Disability Insurance Reviews

Manulife Disability Insurance Reviews

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(65 reviews)
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Sneaky insurance company

by Smiley1 on Sep 27, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

After being on Long Term Disability by Manulife for 2 years, I was cut off abruptly. I appealed and won. They immediately told me I had to apply to CPP disability. I did and won. I thought they would thank me for doing such a great job on providing medical evidence, and paperwork etc. since now their payments to me would decrease substantially. But...no. They went after me with a vengeance to get rid of me for good. They said I had to take a retraining course, and they also listed some jobs I will be able to do after the training. The jobs they listed would not be jobs I could medically do, training or not. I tried to explain to my claims adjustor my concerns, and was told this is not Manulife's concern. I have subsequently been told that I am non-compliant, and my case is closed on a contractual basis, therefore I have no appeal rights. Just like that. Their decision never took into consideration any of my medical history, and my doctor never had a say. Be very cautious with this insurance company. Even if you have a severe, prolonged disability that CPP agrees with, Manulife doesn't care. They will use whatever provision in their policy to get rid of you quickly. As far as I can tell, I have no recourse. Feeling totally helpless in Vancouver.

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by Brad Forbes on Aug 21, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My wife was put on bed rest for the last 8 weeks of her pregnancy. Manulife instantly denied her claim and told her to get back to work, because they believed she wasn't in a position to take off work. Even with documentation from two doctors and her employer they still denied her. Her doctor filed for review and was told she would have an answer in 2 weeks . 2 weeks passed and my wife received another call from Manulife saying the review would take 2 more weeks because they had more questions for the doctor. My wife is about to give birth! Well played, Manulife, you sneaky low life company.

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Rude and poor service

by Not impressed on Aug 2, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Tammy E, LTD Case Manager, Wellness, Disability & Life - Why is she working there when her attitude stinks... She called with an attitude and emailed the wrong information then has more attitude when I call and request what I initially asked for... Mind you Great-West Life was perfect until my company changed to this cheap low-grade attitude system.

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Beyond BAD!

by Hopeless Annie on May 24, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I expect a company to be diligent in regard to processing claims. But the downright mismanagement of claims is beyond horrible. Good luck finding the "Person" handling your claim, they don't even know who it is. I have been waiting for over three weeks for a mysterious person who has made my decision. Reading these reviews I now know that the person who reviewed my medical on my claims was last employed at Tim Horton's. Not that long ago I happen to be driving by the Manu-death building in Waterloo, yes I have the misfortune of looking at this Crap of a company building, frequently. Right across the street this gentleman was living in his van with a nice big sign, thanking the heartless, moral-less, brainless, people at Manu-Death for ruining his life. That, in a nutshell, describes this company. Just spent that last few hours reading these reviews and am very disappointed in the fact that we have no choice in what company our benefits are from.

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by billyd on May 5, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Been on LTD for 2 years now, decided to seek out another doctor and support them for better management of my health. Manulife decided to stop payments of my benefits, employees are accountable to the shareholder and really do not care about your health, it's all about numbers, just like banking employees, I am considering legal action, anyone interested?

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Customer service

by Out of luck on Apr 29, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

No contact from my case worker with Manulife. When there was contact, she told me I was not a priority. Told me she was sick and couldn’t deal with my claim. Told me not-enough proof from my specialist to deem me unfit for work. Now there is just 0 contact. This Friday, May 4 will be 5 weeks and no benefits. Companies need to steer well away from this very sketchy company. In short order, my case worker Yana V is petty and unfeeling to the wellbeing of her clients. God help you if u depend on Manulife to help you when you need it most.

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3 Women, zero results.

by OverIt on Mar 30, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

It’s been 218 days. No progress has been made at all. The second agent that my case got transferred to say on my file for 63 days and did nothing. Then when I asked what was going on, she told me I had to recollect all records and I had less than a month or she would close the case. Sleep on it for 216 days and then invent a date for me to do their work, and if I don’t finish the impossible task, I lose my claim. The woman working on my file look barely over 18. The lack of life experience... no, the lack of any experience on any level is completely obvious as are all of their completely useless employees. No answer why my file hadn’t been worked on, just flipped around an office with not one person doing anything remotely close to their job.

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Special auth drugs

by disabled on Feb 2, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Manulife tried to make decision on behalf of my doctor. They denied much needed medication that doctor prescribed and tried to push completely different medication on me. Few different reps try to deny it when I called them on it. Have to quote their rejection letter back to them for them to stop saying it is not true. Also Nobody gave me answer to my question what kind of responsibility Manulife willing to take if I started on wrong medication or have no medication at all. However after I keep asking that question I got my case reviewed and right medication has being approved.
If anybody wonders this was special medication that needed special authorisation form (two for Manulife). Medical text book from 1970 said that people with my disability would not live longer than 5 years. Now statistics show people live 20 to 30 years after they being diagnosed and having treatment.
Also medication that Manulife pushed me to take was costing them $24,000 a month and the one my doctor prescribed $3,000. Cannot find logic in their decision.

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Short term disability benefits

by Mona B on Jan 16, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I was sent a letter indicating I was approved for STD benefits and would be mailed a cheque. It has been 2 months and I still have not received the cheque. My injury was due to a motor vehicle accident which only qualifies for 7 days pay at the rate of 60%. Long-term benefits are not an option for the same reason although I pay a mandatory fee of $50 monthly for these benefits through the Corporation I'm employed. I'm expecting a 3-6 month recovery, so thanks for nothing Manulife. When, not if, I'm in the position to decide who our Corporation uses for a benefit provider, I will make sure it's not Manulife.

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Review topics

Frustrating to Submit Claims

by Okin on Jan 5, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I would never recommend Manulife!

1. They throw many obstacles in the way of submitting claims.

Chiropractic and physiotherapy were included in my group benefits. The website said my group claims can be submitted directly once I verify my account. I followed all the steps and it still took more than 15 times and 7 months to be able to process direct claims. I needed to send a screenshot to a Manulife representative to prove I had verified my account and each clinic had to call Manulife multiple times to argue on my behalf.

When I went to the dentist and the front desk verified what was covered by my group benefits before I had dental work done. Manulife rejected the claim from the dentist’s office. I had to suddenly pay over $800 on the spot and then submit online at home and wait a month. The receptionist at the dentist’s office had never seen a claim rejected before, except by Manulife.

I can’t think of any reason why these normal claims have so many barriers! Maybe they’re hoping people won’t jump through all the hoops and it’ll save the company money?

2. When I switched to the individual plan I expected to pay more. That’s normal.

What I did not expect was for common prescription medications not being covered at all. Now I need to pay $300 more every month for meds that would be covered by every other insurance company.

There are many more issues I could talk about, including my Long Term Disability Claim, purposefully confusing and misdirecting letters from the company and more. But, I’ll stop here.

You get the point.

Never pick Manulife for your insurance!

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