Secure and Certified
Your information privacy and security is very important to us.
We use the same 256-bit encryption and data security levels as all major banks.
Our practices are monitored and verified by VeriSign and Digicert.
InsurEye is not owned by any bank, insurance company, insurance brokerage
or any other financial services institution. We collect, validate, and analyze insurance
experiences of real consumers.
We aspire to equip you with insights, data and knowledge to help in making
informed decisions around personal finance, insurance quotes, and other important matters.
We are always open for your comments.
I have found through the years that getting money from claims, especially for orthotics and therapy, to be difficult. They require so much other info that you come to a point where you want to give up and tell them to keep the money. What I have learned through the many years is to find therapists, podiatrists, dentists etc that have a working relationship with the Insurance Co's. That way they direct bill and take all the responsibility out of your hands.