Car Insurance Reviews
Zenith Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews
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(16 reviews)

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Review author
In the end, they ruined my life. I had a great 47-year great record, with only one minor claim I could have paid out of pocket, but since Id never used ins, I put the claim thru - not worried at all, and my ins. was unaffected. I switched to Zenith, who came up as cheaper the following year. MISTAKE OF MY LIFE.
A speeding car slammed into my driver's door at an intersection, and told police Id( falsely) gone thru on a red light - was I drinking or something? - Shaken to the core after the impact, hitting the roof etc I just shook-so they gave me a breath test... and as the other driver and her "lawyer-like husband' created a convincing story to the officer - I was charged after they hauled over a supposed witness who wasnt even at the site when I went into the intersection to have seen it was green. Long story short - I told Northbridge to not let the other insurance blame me for their client who appeared to have lost control of speed in this Porche. No Problem they said - we have investigators.
My adjuster came and went to view the wreckage. The dealer said they'd never seen an adjuster who assessed so far in their history. Full value was paid, no problem until my insurance came up for renewal and I was denied any insurance - due to being charged fully at fault! I waited until my court hearing, in which photos clearly showed my version had credibility as the other driver was caught in 3 lies. Case dropped, free to go, innocent of all charges. Go get a copy of the transcript my lawyer instructed- your insurance to adjust your ins. MOST INS. CO.'s change accordingly with a presentation of a court investigation. I called many main ones to ask. NOT ZENITH - At first they ghosted my calls and my lawyer TOTALLY for months, so I went to their offices and got seriously reprimanded for coming to their office - it was NOT allowed under any circumstances. WOW. Finally, they asked me to jump thru all these hoops such as phoning the original officer and asking him to tamper with his statement or issue another one. This is against the LAW and I said I would not break the law. The police chief told me, they could be =charged for asking me to ask for such a thing because statements are what the court use... and furthermore an officer's role ends where the court begins- all I need was the transcript. His advice was to change INS Companies. That's a no-brainer, but Northbridge had to first correct the charge. They refused to call me guilty, and they don't cover 2 at-fault charges. You can explain till you are blue in the face- what transpired in the courthouse that it became clear to them, my story lined up, hers did not. They refused. I lost my job from being unable to pay high-risk insurance. I lost my career, which depended on driving, and then my freedom to drive as I had driven so well for 47 years, everywhere in any traffic or situation. I am now one yr away from the 5th yr my minor claim will be removed- having wasted 5 yrs of my life in house arrest- paying for a claim that is not on my record, and that I am not convicted of.