HBC MASTER CARD Consumer Reviews

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So there was a Canada wide postal strike for 2 months and my balance of $63 was not paid on time. HBC Mastercard decided that my interest rate should go up to 29.90 % from 19%. The balance was paid in full the day the account statement was received and I placed a call explaining what happened. After 2 weeks I am being told that the interest rate cannot be brought back to the original. No reason as to why it could not be done. Apparently, customer loyalty means nothing to these people. I will be cancelling my card.
I can gain points when I shop at the Bay and redeem gift cards right away. It has though high interest and you'd better pay it off right away. I am not using it very often, just when I shop in this store. My main card is RBC Avion.
I received my statement balance and paid it in full within 1 week of the statement date (more than 2 weeks before the due date).
I didn't use the card for any other purchases.
I then received my next statement a month later, showing I paid the full balance, yet still received an interest charge.
The interest charge was the only charge.