Disability Insurance Reviews

Manulife Disability Insurance Reviews

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(65 reviews)
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Screwed out

by Kristy Chega on Dec 19, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Screwed out of LTD, transferred to many people over many days who know nothing of my case or investigate inquiry (I have CPP) selling me a plan that wasn’t correct (told me no conversion to personal when leaving the group plan). I have a lawyer if I need one, reading all this it sounds like they get away with fraud, poor customer service, rudeness... I have never had a conversation yet that didn’t end in me crying, they don’t listen, talk over you when trying to answer their questions then get aggressive because I am told my story a billion times but no one knows where my file is! They should have it! After paying into LTD forever they screw me over when I need it for real! NEVER deal with them because they won’t deal with you once they have your money good luck! If there is a doctor shortage you’ll get dropped before you get a diagnosis! You didn’t see me through the hard times! You kicked me while I was down and then blamed me for not getting a disability according to the chart of “how to do disability according to Manulife”. I am now broke and homeless thanks a lot! I have worked full time since 15 in the same career, plus ran for provincial elections in my field, a college instructor and worked for a governing body, all at the same time as running a business with 9 staff! Then my world crashed and everything I build went along with my income and my abilities.. anyway...

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do not cast the claim

by unflinching1 on Dec 17, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I am shocked to read similar experiences from other reviewers and it just helps me understand the extent of their excuses to evade their obligation to work with affected employees and arsenal of gimmicks to shut down a valid case - after of course - taking their sweet time - is astonishing... Although I have 5 year+ of direct experience as frontline CS representative - my current job with up to 100 calls per shift with mostly unhappy folk you try to work with - will curb your enthusiasm even if you are tenured professional with accolades for exceptional service. After six months with my present company, I have developed tinnitus in my left ear - which according to my employer could at best be a case for a work accommodation claim... However, pressures of a toxic work environment that come from poor systems and indifferent and incompetent management led me to a meltdown by the end of the first year. It took me another 6 months of this abusive situation to finally understand I am developing full-blown anxiety and depression... Upon submitting a claim with Manulife - getting my attending physician to share his findings, and extend the initial 2-week absence by another 2 weeks - I get to talk to 3rd Case Manager - who flatly during our phone call ( I encourage anyone to decline the "all calls are recorded" disclosure and insist to meet in person with someone from Manulife so they cannot twist your input around ) - advised me that unfortunately, Manulife cannot support my claim - due to my symptoms being directly worked place related (!?!) - which is outside of their scope... The person half my age with no medical training whatsoever and zero empathy - made me feel insignificant for a brief instant - while I was processing the shock. This was an expensive way for me to learn what a pathetic scam this is... If you value your time - steer clear of Manulife. There are plenty of better alternatives out there.

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Manulife is the worst company

by Aaaaa on Dec 16, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Manulife insurance is the absolute worst. It’s just one big ping pong game to them. I went to go make a claim back in September and was informed I have to wait 60 days before I can make a claim (that was their first lie of many). I phone back 60 days later and they tell me off for not making the claim sooner. I then get all my forms filled out and send them in. I weekly call them for an update and they said they have everything just waiting for medical info from my doctor so I ask them to fax the form to my doctor again. Long story short they wasted a month of my time just to tell me they haven’t received any of my forms. So I asked them then why would you tell me you have received everything. It has been over three months since my accident and they have put me back at square one telling me they have no information on my claim what’s so ever. Manulife is the worst insurance company and the fact it’s come to the point of needing a lawyer is ridiculous. The emotional trauma and stress they put on you are out of this world. Not to mention my mom passed in March and her work went through Manulife and whenever I call Manulife for an update on my mortgage protection claim...for some reason every time I have to tell them my mom is gone. I have yet to figure out why they do this cruel thing but again the emotional stress they put on you. All I have to say is any other insurance company would be better then Manulife

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Short Term Disability

by RG on Nov 21, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Worst company to deal with- if you’ve got 4 months to spare with no income coming in, waiting for Manulife to sort out your case manager that ends up on his own leave of absence and they decide it’s not important to get back to his case files— this is the company for you! I got the pleasure of being transferred to a case manager after 1.5 months of being off to representative who was constantly on vacation and now 4 months later to get a response saying because I’ve chosen to take a holistic approach to my health and not pump my body with pharmaceutical drugs, as they want me to- I am now declined for short term disability. This company is a joke, quick to take their money but when you need to rely on what YOU pay for, they take their sweet time just to decline you. Your website states you’ve stream lined the process to have quicker responses - that’s another lie. News flash, there’s other ways of healing your body other than drugs- oddly enough my own doctor won’t prescribe me anything because he also doesn’t believe everything needs a drug! Get with the times you joke of a company!

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Short term disability

by Mandy435 on Jun 14, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I've been on STD since February through my employer. Manulife consistently makes me jump through hoops in order to pay me, constantly requesting additional paperwork from all of my health care providers. My case manager is incredibly unreliable, never answers my emails, and never contacts me when they say they will. I've had to phone them numerous times to be updated with information, meanwhile, I'm behind on Bill's, have absolutely no food, and can't refill my medication. Mental health leave of absence is supposed to allow someone time to heal with adequate assistance for their wellbeing. This has been the total opposite in that being on leave is more stressful than working would've been.

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Dishonest Manulife reps

by bebopbopper on Apr 11, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I fractured my ankle and went on short term disability for a month. After asking a simple question about whether or not I was entitled to physiotherapy recommended by the surgeon, under short term disability, the case manager avoided my question and went off topic, minimizing the severity of pain I was feeling. The case manager then deferred to the group benefits department. The group benefits department lied to me by omission. They said I wasn't covered for my physio past the $200 a year, but failed to mention I could carry over the amounts into my healthcare spending account the next year. I only found out this information from my employer. The case managers are not true managers in the sense of the word. They just parrot a script. I'd have a better time speaking with a chatbot. At least chatbots have an excuse for being soulless.

