were soooo busy.
Is the only one person working at AMA?
Asked the guy to transfer me to a manager and he hung up on me.
Y’all aren’t ready for this one
Okay, so one day I decide I don’t wanna be with AMA anymore so I call and cancel my insurance, and pay whatever I need to pay so that they can finalize my cancellation I think I’m in there clear, the same day I sign up with a completely different insurance company. A couple of weeks pass by and to my surprise, AMA was still taking money but it was completely within their rights too because of the insurance term BUT another month goes by and AMA was still taking money from me, so I called them and was just disrespected from the beginning of the phone call to the end. But this dispute went one for days, and I was only able to get less than $300 but I was paying insurance over $400.
Waiting for my scheduled tow times that called in. Only to phone in and realized they were even coming, due to a rise in emergency calls... My problem is I waited all day for the tow truck company. I took time off work and only to be told that they set a new tow time between 4 pm and 4 am.. how is that service? I understand you are a tow truck company. But how do you leave a paying cumstomer stranded???? how?? AMA did nothing to help my situation.
Phone customer service -10000000000/10 This is my third time calling on the phone and they treat their customers terrible. Absolutely no sense of customer service. Called 3 times, 3 different answers and the way they talk is awful. A representative talking to me like she is doing me a favor when I’m the one taking my business to you. SOO RUDE. Can’t imagine people like her still stay at the job. Need some serious auditing for customer service. My money with them for a full year so I can’t do anything about it. I’m practically STUCK with them. All other insurance companies are so much better. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE. I haven’t been this frustrated in some time a company.
During COVID times, my father was in and out of the hospital and I was in an air cast for almost 6 months. My daughter and I worked together to become a multigenerational household to reduce expenses. Unfortunately, by doing this, the AMA decided that by having my daughter and son-in-law in the same home, I have to put them as full-time drivers on my policy changing my insurance payments from ~233$ per month to~550$ per month. Resetting my policy back to day 1. They then demanded that I pay the first 3 months immediately as a new client/policy, not even taking into account the 15 interrupted years as a client. It’s heartbreaking to be treated so poorly. There was some miscommunication during the move, but it was not necessary to be so aggressive and threatening in their response. I guess this is just an invitation for me to leave and look for a different insurance company that cares about loyalty, history and compassion during difficult times.
Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.
Absolutely ridiculous! I am trying to call them from last month to get a better deal because I am paying $280 for my Toyota Corolla from the last 2 years every month. Every time I call them they put my call on hold. Finally, after a long wait, I disconnect the call. Totally waste of time. I will move on with some another company.
AMA roadside assistance line told us we would have a tow truck on the root of my vehicle in the next 8 hours From 6:30 pm-2:30 am. After me and my family stayed up till 3:30 waiting for a call from AMA we went to sleep. After calling them in the morning we were informed nobody was ever coming and we were told false information from the AMA representative we were speaking to.
One of the worst insurer I ever had!!! I hit a moose in northern Ontario and AMA does nothing to help me... He never covers the tow truck... And a motel... Noting... I had to pay 3780$ to towed my van in the next decent city... Plus 250$ of motel... In the end, I deal by my self for a renting car at one hour drive from my place... Took more than a week to mandate an appraisal to evaluate the vehicle... But don't worry AMA will ripe you off every month!
If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.
Was involved in an accident a week ago. Since then, I have been contacted ONCE, just a quick 1-minute call confirming details of the accident. I have tried calling my agent in Calgary several times, left several messages, but she has not returned a single one of my calls all week. I have spoken to several of her colleagues, who have only told me that she's on break/out of the office. Crazy that someone can be out of the office for over 4 hours per day and still keep their job. But, don't expect anything else from AMA auto insurance. Absolutely terrible service. You should be paying insurance for peace of mind, but this last week has been the most stressful time of my life!
After reading other comments, the company sure has changed a lot since I had a membership. Signed up again after 2 years. Definitely less service for more money. Miscommunication from two different agents of what could be done. AMA did the same tow as requested today 2.5 years ago, they towed the same vehicle twice with no problems, however today they won't give the same service, even though the kms are way less (only 10km) and it wasn't being towed to a garage for repairs but a house to be repaired. The membership I was sold this month, I was told it was the wrong membership for what I need - even though it is the same membership I had two years ago. I feel to get what I need, I would have to lie to get the service required. People should not have to give full details...