Health insurance Reviews

Sun Life Health Insurance Reviews

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(157 reviews)
Sun Life
1.2 out of 5 stars:
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Personal Health and Dental

by xtxpr on Jun 29, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Looked into Sun Life for Health and Dental as a small business. The worst customer service and the absolute worst coverage offered. They never get back to you, pass your calls around until your disconnected and will only deal with you via snail mail. THEY DON'T COVER WHAT YOU ACTUALLY NEED COVERAGE FOR. They could have told us this from the beginning. Instead, they picked apart the paperwork for two months (this box not checked, this wasn't initiated) before sending via mail once again nothing was cover. They will not cover any medication that you are already taking!!! THEY COULD HAVE TOLD US THIS TWO MONTHS AGO INSTEAD OF DRAGGING IT ALONG!!! No humanity, just lengthy bureaucratic process without no actual help.

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The Worst insurance company

by overit on May 24, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I am only with Sun Life as it is my husband who has their benefits through work. But I would never choose them if I had a choice. I had a claim I submitted with them, checked that it was indeed something covered by our benefits before going to the service. I submit the claim with my backup and get told it was denied - so I call in and first I get this extremely rude employee screaming at me on the phone and telling me over and over that it was denied because they are my husdand's insurance and not mine to use (though I am on the policy and know that I am under him on the insurance), he wouldn’t even listen to me, so I hung up and called back - spoke to another lady who put me through to her manager, who told me she couldn’t see why my claim was denied but that I needed to get the person who completed my service to call in with their information (though they had their registration number and all nesscary information.) I did so and had the person call in - waited forever to hear anything back about this and in an email, they say that they will reimburse me for this claim - great! But of course not, the reimbursement still hasn’t come yet and that was over a month ago, I called in to see what was going on and was told they won’t speak to me about anything. My husband needs to call and though my service came to $245 (and we were covered up until $300 per service), they are only reimbursing $100. So I’m just fed up at this point and say save your money. If you don’t have to go with Sun Life, don’t.

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Avoid at all costs

by Trevor Smith on May 23, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Sun Life has the absolute worst group insurance service ever. If you have a choice, pay any other company other than Sun Life for medical and dental insurance. They will do whatever they can to deny claims that they will eventually have to pay. They do what they can to make life difficult on their CUSTOMERS. The people that pay them! That is crazy to think. These guys are on a sinking ship because they don't have common sense and they like redundancy! Do yourself a favour and pay someone else. I guarantee they will be better than what Sun Life provides.

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keep away from this company

by gouda salha on May 9, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I am paying for the highest health insurance plan they have since year one and for the first time I sent my drugs invoices to claim department, which is a basic medication for regular hypertension, but they say that my drugs list is not covered, why? No answer, only told me to contact my area agent, I called him and briefly, he told me that it's not his responsibility!!

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Review topics

AWFUL Claim experience

by PA on Apr 23, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I only have Sun Life because of the company I work for. I submitted a few claims since November last year and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM had a problem with the processing. I had all the backup documentation, everything properly done and still, there were errors with the processing. I'd NEVER recommend Sun Life to anyone. Stay away from them, if you want to keep your sanity!

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Worst Insurance

by Hortencia Mitchell on Mar 14, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

The worst insurance I have ever encountered myself with, the only reason why I am with them is because my company is with them and between my spouse and myself I am the only one who can get benefits. Usually when you hand in a statement of your expenses, you expect them to pay without any hesitation, but no I had been given the round around of having to provide documents of proof that I have a doctor's approval then having to wait a week after in order to get my money, then having to hand in another statement of the same treatment and being told I need to provide proof when clearly they don't bother checking their system that I already handed that in, like what in the world now waiting another week to get my money back, and all I get is "sorry, sorry" over the phone. THIS IS THE WORST INSURANCE I HAVE EVER DEALT WITH!!! HEADS UP DON'T CHOOSE SUN LIFE!!!

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Dental reinburse-

by Cami Guardado on Feb 24, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

The staff is the worst. I do not even know how they are working there. When I called them, they only said, wait.. They let you waiting on the phone for long, then they are back and I was told I will pass to the case manager. I have been waiting for a dental disbursement for more than 3 months and so far nothing. I got a call from the "supervisor" - such poor communication. It was hard to understand what he was saying. I called one of the customer service and play the message for him..the customer service just jump to ask..what can I do for you...Don't give the money to this company...for me because I have no choice my workplace is the one paying for the benefit...Don't give money to these people who doesn't care.

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Awful, terms very misleading

by leiwale on Jan 30, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Avoid this company!! The wordings in their insurance terms is the worst I've ever seen, most misleading and doesn't make sense.

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Review topics

Missing benefits

by HeavensColors on Jan 28, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

So dissatisfied with the way your company made the contract with mine. Why would you allow everyone, but a spouse to be able to use certain benefits? Why wouldn't you allow the benefits I get, to be used for both myself and my spouse? Instead, we have to use money we cannot afford to use to pay for what is important in everyday life. Not everyone is rich and many people, especially the poor, count on these benefits for everyday use. I'm so upset that this is allow this to happen to those with disorders when they need help the most. Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. So disappointed with you guys!

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Worst insurance company

by Mark Patton on Jan 26, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

For extended benefits, sun life's policy seems to be to drag out your claims until their claim limits are reached or they found any reason to exclude coverage. Three times I sent in information with different reasons for denial. I terminated my policy with them and submitted a claim. After not being paid I found out they were requesting a referral for medical claims (which BTW we had sent in before, but their policy is you need to send in every 12 months. Most other companies I have dealt with do not require this even once). They sent this information in and I was told that the claim period had ended. I don't understand how this company can deny money entitled to you because you have exceeded their policy periods. They have no problem taking in your monthly payments but do anything to exclude paying out. I agree with other posts as to how anyone can work for this company. They must be paid commisions on how little they pay out for claims.

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