SGI Auto Insurance Reviews

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I have car insurance with SGI. They take payments out on random days with no notice. If I don’t have the money in there, they then charge me return payment fees and pick another random day to take out a payment. I’m not sure how they are allowed to just decide a random date when we have a contract. It’s impossible to talk to anyone. I was changed to this company by my last insurance company, which was also owned by the same people with no notice. They also raised my insurance price when I have no claims. It’s about $50 more a month than any other company I’ve gotten quotes from. Stay far far away from SGI.
Got an online quote from SGI. Phoned Westland Insurance in Calgary who told me SGI did not offer monthly payment plan. Phoned SGI and they said yes, they do and that I should have been given the plan. Stay far far away from Westland Insurance brokers, and stay even further away from SGI Canada. I was insured through a broker with SGI a few years back and blew the engine in my truck leaving me with my other vehicle to drive. I faxed them and cancelled my insurance on the truck because I couldn't drive it. Westland refused to rebate me for 9 months of insurance for the cancellation. I got a hold of SGI and was finally paid my rebate after 10 months from the time of the cancellation. SGI is the worst insurance company I have ever dealt with. Please for your sake stay away from them.
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SGI insurance is the worst insurance on the planet. They won’t pay out for any type of injury even when you have full coverage. They have a hard time even when paying for the damage done to your car. You have to fight with them when you are in an accident that is the other driver's fault. Take my advice and don’t get any type of insurance with SGI. Get a real insurance policy from a real insurance company
My ex-wife and I jointly owned a 2003 Ford F250 4x4 diesel with about 167,000km that got stolen from outside the mechanic's shop at the end of July 2017. It was recovered August 2. The damage consisted of a punched-in key hole on the passenger side door, and the cover/lock on the ignition had been removed.
We were a bit surprised when SGI almost immediately told us it was being written off. We figured the truck was worth at least $12,000, maybe up to $15,000 with the recent engine rebuild. Our SGI adjuster, Chelsea Leonew, gave us an initial offer of $6355 on August 10. We told her that was unacceptable and it was worth twice that amount. We submitted the recent bill for an engine rebuild (about $5800), but that only increased SGI's offer to $7660. We submitted ads for similar trucks from Kijiji for SK, AB, and MB, but SGI didn't budge. We hired an independent appraiser and went to arbitration. That cost us about $350, but we ended up settling for $11,500, which we thought was fair.
Why did we have to spend $350 and a month in negotiation to arrive at a fair settlement? I had used the VMR Canada online calculator early in the process to see if we were off-base in thinking it was worth at least $12,000. The VMR Canada result confirmed we were being reasonable. However, I noticed that if you failed to check off the "HD Diesel V8" box, the value was pretty close to what SGI initially offered. I've got a gut feeling that someone at SGI made a keying error on the initial valuation. I've got no issue with someone making a mistake. It happens all the time. However, I've got plenty of issue with someone failing to recognize a mistake or trying to cover it up. We ended up with a final settlement that was 81% higher than the initial offer. Something was definitely wrong with the initial offers from SGI, beyond the expected low-ball. Why didn't someone at SGI go back and take a look at their calculations instead of wasting time and money going to arbitration?
Something really stinks at SGI when it comes to write-offs. I still don't think the vehicle should have been written off in the first place. As well, when the final settlement after arbitration is 81% higher than SGI's initial offer, and 50% higher than SGI's final offer, shouldn't SGI have to reimburse the cost of arbitration? It was pretty clear that one side wasn't coming to the table with clean hands.
If I could put a no star, I would! Not even worthy of a single star. We had to pay for a Certified Extract License and we even told them we need it that day for a passport, we waited till 4 pm. They told us they will email it to us but we haven't received a single email from them the whole day. We had to pay the rush fee for the passport. I phoned them the off day to ask if they could just lessen the amount we paid on our registration or refund us 'coz it's really unfair for us that we had to pay a service that we didn't even get. They just told me they will just send it again. What for? We don't even need it anymore! We had to pay $110 for a rush fee already, you should change your policy for refunds! You're just ripping off people. Very poor and useless services as well!
Received zero communication through SGI for the duration of our policy. Our premium was high for no reason ($200 per month for 2 females >30 w/ no claims).
We were provided with a payment schedule for our policy, showing the last date a payment would be taken. We never received a renewal notice, however, they continued taking monthly payments after the 'final' payment, yet before our policy had expired. This company comes off as a bunch of crooks. Glad we never had to make a claim. Avoid.
I had an accident at less than 20 kmh fender bender with a mint condition 300 limited edition with 120000 kms only. It has been 5 weeks SGI hasn't even looked at it yet. They said it was approved for getting fixed, then 5 weeks later they want to look at it again and say the damage is over 13000 dollars... for a bumper and some paint. This is a scam and unbelievable. They hold the monopoly and know it. I have now lost my job and soon my home during this time as no city services go anywhere near my old work. And since we at week 5 and not even started the fix, looks like gonna lose everything anyway. Thanks, SGI
They charge you if you get a ticket. So speeding? -2 safety points and $100 on top of the ticket itself? Happens again? $200-300-400 and so on up to a thousand. The reset period is THREE WHOLE YEARS WITHOUT A SINGLE TICKET FOR ANYTHING AT ALL. So SGI wants to put people in permanent debt or doesn't want people to drive at all. On top of $100+ cost of insurance, these safety points pile up because it's impossible not to get a single ticket in three years if you drive frequently. If you see the pattern; you'll be driving to work; TO PAY OFF SGI SO YOU CAN KEEP DRIVING. Corrupt and messed up
SGI sask was the worst ever to deal with. I fought hard with SGI as originally they said if the car wasn't found, I wasn't covered. Why to pay for insurance then? My car that had been stolen, luckily week later was recovered, where SGI again claimed that I'd be responsible as there was damage to the car. I talked to my lawyer and as soon as mentioned that, they said we will cover it but you are liable for the deductible. I was so angry with SGI... I agreed on that...
SGI insured my vehicle in October 2022 and I was able to opt for a three-payment system. When I looked closer at the payment dates, 40% was required up-front, with the full payments being made even before five months into the insurance policy (which lasts a year). This is my money, not theirs, and this type of behaviour on the part of insurance companies is not acceptable. Three equally spaced payments throughout the year would be fine; however, in this environment of high inflation, this is a money grab by the company.