Never pay out of pocket
by AMA Not on Apr 7, 2015
1.5 out of 5 stars
The folks there at ama were nice at first, but once i was onboard the customer service went right out the window! Very long story short; they will do whatever it takes to shirk responsibility and avoid paying anything! My advise? Do not under any circumstances go with ama for anything!
I had auto insurance with ama. They tried to take the premium from my account. Unfortunalty I was short on the amount they needed and so the amount bounced. My fault entirely. Rather than contact me, they automatically tried to take the money from two previous accounts that they had on record, for me. Of course I had no money in either and so had three lots of bank charges. I was so mad. I cancelled my car insurance and membership, but left my house insurance, because it is more difficult to change.
.......continued in house insurance review.
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My daughter borrowed my vehicle and backed into another vehicle, it was a minor accident. After all the paperwork was completed I paid $1400.00 out of pocket to guarantee my insurance would be "claim free" as directed by AMA. I have recently moved to British Columbia and required a claims history letter to qualify for a discount. I received m requested letter via e-mail, Much to my surprise, I have a $144 claim against my account due to a rental car which was required by the victim. I was never presented with a chance to pay the rental bill, and many opportunities were presented to AMA to notify me regarding this claim, as I had vehicle insurance as well as being an AMA Premier member. No notification.....nothing!!!! I called AMA and offered to pay the $144 and requested a new letter with no claims associated, they said that it has been too long as date of loss was 22/11/2011. I feel like a complete idiot for paying the $1400.00 as ICBC told me $144 claim is the same as a $144,000,000 claim. So I lose 4 years safe driving discount at 5% per year! Never, ever, again!