Car Insurance Reviews

Wawanesa Auto Insurance Reviews

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(126 reviews)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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They won't help you.

by RagingSaturn on Feb 23, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

These people are jokes, I had an incident where a confused semi truck started backing up at a 4-way stop intersection in a residential area, he didn't see more or hear me sound the horn I had to go into reverse, I checked behind me and it was all clear so I start reversing, I feel a slight bump and sure enough another car snuck in behind me. I gave him my information and he bailed pretty quickly. No damage to either vehicle. I called Wawa immediately after to notify them of the incident. One week later I get a call from my adjuster, Kathleen asking for my side of the story. Fast forward almost a year later and my insurance has jumped up 1500 dollars and yet the driving record is still rated a no collisions. I contact the broker and they got me Kathleen's contact information, I give her a call and naturally she isn't picking up so I get in touch with the next available adjuster and I'm informed that buddy boy filed for a claim of 1200 dollars and it was all finalized. I asked for proof that my vehicle had done the damage, I asked what was damaged, why wasn't someone sent to look check out my car and more importantly why wasn't I or my broker contacted in regards to this happening, none of these questions were answered and Kathleen is actively avoiding my phone calls and not returning my messages. My mom set me up with Wawa because they had the cheapest rates, I'm still really young and new to driving, I've never had a claim put against me so I really don't know what to expect. From what Brokerlink and more experienced drivers are telling me they needed to send an appraiser to take a look at my car as well to make sure this wasn't a fraudulent claim, they needed to continue contact with me and inform me on everything that is happening, more importantly they needed to actually answer my questions which still remain unanswered. I have found insurance companies that have been able to offer me premiums that are 1300 dollars cheaper with the collision under my belt. These people are crooks and would screw over their own mothers if they had the chance. Parents, if you are helping your children for auto insurance please avoid Wawa, many other insurance companies offer collision forgiveness which is fantastic for new drivers, Wawa does not offer such a thing and will destroy your child's driving record if they are involved with an at fault collision. Go for AMA.

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Worst Customer Experience EVER

by Uninformed and Over-Charged on Sep 11, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I had called to get a quote for a new auto insurance rate because I was moving from the city to a small town and my broker was busy. I wanted to compare quotes so I called the main office to get a quote before they closed (it was a Friday and I didn't want to wait until Monday for just a quote) "Someone will call you back shortly" was the only reply I got; I never got that call. My broker called me on Monday and I flat out said I wanted to cancel my insurance because I found a better rate. He tried to suggest finding comparable rates with them but I refused and cancelled my insurance. A few days later my online banking showed that they took the money out (there wasn't enough so it was reimbursed and I got charged $45 for insufficient funds). I called to ask why they hadn't informed me that the cancellation process took a while before being put into effect "I'm sorry, you should've asked directly if that was your concern". After angrily hanging up on them, I left it. A week later I am being charged a $45 insufficient funds fee AGAIN because apparently "customer satisfaction" means that they do not inform clients while cancelling that they should expect the process to take a few weeks and the charges may still continue. "Wawanesa Insurance is committed to providing superior products and service for our customers." that's the first statement under their Customer Satisfaction section and it's nothing but a lie; I have now paid $90 due to their extreme lack of customer satisfaction values.

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worst insurance company ever.

by pissed off customer on May 20, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

terrible customer service, they don't understand anything and won't listen to anyone. After 1 accident my insurance was raised by almost 400 bucks and when I called them about it, their solution? Pay the 400. I called to ask why and that's the solution they gave me. A child couldve given me a better solution than that.They have no common sense and have a stupid policy. Go to any other insurance, you won't have as many problems as you would with this one. Freaking worst company ever. Since I can't give you 0 star, feel satisfied with 1 star.

