Car Insurance Reviews
State Farm Auto Insurance Reviews
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(121 reviews)

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Most helpfull reviewsTags
Agent/rep attitude (2)
Agent/rep availability (3)
Agent/rep callbacks (3)
Agent/rep knowledge (3)
Billing/payments (31)
Cancellation experience (13)
Claim - adjuster (3)
Claim - denial (2)
Claim - injuries (1)
Claim - not-at-fault (1)
Claim - rental car (5)
Claim - repair shop (4)
Claim - windshield/glass (1)
Claim processing time (2)
Complaints/ombudsman (13)
Discounts, deals, rewards (3)
Insurance Rates, Prices (40)
Legal actions (1)
New purchase experience (1)
Policy changes experience (1)
Policy clarity (1)
Policy coverage (29)
Rates competitiveness (2)
Rates for bad drivers (1)
Rates for good drivers (2)
Rates for young drivers (4)
Rates in bundle (2)
Review author
An operator of a commercial business van hit my parked car while I was shopping. Just a small fender ding and paint scuff. Kudos to this guy, because he waited by my car, explained it to me, and had his own insurance company on his phone. His insurance company got all the paperwork going, told me they'd get in touch with State Farm, and approved a car rental for me for 10 days, as I reside some distance from an auto body shop. When the work was finished, I got my car back, and his insurance company called and asked me if everything was satisfactory, which it was. Two days later State Farm called and billed me for three days of over-rental of the planet on my credit card, and the auditor wouldn't even listen to the explanation, or that the other insurance company approved it. It was only $275, but the principle of it, and the rudeness of the auditor caused me to pull ALL my (3) vehicles out from them, and to advise anyone asking about insurance NOT to do business with them.