ICBC Auto Insurance Reviews

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Hate ICBC. No exaggeration. They're ridiculously expensive (I'm a student) and still continue to lose money while increasing profit margins for their CEOs. Big surprise. When I turned 25, they lowered my insurance rate. Not even a month later, it went back up again. Biggest scam and customer service is horrible.
There is nothing right about ICBC. My insurance charges $350 per month, after years of clean history. ICBC should be responsible for the huge hit and run accidents in the province since people can not afford being at fault. And we have no choice but to accept anything ICBC provides.
Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.
Once they pin on you, they want you to some good sum of legal costs to defend yourself even thought it is not our fault.
ICBC staff do not reply emails. If you call them, you will just go straight to the voice mail and never any replies.
The front line is nice and hard working but the adjusters....
I wish BC has more options instead of one lazy and expensive insurance company,
After all the horrible things I've heard of ICBC I was weary of dealing with them, after being rear ended by a U-haul truck. I thought considering it wasn't my fault though it wouldn't have been that bad. I was sadly mistaken, having one of the worst experiences in my life. Being a new driver, I had random witness' follow me to the location of the accident just to vouch for me and my claim. I was very grateful, but despite the witness' ICBC still put me through the ringer stating I was still 25% responsible for the incident. Until the person who hit me ADMITTED their full fault in it ( with no apology from ICBC) . 9 months and in counting after U -haul quickly paid me out hassle -free. ICBC is still treating me unfairly on JUST the reimbursement of my insurance and transportation fees alone. After multiple attempts to contact them and stating who I was, my ICBC representative actually HUNG UP on me and patched me through to someone who couldn't even help me. She is still ignoring me to this day when all I am asking is what is owed to me. For an accident that wasn't even my fault! IT's about time we get competitors in BC ! They're raising all insurance 30% spike this year from now on and yet they don't even do their jobs as it is. I will literally go to AB just to get my insurance next time because I'm a young adult in a horrible society and if ICBC has taught me anything it's don't get hit by anyone or you are also taken advantage of. Also my boyfriend has been driving 2+ years safe driving in his company truck and failed his 4th test today! His failing reason : He didn't have his hands on the wheel at all times and he shoulder checked too much. It's all a money grab!!! Please take my advice and avoid ICBC at all costs. They will do nothing but give a headache for the rest of your life. As long as you pay , you have to put up with the horrendous treatment! I literally am only 20 and had my license for a little under a YEAR I'm already the biggest advocate to speak out about the injustice they bestow upon citizens.I highly suggest everyone invests in a DASH CAM FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY . Hopefully you have a wonderful ICBC free day !
ICBC is extremely expensive and gives you nothing back.
Its one of the reasons i am considering moving out of BC
They are very expensive, especially if you are a new driver. ( Typically $3000 for full insurance for a new driver.)
They have outrageous surcharges for a person with a collision history.
The autoplan brokers are not very knowledgeable and not very helpful, I have to call in at the ICBC centre to reassess my discount history and claim history in order to get a proper discount rate.
(I'm fed up with ICBC being a monopoly in the car insurance industry and it's time we allowed a competitor into BC.)
ICBC has had its monopoly for too long now. Its about time we allow private insurance companies to operate in BC. I would like to highlight the problems of monopoly and how the BC residents are taken for a ride by this monster called ICBC. First of all, the most expensive insurance in the world is ICBC - there is no insurance in the world that charges 4000$ for a new driver except ICBC. The sad part is that they are getting away with it since no one apparently in BC is doing anything to end this mockery.
ICBC yells and screams that it always has to raise rates because everyone is defrauding them. In reality, they run well into the black, and thier policies on handling accidents where the insurer is severely injured, backed by many doctors, is causing people to become permanently disabled. They are the biggest legal scam going. When you have no competition, you can do whatever you want, it seems
We're supposed to have laws that stop big corporations from forcing us to buy their products or services. All I do is pay more and get less with no other option
Every year I’m waiting for my discount and all of a sudden with no reason car insurance prices went up. I have paid insurance more than my car’s price and they are forcing the private car insurance companies to close. They are taking our money and give it as a high salary to their employers. Government act like they are deaf and acting for drivers complaints. The worst insurance company I have dealt with, we need a big number of people to start to react for these unfair prices.