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keep away from wawanasa

by belive me on Jan 4, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I have a bad experience with wawanasa auto insure , I lost lots money..they offer me a 170 dollar policy and I signed their papers, two weeks after they told me to pay 280 dollar per month ,they charged 2 months payment right away and I send a cancellation letter but they didn't accept they r still taking my money . they r really cheating me never truest these guys

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Bad Claim, Switching Providers

by Nice People With Bad Luck! on Nov 1, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I have had auto insurance with Wawanesa for 12years without any claims. I was rear ended by another driver at a red light and had experienced major damage on our car. Our car was then sent to the repair shop where it was hit by hail. We had phoned the claim in to the adjustor for the rear end damage and she opened a new claim for the hail damage. The hail claim was handled by another adjustor but we communicated to both adjustors that we would like to combine both claims and either take a cash payout or write the car off (we own the car 100% with no liens). The rear end damage was $11,000 and the hail damage was $5,000 on a $20,000 car. Wawanesa communicated to us that the repair shop had to have our approval to repair the car and once assessed by the repair shop we could decide to take the payout. The repair shop proceeded without approval and Wawanesa would not write the car off at that point or give a cash payout even though the repair shop admitted to proceeding with no approvals from either us or Wawanesa. The hail claim has not been repaired yet and it has been 3 months since the damage. Now we have received a letter retracting our insurance for non payment even though we have not received an invoice from Wawanesa since our last scheduled payment that we paid in full. They have forgotten to invoice us, my parents and my friends in the past and have sent them the same letters due to issues with Wawanesa's administration system. It seems like they are tired of our claim and want to drop us as customers even though we were not at fault for any of our claims and all of the mistakes have been made on their side. They had apologized to us for the issues handling the claims but now with the letter dropping our insurance it seems like they don't want to deal with us. We were always very professional in our dealings with Wawanesa and the at fault insurance company has been very good to deal with. (Intact Insurance). We are now changing insurance providers.

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Car high premiums than quote

by Hell or High Water on Jun 25, 2014
1.5 out of 5 stars

Car hit by another person in August, insurance did not try to get us top dollar for car, they also declared salvage status on car before we settled and it was still road worthy? Can you say bargaining in bad faith, forced us to take off road and get another vehicle out of pocket right away before settled in Nov 2013, eventually got paid more than offered but the tactic of declaring car as salvage status when road worthy was ludicrous... why no class action law suits yet baffles the mind.

They eventually come up a $1000 from what they said and let us keep the car in end as salvage which was better than what we were first offered which was at least $1500 below market value even with higher kms, have not sold car as salvage yet, but should get $1200, so made out better in end than if I had sold on market wholesale, but not if I had accepted their low offer to start with!!

Son was quoted about $125 per month, after he asked them to check his grid level due to tickets and a suspension, they claimed he did not divulge everything, then took out three months of premiums out of his account in one shot at $260 x 3 months = $780, over double what he was quoted, I told him to go elsewhere before that but he did not listen... live and learn!! That was just for comp an PL no collision coverage! He called to cancel, they still took another payment out, then said oh by the way you have to sign this and send it back to us (the broker), over 3 weeks later, then did not send a policy or pink slips out on time so technically was driving with out insurance for two weeks until I told him to park and cancel in writing... of course they said he would get his money back (less min. retained premium at higher amount? and 1 month plus beyond when he quit driving... time will tell, still waiting for that form and credit back??

We cannot move insurers until two open home claims settled so why would I use them again in future after I can change insurers!!

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

poor customer service

by disappointed on Jun 22, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

If you want to talk to a broker from wawanesa and if you are new to auto insurance think twice of talking to Kim. When I missed to pay my auto's downpayment and advance payment the first time I never thought that automatically the cheque will be dropped again for the second time withoout wawanesa informing that my cheque bounced back. Then I received an email my policy was automatically cancelled. I talked to Kim. She told me same thing that was emailed to me that if I want my policy reinstated I have to pay the whole amount of my policy for one year. I told kim that I cannot afford to pay the whole amount. I asked her if there's other option. She told me no other insurance company will accept me bec. I missed to pay and only Johnson's will accept me. Because I was totally new to such policy and I told her that kim was so impatient on me that the only option she was giving me is to pay the whole amount

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