Health insurance Reviews

Sun Life Health Insurance Reviews

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(157 reviews)
Sun Life
1.2 out of 5 stars:
Customer service:
Value for Money:
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Denied claim due to Cancer!

by Disappointed Customer on Mar 2, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Submission to a claim for wheelchair that claimant desperately needs to get around was denied because claimant has Cancer. After speaking to 17 different customer care and supervisors as Sun life purposefully delayed for 6 month requesting additional info after another before formally denying claim. Had to fax the same Doctor's referral notes 3 separate times as Sun life repeatedly denied they received such referral. Yesterday, March 01, 16 at 3:15pm phone conversation with Supervisor told us "price of wheelchair cost too high" "we might consider less expensive unit". Sun life could not shake us off of our claim and subsequently denied claim again.

Cancer Patient still does not have wheelchair to get around.

Bottom line at Sun Life: Profit maximization by undercutting its customers.

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Sun Life poor claim processing

by valsan15 on Aug 6, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I had a health plan through my group. Alberta
Took pre-authorization for orthodontal and endodontic expenses separately submitted by each of these specialists.
The Sun Life team approved both the pre-authorization separately.
These orthodontal and endodontic treatment expenses for the child are very expensive and not easily affordable for parents.
Despite the pre-authorization approval received from Sun Life, the insurance company refused to pay an amount of approx 463$ which is approximately 8% of the payment made by us ($10000) for these specialists.

A complaint was registed with Sun Life and case id was issued.
Their customer care representative Mr. G informed me that the pre-authorization approval was a mistake by their team and hence then cannot compensate the amount of $463

I followed up with Mr. G for several months and the case was open. But Mr. G states that he has put a write-off request to his senior management due to the error from Sun-life in the pre-approvals. But his senior management did not take steps.

Despite several follow-ups, Sun Life did not honor their pre-authorization approval and did not reimburse me for the expenses made

Orthodontic Expenses for the treatment by us : $8000
Endodontic expense for the treatment by us : $2600

Pre-authorization sent out separately for the above to Sun Life
Approved pre-authorization amount for orthodontics : $2000
Approved pre-authorization amount for endodontics : $463

When expenses were submitted after treatment, Sun Life insurance company paid only 2000$ instead of the pre-approved amount of 2463$ with further loss of 463$

1) Despite taking approvals, the team is not professional enough to understand customer concerns and did not honor their commitment.

2) Why the customer has to always bear the loss due to the any lapses of Sun Life medical insurance team.

3) please be careful when you sign up with Sun Life plans and they will tweak the clauses to their own benefit despite preauthorization

4) they collect hefty premium for these plans

5) Sharing this information to all of you so that no other customer should have to face similar things while dealing with Sun Life health and dental insurance

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Very poor service!

by Panz on Apr 8, 2015
1.5 out of 5 stars

I made a claim to Sun Life since last August. We are now in April and I problably talked to one of their representants 3 or 4 times at most. The rest of the time, I was talking to answering machines and nothing else. And when they do answer your call, it is to tell you nothing else but lies and excuses for refusing to pay you. From what they told me, they can change their reglementations whenever they feel like it. Even their superintendant won't answer the phone! All they do is changing representant to make you feel they care... but it all comes down to a restart with no end. I truly am hoping my company will change insurance company. I am fedup being forced to give my money to those crooks!

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Very frustrating

by Bill Savary on Mar 31, 2015
1.5 out of 5 stars

I have health plan coverage through the Public Service Health Care Plan (Canada) and will say it's the worst customer service I have ever experienced with any professional service company ever. It's as if they deliberatly attempt to frustrate the customer to make you give up. The phone advisors are more often condescending and rude than they are helpful, and the online secure messaging and inability to communicate by email makes the whole system as slow as molasses. I have come to despise Sun Life and will never, ever willingly use them for anything ever again as long as I live.

