Car Insurance Reviews

Cooperators Auto Insurance Reviews

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(166 reviews)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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hard time when you claim!

by vanraj on Mar 14, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

They didn't pass my claim because I was doing ridesharing at the moment. I had already informed them before one month of the accident that I was doing part-time ridesharing. They seemed fine with that at the moment and when the accident happened, they rejected the claim. I was covered by insurance, which was providing through LYFT, but they only gave me actual cash value as they didn't have OPCF 43 in their policy (car was declared as totalled). The car was brand new and was only used for two month and I had OPCF 43 and rented car policy in my Cooperators policy. They didn't cover me for Class 5 grand, therefore, I didn't get a new car and was in loss of 10 grand after everything because of all the accessories and aftermarket expense. I paid them for OPCF 43(waiver of car depreciation) but they didn't cover me for a penny and now I owe 6 grand to a bank and I got no car in my garage. I was right about everything and they didn't care about the customer who is broke.

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garbage service

by pissed off customer on Jan 24, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

If you have to deal with these people for any type of claim, make sure you have a lawyer involved. My experience with one of the agents was an absolute disgrace. I've been screwed around on every step of my claim. They cut the rental car off 3 days after their appraiser gave me an estimate on the value of my vehicle (cheque hadn't even arrived yet). They jerked me around on my injury claim. They don't seem to return phone calls. These people aren't there to help you through the process, they're out to nickel and dime you at every step of the way.

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Don’t bring your business here

by WouldGive0StarsifCould on Oct 20, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

This is the worst company I have had an experience with. Their customer service reps are rude and have no idea what they are talking about if you call for advice. I’m a new driver and I got into an accident 6 months after I got my car, and if my accident wasn’t bad enough, the insurance company made my life much worse while dealing with them. It took me over 7 calls to finally be told that the claims department on the weekend doesn’t know the procedures and information regarding my problem, so instead of just telling me the first time, they gave me different answers and ended up costing me 200$ extra because they instructed me wrong. I’m so beyond upset because the customer service rep wouldn’t even let me finish my sentence before he interrupted me, then had the nerve to tell me not to talk over him. Sir, if you had let me finish my sentence, then I would’ve stopped talking so you could answer. Needless to say, me and my family are taking our business elsewhere.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

So sick of this company

by Kimmy on Feb 17, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I've been with this company for 5 years just in the last 8 months they have messed my whole account up they have been taking amounts out that weren't supposed to be taking out they have messed my stuff up so bad that they cancelled my insurance for their mistake and then RI put me back on charging me an extra $40 a month and then once it's all straightened out on their side they decide to start taking money out of my daughter's account and then putting it back in and taking it back out and putting it back in and then start charging me extra from the amount that supposed to be taken out encouraging me NSF fees on their side plus NSF fees on my bank side when the amount was supposed to be 188 they would go into my account and take out 268 some days it was 386 how do you get 188 from those amounts wish you guys could just get yourself together and take the proper amounts out and stop taking money out of my daughter's account this is ridiculous I shouldn't have to go through this my insurance was $146 and because yous guys messed it up you now charge me 186 for your mistake plus all . All the NSF charges I've had to pay because of your mistakes I should be reimbursed for all of this including my daughter as well this is the worst company I have ever dealt with in my entire life

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Buyer be warned

by DisappointedHusband on Jun 16, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My wife was in a car accident in 2015. Suffered a massive back injury, can't sit normally in a chair anymore due to pins holding her back together. I had a premium Auto Insurance coverage with over a million in coverage for rehabilitation. Cooperators does not assist at all. You need to constantly fill out forms and get doctors assessments before they provide any financial assistance in making life comfortable. My wife has slept on the couch for 2 years waiting for a custom bed. Every month, "we just need one more form filled out". Simply disgusting how they treat a human. You become nothing more than a case file and an expense. Buyer be warned, Cooperators has little interest in helping, just making a profit.

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by Abac on Apr 16, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

We were rear ended (no fault of ours )by someone with cooperator insurance. I use someone else for insurance. So to start with i have 2 children involved, who's car seats needed to be replaced ( no injures to them thankfully) . warning to all they will not fully replace your car seats they will give you about 50% the cost of new back. At the cost of car seats that was a very expensive cost we had to foot ourselves. Our vehicle was an older vehicle they decided it was not worth repairing . while they did give us a fair settlement on the cost of the vehicle they towed it the next day but it took over a week to get our money after they had said 2-3 days . also would not provide us with a rental vehicle making it nearly impossible for a family of 4 to shop for a new vehicle , my children missed nearly 2 weeks of school, sports and activities as there was no way to get them there . my husband had to taxi or pay to get rides to work . overall they had no interest in helping us and cost us a lot of money for a accident that was not our fault .

