Capital One Platinum Costco MASTERCARD Consumer Reviews
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I'm shocked what a bad card it is. I used the card for half a year. I paid off constantly on time. Recently I stopped using it often and noticed that my current balance is much higher than I spent money from the card. I counted all transactions and all payments and my amount came out 2000 less than they indicated. Tried to resolve with customer service and no results...
I think Capital One may be an unethical company. If you try to cancel your credit card you will have to forfeit any of the benefits you have earned. They also say that they will continue to let any pre-authorized payments continue to be charged to your card. If you have forgotten any annual pre-authorized payments these expenses along with interest may continue to grow on your card without your awareness because you don't get a paper bill and why would you check the balance of a credit card you believe is cancelled. Some authorities should look into this credit card company's practices. I insisted that they no longer had my permission to make any payments on my behalf. I almost want to test whether they will honour the fact that I withdrew my consent.