Car Insurance Reviews
Wawanesa Auto Insurance Reviews
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(128 reviews)

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Most helpfull reviewsTags
Agent/rep attitude (5)
Agent/rep availability (5)
Agent/rep callbacks (1)
Agent/rep knowledge (4)
Billing/payments (29)
Broker experience (1)
Cancellation experience (9)
Cancellation fee (1)
Claim - adjuster (6)
Claim - denial (4)
Claim - not-at-fault (2)
Claim - rental car (11)
Claim - repair shop (9)
Claim - total loss (2)
Claim - windshield/glass (2)
Claim payout amount (5)
Claim processing time (7)
Complaints/ombudsman (11)
Insurance Rates, Prices (22)
Phone wait times (2)
Policy changes experience (2)
Policy coverage (27)
Rates after claim (1)
Rates at renewal (1)
Rates competitiveness (3)
Rates for bad drivers (1)
Rates for good drivers (2)
Rates for long-term clients (1)
Rates for second driver (1)
Rates for young drivers (1)
Rates in bundle (1)
Renewal experience (1)
Review author
I have been a customer of theirs for about 12-13 years. Never really had any issues until now. I took a sudden rate increase without documentation sent to me to let me know about the increase. I called my broker to find out why my PLPD for my 16-year-old truck went up $51. Turns out that at renewal time they don’t always pull people's records. So now I have taken an increase on 2 traffic tickets that happened 2 years ago! Total crap! And now I have to carry this for 3 years when they should have been pulling the record every year. I am considering switching companies and finding one that is more professional and prompt with paperwork/communication.