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Horrible Claim service

by Ihateco-op on Mar 23, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I had a great experience getting my account set up everything was very easy and they took care of most of it.
Now making my first every claim and it is unbelievable how different the services is. By different I mean bad. The responses take days or weeks. I try over and over to get a hold of them they don't pick up there phone. I will even email stating when I will call and still can't get a hold of the correct person. They owe me money for storage and I have asked at least 5 times about that and every time literally answer all my other questions and ignore that. Now I am currently filing a complaint and even they haven't gotten back to me and it has been almost a week.
Horrible service if they owe you money would not suggest this company to anybody

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Horrible company

by Phat_J on Mar 2, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Hello. This is a quick summary of my experience: they are liars, incompetent, they dodge responsibility aka "pass the buck," overcharge, are undertrained, and they mislead. Here are the details: I boycott Cooperators, and tell everyone I know not to use this company. I shudder every time I see the name. They do not need any more customers until they can fix their fundamental issues. I signed up using a preferred rate through college as an alumnus. All of a sudden, my policy got changed without my authorization about a year later, so I called to inquire. I was told they no longer support the school alumni... then I was told Cooperators never supported that particular college alumni. I asked how is that possible when I had signed up my policy because of that? I was then threatened to be "charged back" the difference over the length of time I was "saving" money under the "wrong" policy!! It was constant phone tag, misinformation, and promises of calls back which never happened in my attempt to resolve this. In the meantime, I was looking for another company to switch to, and someone supportive and understanding was able to keep me with Cooperators, in spite of being overcharged. It was not worth any more of my personal time to be calling and calling to get someone to resolve my original issue. AND on top of that, I inquired what the 13D glass endorsement entails. The lady nonchalantly tells me it covers all the glass on my car, which is 100% incorrect (see part 2 below). These people need to be trained better. I am willing to bet there are many, possibly hundreds or thousands of their customers under incorrect coverage. So part 2. Around March/April 2016, I inquired on what "13D limited glass coverage" entails, as it appeared on my policy. I was informed it included glass but no windshield coverage. I specifically asked if rocks through glass, other than through windshield, were included. I was told yes. I asked if I had this coverage on my plan, I was told yes. This made sense to me, as from my VIN, it should show I have a moonroof, and that coverage would be beneficial to me from the start. A friend of mine had a rock through her glass during springtime and claimed through insurance. I wanted to ensure I had the same coverage in case it happened to me. Sure enough, months later, it did. Now I call to make a claim, and I'm informed I do not have this coverage. They mentioned that it's "rare" that people opt for glass coverage... I find that hard to believe that a moonroof on a car is "rare." I was informed that comprehensive claims for glass are covered if it was in the act of theft, weather, or vandalism. If I had have known this prior, and that my roof glass would NOT be covered because of a rock, I could have lied and said it was vandalism/a falling tree branch/some kid/etc. I chose to be HONEST and I got screwed over, due to their incompetence setting up my policy and wrongly answering my questions. I had them pull my recorded call history to verify what was said in the previous calls. Of course, they claimed that they had done no wrong and now I'm on the hook for repairs ($1500 for the new part, plus labor). I asked to hear my own calls. They tell me I need a lawyer for that!! Absolutely absurd. A supervisor tells me I was supposed to pay a certain amount more every month to have this glass coverage, so I offered to pay the difference over the months I've had the plan, plus the deductible to fix the glass. I thought it was a fair deal considering how I was treated up to this point. Nope, they refused. Wouldn't budge at all. I cancelled with them as soon as I could. I paid these people for over a year, had this terrible experience. They need to be set straight or put out of business. An absolute disgrace.

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Penalized for cancelling

by Disappointed on Jan 11, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I had been with Co-operators since I was 18, twenty years later I move and ask to cancel my home insurance, it was agreed but apparently not noted in the call centre. I called back a couple months later when I realized payments had not stopped. Not only was I not offered my payments back I was penalized for cancelling the insurance after the said date. I argued that I had already cancelled and customer service did not oblige. I am normally very patient and loyal but I will be switching insurance companies. This does not please me by any means.

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

Huge Disappointment

by rolandpei on Dec 22, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

So I had been with Cooperators for some time and was considered an A-list driver (no previous records etc) and also had my home policy with them. Before I begin, I should also note that I received a call from a sales person about 6 months prior to upsell me on 'extra' accident insurance. The premium was so negligible - like 11$/year or something silly that I went for it. The context of the insurance was in the case of an accident - I would be given extra time and rental insurance. I cannot remember the numbers but it was something to the effect of - typically I would have $500 to cover the cost of a rental, and this upsell would be somewhere in the vicinity of $1200-1500. Easy I thought. Here is where it gets interesting.... fast forward 6 months or so later, and my wife and kids are struck head on by a driver who was texting on a highway. Everyone was ok, but I immediately got a call from an agent reassuring me that I could get a rental immediately and she even noted that I had the 'extra' insurance...yay for me. So we get a van, and while I am awaiting the status of my damaged van - say about 3 days, I start to get phone calls. "Has the adjuster let you know the status of the van?" - "nothing yet" this goes on for 3 more consecutive days, but all the while I think - no big deal... this car is costing $35/day and I am nowhere near that, as I am only a few days in. So, my Math tells me I am not even dipping much farther than $100 of the $1200-$1500 available. By the next week, I got a call again and I began to grow concerned, so I asked what the deal was. The response was that once my damaged van was considered written off I had 24 hours to return the rental, as the company sends a settlement cheque out that day. Wait - 24 HOURS? What? I don't even have a replacement van yet? How does that even make sense? Well, apparently it does to them. Many, many phone calls to supervisors etc. etc. and I finally get to someone who is only interested in telling me the which I debate that it is impossible for me to drive to work in a cheque that is in the mail. Long story short, I was 'given' a few extra days since there were not even any vehicles to pick from in my region (car lots were out of stock on minivans if you can believe that) I was incensed, and have since taken my home and auto policies elsewhere. Not that many of the others are much better - I just could not stand the way I was treated. Hope you find this useful when making a selection.

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