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Review topics

Worst Company Ever

by UnhappyAndAngry on Mar 25, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

8 months now on my new job and still don't have life insurance coverage! They keep calling to tell me I'm missing "something" to finish processing my application but they cant' tell me what's missing. The sub-contractor they sent to do my physical lost some of my paperwork so they denied my coverage. Now I'm being denied due to "non-response". When I call to ask what I'm supposed to respond to, and I quote "Sir, we don't know". They denied coverage for my wife for a "medical condition", but they can't tell me what it is. She has only had a couple surgeries on her feet........ HR is trying to help but there is only so much they can do. I give up. I'm just going to tell HR to cancel my application with Sun Life so I can just go get private life insurance. It'll cost the same but I'll have much better service. Not a grain of intelligence can be claimed by any of the agents working at Sun Life! Anyone that rates better than 1 star obviously hasn't had to deal with them in any capacity yet - but you'll soon find out and be back here re-posting a new review.

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The most crooked organization

by Malibu on Mar 5, 2015
1.5 out of 5 stars

I have UHIP with Sun Life. Initially they say everything is covered 100% including doctor visits, but when you claim they decide what % you pay out of pocket all of a sudden. First, they never send you the health plan information packet, second, the out of pocket expense % is not mentioned anywhere. So you're basically lost, and they decide how much they pay for each claim. God knows how they calculate these percentages. Their customer reps can't even explain this. Poor service, and misleading info!

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Sun Life - worst insurance

by Apple on Feb 10, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

The title said it all. I dealt with blue cross, manulife, equitable health and great west life. None of them was as painful as Sun Life! I agree with someone here that their mission seems to be to dissuade you from claiming. I submitted acupuncture claims in Dec, they wanted to see receipts, I mailed in receipts, then they wanted to see the hour and time for the appointment. I trekked back to the accupuncture office to get it for them. Now they wanted my diagnostic notes? What the heck? Is that legal? And can't they asked for all information at once? Two months after submitting and still no payments for my care!!! What kind of health care is this? Piss me off more than providing for care. By the way, they are also the first crappy insurance requiring massage therapist to have freaking 2200hrs! Ridiculous. I just pray and pray my company switch toANY company but Sun Life! I refused to buy any life or critical insurance under them. If they made a couple hundred dollars acupuncture claims to be so difficult. Think of what they will try to do to your life insurance or critical insurance when you needed them most! I would not want to put my love one in a situation having to deal with them.
Their 5 days turn around is also full of bs.

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Review topics

Poor Poor service

by maureen22 on Jan 14, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

My company switch from Claim Secure to Sun Life and for a while all was fine but then in September I had an accident while traveling and they have denied my claim for hospital and operation costs. Continuous fight with them and Europe Assistance. Still no reimbursement and feel it will have to end up in the hands of a lawyer.
Also since December any claims for prescriptions or physio are delayed and I cannot get any straight answers from agents or supervisors who say they will call me back and they don't.

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Sun Life is scam

by Johannes on Nov 17, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I came to Canada as an exchange student having an insurance which includes more services than the very basic services from Sun Life Insurance. Upon the request to be excluded from the University insurance as I do not need a second one which not even gives me additional services, I got an answer without any reasons to not be eglible for the exception. Upon asking what is missing I got no proper answer about what was missing and I was asked to bring proof for very small details of my insurance. I could proof that my insurance fulfilled all those details however I still didn't get a proper answer.
It's really a pity that people in such companies decide whether you are eglible to get the excemption, they of course will decide for their cause. There should be better possiblities to surveil companies like those. I hope some people decide against paying their money to such a company.

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Review topics

Worst Customer Service Ever!

by cantbelieveit on Feb 2, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

My fiancee was insured with Sun Life through her employer and we had a great package (medic, dental, life). When she lost her job, a Sun Life agent contacted her to offer us to continue with the same package but for a higher price which we found worth it. I gave them my credit cart information to activate the coverage.

When we received all our insurance details by mail almost one month after, we realized that we were not getting the same deal, not AT ALL. There is no way we would ever pay what we were paying for that kind of coverage.

We tried to call Sun Life many times and could only leave a voice message, no agents available. They would not even return our calls! We kept trying week after week after week, on a lucky day we would get to an agent who promised that someone more qualified would call us back. Never happened.

In the meanwhile they kept taking payments on my credit card. We also tried by email and kept receiving automatic responses saying they would get back to us in two days... which of course never happened. The last email we received was saying that our cancellation was under review and that it would be processed within 10 open days. 15 open days later, no answer yet and they took another payment on my card.

This is a real joke, I have never seen such a bad customer service. This is close to robbery. If you can get Sun Life coverage with your employer, fine. But never, NEVER deal with them as a private consumer.

You've been warned.

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