Car Insurance Reviews

Economical Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(227 reviews)
Economical Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Worst insurance company!!

by Anthony Tang on Feb 28, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

The worst insurance company I've ever dealt with in my life. I had an ongoing theft claim with them where my vehicle was stolen and damaged. They decided to put more in the car than the value of the vehicle. On top of all the troubles of having a vehicle stolen, they left me for no vehicle after the 3-week rental term was up and the claims been going on for 3 months and more than half the time claim adjustor has been “out of town”.

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Review topics

Claim Nightmare

by alex1979 on Feb 13, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I had a claim and it was total disaster, the certified shop they recommend had the worst customer service, not to mention that first week they could not locate my car, next week the tires on my car where stolen, took them almost 4 weeks to appraise the car, when at simple look everyone knew it was a total. The Economical never contacted me about this issue nor call or email to get updates in the repair, the only email I received was threatening me about the rental car (expires next week). The settlement was a ripoff. Do not take this crappy insurance, I would take the hit if the price was lower than others in the market, but it was the same as many others that offer the same service. In the end, any insurance is just a ripoff. They are in business to make money not to serve. BIGGEST THIEVES BESIDE BANKS OF COURSE.

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Horrible Experience!

by Sporty on Dec 31, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Please think it over, and choose a different provider, this is a great product until you need it. They really tried to screw us but I think we avoided the worst of it by continuing to push back. It does take its toll on you. This is an abbreviation of events we experienced, sorry for the long story, We’ve been with this company for two years with home and auto. The price was better than anybody as a result of an employee discount provided to the Airline that I work for. My wife was hit by a car while crossing an intersection. She was not at fault. Her car was drivable if you crawled in from the passenger side of the vehicle. Not knowing what to do with the damaged car she returned home after the police report was completed and called the insurance to begin the claim process. A message was left, and a day and a half later no reply so we called our broker and shortly after a claims advisor returned the call. We have vehicle loss of use insurance but were told a rental would be given until our car was under repair. I was told to go get some estimates. Got 4 then was told the estimates were no good because the shops charge more than $77 an hr. Still no rental car, and I feel like we’re being run around. After a lengthy argument about the purpose of loss of use coverage and insurance itself, they agreed to provide a rental car...almost a week after the accident. In exchange, we must leave the car at a repair facility. A repair shop was chosen and the car was left there in order to get the rental. Then, Economical didn’t like the estimated cost of repair and sent there own field adjuster to write up an estimate. This took a week and a half and there was a difference in costs due to the shop rate and what comical will pay. Economical wanted us to pay $3200.00 to cover the difference in charges. Unbelievable! So, remember that we did get a rental, they place a time limit on it, and we are now into the 3 weeks of 4 weeks allowed. The car hasn’t even begun to get fixed. As a last resort, I asked for the claims advisor for the at-fault party (another Insurance) and picked up the phone, explained the problem to her, I said there is a shortcoming of about $3200 from what economical will pay due to labour charges. She put me on hold and came back and said: “we’ll cover that go ahead with the repair”. That easy! The car begins to be repaired, parts ordered, etc. Now over a month since the accident. Rental car company calls and says, they need the payment for the rental car or return it, Economical only pays $ 900 worth of the rental. Again I call another insurance company advisor and ask to have that covered by them... No problem! Why is it I’m the one that had to do all these steps. I don’t do insurance for a living, that's why I bought insurance! You’d think that that economical would take care of the details like these. Nope! I did call them multiple times and never, never reached a live agent on the first try, always leave a message and we’ll call you back! Almost 2 months since the accident the car is fixed and we are back to driving our car. I now have an uneasy feeling about our current situation because we are still covered by this company and can’t switch companies until it expires without incurring a large penalty for cancelling in the middle of the policy year. Bottom line “You get what you pay for!”

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Liars&Poor Customer Experience

by Erin on Nov 9, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

After my accident, I was told by two individuals that because I've been paying car rental insurance that if I chose not to take a rental card, I would be compensated a daily rate. I jumped through hoops to borrow a car so I could use the rental car payment to help cover the insane deductible. On my last call to them, I asked how I would receive payment and was told via cheque. It's now been 5 months, so I called to check-in and have now been told I won't be getting a cheque and that it's not even an offer. I don't appreciate being lied to or misled. I do not recommend using this organization for your insurance needs. Go elsewhere.

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Accident claim worst experience

by Gurpreet Singh on Jul 5, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Total loss on my car, not my fault. They wouldn't cover for my storage at the body shop it was at, wouldn't pay for my repairs that was done on my vehicle (e.g. new engine & transmission).Wouldn’t pay for my child seats that was in the car. They didn't care about my injuries that I sustained in my accident and was only concerned about cutting costs on their end which ever way they can. Adjusters Ricardo and Shalini (extremely rude) and the whole company was just trying to take advantage of me on my first accident example by asking me "if I'm injured why do I have a rental? "You should return it if you not going to use it. Why does it matter if I have a rental I'm entitled to it under my policy and I can have it parked the whole time at my House or drive all over with it. It’s up to me on what I want to do with it.

