Manulife Disability Insurance Reviews

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I won't go into it too much. Sufficive to say, Manulife needs to work on their hiring practices, as that three of the four people I had to communicate with were either incompetent or rude. I got poor advice from one employee while filing a claim, asked another employee, via email, if this was the correct information (and was ignored) then while I was recovering from surgery, a third woman told me that wasn't the correct advice. I was noticeably upset, but didn't curse at her or raise my voice (I couldn't, I was in a ward with 3 other people and didn't want to attract attention) and she still hung up on me. I have yet to see if my claim has actually been processed, but if there are any complications, I can't even contact the case manager as she took off for vacation... Why would they set me up with a case worker who will be on vacation while my claim is being processed? This makes no sense; and from what I've experienced, their company needs to get there act together.
They pretend to lose forms. They don’t answer emails or phone calls. I have paid high disability premiums for more than 16 years and they try every game to keep from paying. Caseworkers are insensitive, rude, and disrespectful. Everyone who works for manual life should have to fight for their money so that they understand how terrible they are. It’s not like they argue with a Doctor. They ignore their statements.
They robbed me of my livelihood because I'm not a lawyer, I was on Long Term Disability through my Insulators Union, and after the first week or so they started to savagely kicked me while I was down in whatever way they could come up with...
Once I reached the 2-year "C.O.D. date"(change of definition) they basically insisted my doctor and I were wrong and that I am capable of working as a fast food worker or telemarketer etc. Which is absolutely not possible for me.
I was a strong, driven, and hard-working young tradesperson, in my second year in electrical and marine insulating. At 21 I suddenly got pneumonia, and soon after was told I have a tumor in my right lung and needed immediate surgery.
I was told it would be an easy laparoscopic procedure with 3 small 1" incisions.
I wake up in agony to find they decided to do it the old-fashioned way, an 8" incision cutting all 3 of my most important back muscles in half on my right side. + 2 small 1" incisions.
They cut my most important muscles in half, sliced them between my ribs, prayed them apart, and removed the entire top chamber of my right lung. And as a lucky bonus, they didn't hook up my Epidural correctly and didn't believe me for 2 days until I was moaning in agony and very clearly suffering... who knows what kind of psychological effect that had on me.
I worked on light duty on and off but ended up completely disabled.
I am now 28, have been cut off by Manulife for 1.5 years, depression has long taken over my life and hope is nowhere to be found. I don't have it in me anymore to jump through their hoops. I am desperate, and every time Manulifes commercials come on it makes me so angry, false advertising at its finest. They don't care about us AT ALL.
My case manager and has been absolutely hostile, rude, demeaning, belittling, and as unhelpful as one could possibly imagine...
They insisted I go to Physio at the worst and least qualified place in town. They rushed me back to work in a GRTW plan... which ultimately ended with so much extra effort for my awesome boss/company that the bridge is now burned..... Thanks, Manulife...
My doctor wanted me off work for 4 weeks. Their reasoning was caused by work but not serious enough even though I could not function. I will never have their coverage again. Don’t waste your money I paid into coverage for ten years and never used it. When I needed it they didn’t help things only made it worse. Talking to the case worker that I had was awful! Judy never listened. All I can say is run...
If you think they will be there to help you while you are not well that takes many Dr visits/tests to figure out what is going on with your health, good luck. When your symptoms are complicated Manulife does not care about you getting better. They only add to the already stressful medical issues you may be going through. Manulife insurance is a false sense of security until you actually need them.
My experience in particular had to do with fainting spells after having a child. At the time I worked in a paper mill on the production line and passing out on a catwalk over the stock pits and press machinery or near any of the winding machinery I worked in and on would cause severe injury and/or death. I went through many emergency room visits, Dr and specialist appts that couldn't pinpoint an exact cause but it was very real what was happening to me. In one episode, in particular, I was walking with my 6-Month-old baby in my arms to go change her and my vision went spotty then black and I lost control of my arms and legs, dropped my baby and collapsed on top of her. I could feel her under me but couldn't do anything about it. So thankful my husband was home to help us.
Manulife did not help us offset any percent of my 50% contribution to the family income while I was going to many appts to try and figure out why this was happening as we were led to believe Manulife would be there.
This is to anyone reading this who has this company as a group benefits provider, they will be great for dental and eye care needs like exam coverage etc and if you should have a health concern you can provide physical medical evidence for like a broken bone. If you have mental health issues or back issues or like me undiagnosable issues, please seek out and pay out of pocket for another company for another insurance company as it is not worth all the agony and frustration of fighting to prove you're unwell so you can pay your monthly bills all while trying to find out what is causing your unwellness.
I hope this review can help just 1 person make a better choice on getting an insurance provider that will be there for them if they ever need it. Or if you read my post this far as it sounds too familiar, I'm sorry that you are going through the same frustrating ordeal as I once did. Believe me, you are not alone. I hope you can share your experience with others as well.
Disallowed my disability for coverage, and I got nothing I have had 2 surgeries and need one more. Can't work yet and no cash coming in. It is very depressing. Manulife says if we refuse you it's a final verdict and NO you can't appeal.
I haven’t gotten paid in 3 weeks now. The last time I talked to them one of their employees and they stated that I am going to get paid in 2 days, which was a lie. When I finally got a hold of a manager they stated that it could take up to another 10 days to process - which means I won’t get paid for more than a month. They don’t care that they’re my only source of income. They don’t care they I have bills to pay. There is the absolute worst company I have ever dealt with in my entire life. If you have the option to, choose any other company than Manulife.
I paid $250 for my doctor to fill out paperwork describing why I cannot work. I was declined benefits and lost the money from the paperwork. Mental health is a real issue and this contributes to it negatively. If your doctor says you need time off, then you need time off.
Denied my wife's claim for 6 months. 3 appeals later and the final appeal was denied as well. This was for work (manufacturing). She claimed she was more than capable of her regular duties at work despite multiple letters from her OB. This might be the WORST insurance company. I would not recommend for any kind of service. I wouldn't let them insure a bicycle let alone anything to do with my family.
In 2017 I had a heart attack while working at the site C hybrid project in northern British Columbia, anyway I had a stent installed and of course I had to go see a cardiologist which in Prince George I had to wait. I think it was 12 weeks before I could get in to see the one and only one that we had there. Manulife was sending my disability benefits weekly which I was appreciating. However, I believe it was on the 10th week. They contacted me and asked me some things and I haven’t even seen a cardiologist yet which they were outraged and cut me off benefits however, I did manage to get reinstated just before I saw the cardiologist but the deal they gave me I had to sign a paper which I didn’t even care what it was but the paper I had to sign give them authority to talk to my personal doctor. My doctor is furious because they would phone him on a Friday afternoon and he was always very busy and they kept dragging it on what they really wanted was for the doctor to release me back to work. I hate.
Oh, manulife with a passion I mention being told we had a heart attack two months ago, but you should be ready to go back to work. I made a lot of phone calls. I hope they go broke.