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Manulife is a rip off

by deb on Feb 13, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

My husband had a form of dementia, anyone who has lived with someone with any type will understand, this past year many changes took place, between working a high-pressure full-time job, looking after the home full time, looking after an adult child full time, many mistakes needing to be fixed due to the disease, the death of a family dog due to a dementia accident caused me to get sick, my first encounter was I don't qualify because "I'm just a caregiver". Even though I was sick due to this, stress is a leading cause of many major illnesses, 1 out of 4 caregivers die before the one they caregiver for, but " I'm just a caregiver". Within the month of being off, my husband was out riding his peddle bike and was hit by a semi, he actually walked out of the hospital 4 hours later, very bruised and hurt, still don't know if it's because his dementia caused this, we will never know, it was remarkable, his depression and the disease itself which was taking a huge toll on the family and more so him, he took his own life the very next day, I found him hanging. Manulife continued to decline and actually said to me" why do you think finding your husband hanging, would stress you out", I couldn't believe it, I provided medical information showing the depression that I am in, and they say - "you can appeal, they decline you again". Apparently, anyone dealing with what I'm dealing with, shouldn't be depressed or stressed out by this. I plan on taking my story very public, as this truly is a no brainer, police reports, coroner reports and medical reports aren't good enough. Manulife isn't about getting the person better so that when you go back to work, you don't go off again, they are about not paying, the sad truth is this company bullies people, try to intimate people to not pay, my promise to Manulife is, I'm going to fight for others, so when a dramatic thing happens to someone else, they don't go through the same hell I have been going thru.

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by Ltd NS on Dec 8, 2018
4.5 out of 5 stars

Wow, the negative comments are amazing. No disrespect intended, but all of you saying 3 or 4 weeks and still no cheque have clearly not read your policy. LTD has a 4 month waiting period and you are not paid for it, as does CPP. Manulife LTD pays up to 2yrs (depending on the policy your employer chose) CPP pays till your 65. I was injured 13 months ago and am still disabled. I have nothing but great things to say about my worker and Manulife. My employer sent in to start a claim and told me what to do... First month I drew all of my sick time I had accumulated, while I was doing that I applied for EI sick benefits. That pays for 17 weeks. By the time that was done, all my Xrays, specialist reports and your doctor's chart notes had been received, reviewed and approved. I'm hoping to be back to work in the next couple of months and they are going to help with rehabilitation and ease me back to work. Taking a negative attitude brings negative results and the workers and reps don't make the policy. We have to meet the guidelines for the policy our employers choose. A friend got injured and found out her policy at work doesn't cover short-term or long-term disability. I'm grateful mine did.

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by Maddiejj on Dec 8, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My husband was hit by a drunk driver while standing outside his patrol car on duty as a police officer November 2016. After using up all of his sick time/vacation time through his employer, he applied for his long-term disability through his work as his medical doctor told him he would not be able to return to policing. His right knee, hip and lower back were injured and he was not able to do the duties required of a police officer i.e. run, bend, lift, sit/stand for any length of time, and there are no sole desk jobs at his detachment (we are a tiny community). He applied to Manulife in June 2018, less than a month after he was given his last sick time pay through his work. In September they emailed us to tell us he had applied too late. ??? It took us until December 2018 (with his lawyer involved!) to get them to see their error. What had happened was that my husband's employer had stated to Manulife that he had "X" number of sick days that he used after he was injured. Manulife calculated those sick days from the day his accident happened to when they thought they should end, which was June 2017. Manulife didn't ask about my husband's work or shift schedule or take that into consideration. Those "X" number of sick days were actually drawn out longer because they were actually doubled because of his shift schedule. He would work for 4 shifts then off for 4 shifts, so out of a 16 day period, he would only be using 8 days of sick time to get paid his normal pay when he was working. Manulife didn't take this into account. And even though they were given proof of income up until May 2018 through his work and his Record of Employment, they still used their own calculations. Manulife took it upon themselves to calculate what they thought his last pay from work was, ignoring the actual letters from his employer, Dr, and filed EI paperwork. And because of that, we are currently in a dire straits position as we only have my income currently to support a family of 5, one of my daughters had to forego university to work full time to help me pay the bills and that still isn't enough. Not to mention now they admit that the days were calculated in error (but they have no idea where they came up with that date of June 2017??) and they are now looking into his disability (to see if he is actually disabled!). It's currently 3 weeks before Christmas, I have no gifts for my 3 kids or extended family, all because they screwed up. Not to mention the legal fees we will have to pay unnecessarily due to their error. We got an email from them yesterday stating they want to send him for a third party assessment by an orthopedic surgeon, so God knows how much longer this is going to take. He is still on the waiting list to see a Dr in the city for his back issues (they said it would be up to 18 mos wait). The man was hit by a car. Seven people including other police officers witnessed it. C'mon Manulife!

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Claim experience

by Sicko on Dec 3, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

After being in an accident I messed up my discs. I was on long-term disability then tried to return to work, now I'm off again for 6 months and they haven't paid me my benefits. They lose my paperwork every time or say some other lie. I have a wife and kids who are getting stressed out because I can't help around the house or anything. My back is killing me and my adjuster is causing me to cry uncontrollably. I hate my life and wish I was never born. I read a story about people who have committed suicide because of the stress of their benefits not paying and playing games. It's exactly like the movie Sicko Mike Moore made but in Canada. In 1 case the guy sold everything he had just to survive and ate at the soup kitchen he even sold his TV. They are a huge part of my depression and sickness.

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