Health insurance Reviews

Sun Life Health Insurance Reviews

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(158 reviews)
Sun Life
1.2 out of 5 stars:
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Delays in Cancellation

by mathguydave on Feb 21, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I attempted to cancel my insurance policy through Sun Life in July of 2016. I sent in all of the appropriate forms immediately, and was told that would be enough to cancel my payments. Shame on me for not looking at my bank statements close enough, but I noticed in October that payments were still being made for the account that I cancelled. I attempted to contact Sun Life to resolve this, but they have not responded to my emails. Eventually I had to pay a service fee through my bank to cancel payments to Sun Life, since Sun Life appears to be unwilling to cancel my payments on their end. Do not sign up for anything with Sun Life, ever for any reason. They are a crooked company.

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Scam!! Stay away

by JJ on Jul 9, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Stay away from Sun Life. I paid thousands of dollars of premiums over several years, only to find out that mysteriously my plan was 'cancelled' without my knowledge (while payments still being withdrawn) and that the representative who set my account up was fired for misconduct. However, no compensation was offered to me. The value is a joke too. I have an insurance plan now for more than double the benefit amount for literally 10% of the cost of Sun Life. Complete scam.

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Hotel California Experience

by Retired Old Geezer on Feb 27, 2020
2 out of 5 stars

My wife & I are retired and had our health private health coverage with Sun Life. As of Feb 1, we switched to another company (very similar coverage and $96/month cheaper). I found a Sun Life cancellation form on a Sun Life site online, completed it and faxed it to the number given, I also put a stop on their automatic withdrawal at my bank effective Feb 1. They tried taking money out & were rejected. Meanwhile, my pharmacy screwed up & continued billing Sun Life in Feb until I found out about it & straightened it out with them. I emailed Sun Life's customer service department that looks after private health, explained what had happened and asked again that they cancel my policy. Today I got a letter saying they would take 2 payments out on March 1 to make up for the missed one. I called the number provided in the letter (as I don't want my credit to take a hit) to straighten it out. The young lady on the other end may as well be a robot. She asked if I got the welcome package when I signed up. I said I had. She said there is a toll-free number to call to cancel. I told her that I have a speech impediment (which should have been obvious to her anyways) and I sometimes find it hard to communicate over the phone. I told her how I found their cancellation form on their site and used that. She asked what phone number I faxed it to. I read it off to her and she says "that's not our number". I told her I can't be held responsible for bad information on their site! She kept going back to the phone number in the welcome package. We did this dance for 10 minutes until I asked to speak to a manager. She took my info and said they would get back in 24-48 hours. She said if they had covered any medicines during this time (which they did because of my pharmacy's screw up) then I would be libel for that month of coverage. I told her that was insane. I would happily pay back any amounts they had paid. My premiums are $323/month and they paid out a little over $100 for my medicines. I am not expecting anything from the manager other than what the robot told me. If I had the money to fight this I would on principal but since I don't and want to keep my credit score good I will probably pay the extortion demand.

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Worst insurance ever

by sandra on Nov 19, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

My husband and I bought insurance with our kids as riders. Months pass, everything was ok. Years went by only to find out that we no longer had insurance. They changed our broker, we change our address still no updates. Checked our bank account only to find out they stop taking money out for about 3 months with no warnings. Not even a letter or a phone call. I am so disappointed!

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by Fish on Jul 7, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

We closed a term policy with Sun Life that had a cash value of $2500 with our advisor who had visited our home. When I contacted Sun Life about accessing those funds to use for our daughter’s RESP, I was told that only $943 was left of the $2500. I told the Sun Life representative that I wanted the full $2500 and that I wanted to cancel all of my policies with them effective immediately. She argued with me and said that I had to write to Sun Life to cancel any accounts. I told her to cancel them immediately. Sun Life completely drained the remaining $943 and never did cancel anything. I have spent months waiting for Sun Life to finish investigations regarding this issue. I received a phone call today from a completely new individual from Sun Life Quiet Relations informing me that there is nothing they can do. This individual couldn’t quite understand my degree of frustration over what she said was such a small amount of money. I told her I wanted to cancel all of my policies with Sun Life. She stated that she would mail me the necessary forms to cancel my policies. I was never offered or sent these forms when I requested the cancellation of my policies previously. This insurance company is disgraceful.

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Worst insurance company

by Mark Patton on Jan 26, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

For extended benefits, sun life's policy seems to be to drag out your claims until their claim limits are reached or they found any reason to exclude coverage. Three times I sent in information with different reasons for denial. I terminated my policy with them and submitted a claim. After not being paid I found out they were requesting a referral for medical claims (which BTW we had sent in before, but their policy is you need to send in every 12 months. Most other companies I have dealt with do not require this even once). They sent this information in and I was told that the claim period had ended. I don't understand how this company can deny money entitled to you because you have exceeded their policy periods. They have no problem taking in your monthly payments but do anything to exclude paying out. I agree with other posts as to how anyone can work for this company. They must be paid commisions on how little they pay out for claims.

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