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Fast and friendly

by JP on Nov 22, 2016
4.5 out of 5 stars

I got into a not at fault accident with my company pick up truck, a young kid pulled out infront of me from a side road and I wasnt able to stop in time. I have a small snow plowing and landscaping business. Because it wasn;t my fault they said I would not need to pay any deductible and that everything is covered. They quickly set everything up with my local body shop which was one of their company shops too. The shop gave me a rental but i realised that the rental truck that was provided didn't have a trailer hitch and I couldnt use it for work. I called the adjuster back and explained I need a truck with a hitch for my trailer, otherwise i couldn't pull my trailer with my tools and equipment. The adjuster knew his stuff and said he would arrange a half ton pick up truck just like mine, with a hitch and a bed liner. The adjuster was really friendly and understood that I needed a truck to keep my small business running. The rental company Enterprise, called me within the hour and got me into exactly into the rental I needed, After about two weeks the bodyshop called and told me my truck was ready. I pick up my truck and everything was repaired beautifully. I was able to continue on with my business and life without a hitch. I've been with Economical for 16 years and the one time I got into an accident they really took care of everything and then some. I could't have asked for anything more.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Painfully slow

by Ray on Nov 21, 2016
1.5 out of 5 stars

Just started a claims experience with EC....there customer service people are fine unfortunately I am at Day 7 and there hasn't been an appraiser to see my car yet, probably because I don't have Loss of use coverage so they aren't wasting Their money on a rental

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Review topics

Horrible Claim Experience

by Behzad Qazi on Oct 8, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Claim #1193XXX

I got in a no fault accident on my side. The car was brand new - I literally bought it 27 days before the accident. I paid $23,500 for the car.
The car was totalled - air bags went off etc. I asked for a cash out so I can buy a new car. Yet I was refused.

Instead of getting a cash out for 23,500 plus tax ( about 26,000). The insurance company repaired the car for about $23,000 plus paid $3000-4000 of rentals etc. Which totalled more than what the car was worth.

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vehical collison

by ello on Aug 3, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

This is hands down the worst experience I've ever had with any type of company. The people who work here are rude. I was told to get a rental then later told they are not going to cover the rental so now I'm down 4500.00 for a rental. I have been waiting 3 months now for my claim or to even find out what is going on with my claim but am told every single time that its under investigation. These people are very I'm going to say special because i cant swear. I do not recommend this insurance company to anyone. Please save yourself the headaches and go somewhere else - these people are not competent.

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Really went to bat for us

by Raff on Sep 24, 2015
5 out of 5 stars

We insured our Nissan Xterra Off-road with economical after a big blowout with AMA (they cancelled our insurance (& didn't notify us) because they tried to take whole annual premium out at once, instead of monthly payments. Obviously it was NSF.)
About 4-5 months after signing with Economical, my husband had his first accident (ever) when he had black ice, slid off the road and hit a tree.... On December 22 at 10pm. Economical (and everyone else) was closed for the holidays so we filed police report and waited until they reopened to file a claim. They were polite to deal with and were understanding of the situation. They took time to explain the process to us and make sure we were comfortable as we had never had to do an insurance claim before and really had no clue what are were doing. They recommended we deal with one of thier preferred garages (Boyds Autobody) for the repairs so we agreed and the vehicle was picked up by a flatbed in January when the shop opened be the adjustor gave his numbers.
From that point on, we lived a nightmare. Anything that could go wrong, did go wrong. The shop had trouble finding parts, then the new hood they ordered was cracked, they couldn't find the special tools they needed, the paint shop was overbooked, they found extra damage to the vehicle frame....

Eventually it has been over 2 months and we still didn't have our vehicle back. The rental cars through insurance had run out and the repair shop "doesn't do loaner cars anymore" so we're were stuck borrowing a family members car. We were also supposed to be getting weekly updates from the shop, and tha just want happening so we would pop in every once in a while to get an update (for the first 1.5 months, the vehicle didn't move. Husband marked the tire with chalk because he didn't believe their BS).

Finally got our SUV back after 2 months after a pop in visit & they said they "forgot to call to say it was ready". We got the keys, got in, started it & looked up to see them lock the door & turn the lights off. We then spent 2 days using a vehicle with no heat in -30*C weather waiting for the shop to open on Monday. They told us they forgot to reconnect something with the heater so that was fixed but it still was running way to high - 1000rpm at idle....
Apparently that was due to the engine being cold....

We were extremely leery about it so about a week later, husband took the vehicle to our Nissan dealership to have their repair guys give it a boo. Turns out they put a n improperly sized fan belt on....
Husband called me from dealership and said they were refusing to let him drive it off the lot, I called insurance claim person (side note, during this whole thing, were actually got swapped out to 3 different claims people, but everyone left really good notes so it wasn't a problem) and asked what to do, they said call Boyd's and listen to those instruction; Boyd's said dealership were idiots and to drive out over, even agreeing to all liability of anything happened on route.

On route to Boyd's, the belt blew on the highway, causing a loss in all power steering and braking. The belt ripped off the fan, smashed the radiator and generally undid everything they had just fixed. By sheer luck , husband drifted it into a roadside turn out were I had a very loud, vey heated conversation with Boyd's and they sent a flatbed. Next call was to insurance claims person who immediately apologized and said she was escalating it internally.
The next day, I got a call from the Western Canada VP or Economical Insurance who apologized profusely & essentially asked what we're wanted to do. We weren't comfortable with Boyd's touching the vehicle again so he arranged to have it sent to our dealership for the repairs, a complete review of all of Boyd's work and said that they would be pursuing Boyd's for reimbursement of the cost of this, and Boyd's would be providing us with a rental vehicle until the dealership finished the work.
He also asked for my permission to have a rep from Boyd's get in touch to get details directly from me, which I agreed to. The next day, I spent about 2 hours in a conference call with the Western Canada VP of Economical and the VP of Boyd's Autobody's Canadian branch.
When we picked up our vehicle from the dealership, we found out that they don't actually deal with insurance companies, but Economical had explained the situation and had a money write sent over that morning to pay them before we picked it up.
I was later informed that the manager at the repair shop had been fired over the mess and Boyd's was on Economical's s**tlist as a result.

Couldn't believe how hard the insurance company fought for us, especially only after a couple of months on the policy.
Ooh, and did I mention when it came time to renew the policy the next year, out premiums actually went DOWN!

We have since added a second vehicle to the policy and have our house insurance with them as well.

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