Car Insurance Reviews

SGI Auto Insurance Reviews

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(76 reviews)
1.7 out of 5 stars:
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Re: payment demands

by Unhappy client on Oct 12, 2022
2.5 out of 5 stars

SGI insured my vehicle in October 2022 and I was able to opt for a three-payment system. When I looked closer at the payment dates, 40% was required up-front, with the full payments being made even before five months into the insurance policy (which lasts a year). This is my money, not theirs, and this type of behaviour on the part of insurance companies is not acceptable. Three equally spaced payments throughout the year would be fine; however, in this environment of high inflation, this is a money grab by the company.

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SGI Employee Phone Calls

by Jay on Jun 10, 2022
2 out of 5 stars

The customer service I have experienced while making this claim has been very cold and short. I understand if the employees don’t enjoy their job, but there needs to be a change in how these phone calls are conducted. For example, I was not greeted with a kind tone, and at the end of the conversation, I did not receive a goodbye. A simple hello how are you doing today, and goodbye and thank you would be so wonderful to hear as opposed to no farewell. This has been my experience with three employees on the phone, all of which they have called me.

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Adjuster Not Helpful

by Charlotte Strumpher on Jul 25, 2017
2 out of 5 stars

My auto adjuster was good in giving me necessary documents I needed for my car (tires were stolen and sgi was able to cover some of it after my deductible). However, she was reluctant to answer any questions I had. I do not have a lot of knowledge on these things or what SGI helps with and if each dealership differs. My boyfriend came into an SGI centre in asking about the papers and quote SGI gave me concerning replacing my stolen tires (I was out of province). They told him either way he will need me to give him official authnrorization to deal with this so they themselves said I need to call my adjuster (Debbie) in regards to it. So I did, and she was short tempered with me saying she has nothing to do with this, just send the bill (even though I was TOLD to call her) and wondered why I was asking her a question she cannot answer. She also claimed my boyfriend went into this SGI location with his own quote for the tires, when in reality he went in with the documents and quote she herself had provided to me. I think this customer service is poor for this reason. I really wish for SGI to hire better adjusters with good service skills and patience.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

SGI'S 50/50 fault scam

by EstevanSGI on Oct 7, 2016
2 out of 5 stars

I was recently in Sept, 2016, struck by an elderly 80+ year old driver at Reginas Cornwall Center. Opposing driver failed to yield to a designated turning arrow into the mall parkade. Since both vehicles appeared to be driveable by the looks of things, the police refrained from attending the scene. Shortly after driving my vehicle, I realize that the entire steering system and allignment was ruined due to opposing driver who hit my rear back tire. In a nutshell, I took a picture of the scene which I submitted to SGI. In the words of SGI, since both our statements varied and there were no independent witnesses, full fault could not be determined. Even if my evidence was fairly compelling, it was not without a doubt (how could it be?). Despite SGI knowing that one party is fully innocent, they imposed fault both ways, meaning I will be held responsible 50% for the collision in which I fully complied with the traffic laws. My 14-year old driving record is in jeopordey due to SGI's deplorable fault policy.

This is a cash grabbing scheme by SGI, which is also a government body and a business at the same time. SGI runs the entire driving industry here, from licensing to insurance- they cannot be avoided. Being found 50% at fault because SGI was unable to determine fault without a doubt to either party, will cost me points and tarnish my record. It also means I will be forced to pay one month of car rental and half the deductible of $700.

Saskatchewan needs better choices then SGI which is tantamount to a government mafia which needs to be dismantled in the name of privatization. As a crown corporation, they try to sell the idea they profited 45 million last year yet they did this on the backs and wallets of Saskatchewan residents, such as myself.

All I can say is that if you can avoid SGI it will be in your strongest benefit to do so, if you can't, continue to advocate and lobby your political representation for change which would permit private insurers to do business in Saskatchewan, allowing Sask residents to freedom of choice in whom they chose to do insurance business with.

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Worst Insurance Experience!!

by NoFault? on Jun 11, 2014
2 out of 5 stars

I have lived in Alberta and in the United States and this is by far the worst insurance experience I've had. As it is a government owned insurance company and the only option available, you are forced to be insured by them while they do whatever they can to get themselves the most money. My parked vehicle was hit in a parking lot resulting in a dent on my rear passenger quarter panel. The man responsible called SGI to report the accident but it was deemed a "no-fault" collission. My car was still driveable (no structural damage) but the damage was extremely overvalued and my car was deemed a "total loss". I bought it back as advised by an autobody shop because the repairs wouldn't cost nearly what SGI claimed they would. SGI would not cover the cost of a rental vehicle while my car was in the shop even though the website says "The cost of a rental vehicle is covered if: You're not at fault for the collision and you require a replacement vehicle, providing the at-fault driver's insurance coverage is in order"
This clause does not apply to all vehicles or cases!!
In general, they do whatever they can to keep as much money for themselves even if you are not at fault, are slow at returning calls, and provide vauge information on your claim and their services unless you know specifically what to ask for. I was very disappointed with this whole experience and upset that this is the only option available to people living in Saskatchewan.

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