RBC Insurance Disability Insurance Reviews

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I am only enrolled in their insurances because it’s a non-optional insurance through my employer, that I pay for each pay check.
I was put on medical leave from work due to my mental health. RBCI has been nothing but a nightmare. They take any step necessary to delay claim payments.
If you are enrolled in their STD and LTD insurances, make sure YOU KNOW what information must be shared with them. On multiple occasions, they were claiming they needed the detailed clinical notes from my therapy sessions. This is highly inaccurate and an extremely inappropriate request for them to make. Insurance companies must only ask for the information they need to adjudicate your claim. This means all they need from my therapist is a note advising if they believe I can return to work — definitely not the details of what my therapist and I have discussed. Both my therapist and family doctor agreed their request was inappropriate and should not be fulfilled.
Their communication with their clients should be embarrassing to them. I consistently need to send multiple emails to the claims' examiner handling my claim before I get a reply — I’m talking a week or more before I get a response. At one point, I had to get my employer involved in order to get a response. Finally, the examiner called me to say they didn’t understand my request (from 2 weeks prior). So, instead of them asking for clarification when they first received my request, they just ignored it until someone told them they needed to contact me. Why is my employer having to guide RBCI employees?????
The experience I have suffered through with this company did nothing but hinder my healing process. In fact, my doctor has given me the okay to return to work because they believe I’ll be more likely to improve my health NOT having to deal with them and the stresses they create.
Additionally, there is a lack of consistency among their examiners for how requests are fulfilled. My most recent request has been “fulfilled” in the most inconvenient way that will actually will prevent my request from being fulfilled for me.
If their insurances are optional for you, I strongly suggest you seek a different company to give your money to. This company is a perfect example of why people hate insurance companies. They should be ashamed for their lack of care and consideration. I should have received my last payment (my only payment in December) but I have just been informed that payment has been delayed due to a late submission by them of a request to my employer. Perfect timing, RBCI, it’s going to be a wonderful Christmas at our home with no money.
After 12 years of paying and when I submitted a claim due to a clear partial disability that was supported by occupational health, my claim was denied for no reasons!
I purchased 2 disability insurance paid lots of money 3 months ago I had a surgery and I’m still waiting to get paid, they have gotten the information they needed and I’m still waiting for a payment it’s already Christmas I’m behind on my bill ruined my credit , I can’t even by a gift for my grandson, I can’t go back to work yet the stress is making me tired and depressed, it doesn’t stop there every time I call to talk to a manager or a supervisor they say they don’t pick up phones, the best part about all of this that I have life insurance 2 disability insurance and home insurance with RBC they get payments from my account on time every month, I have no idea what to do anymore, but what I know best is when I go back to work I am cancelling all of my policies from Rbc and try a real company who pays it’s clients for real.
I signed up in dental school when I graduated in 1996 with Paul Revere which was bought by Provident and then RBC. Even after two appeals, they are refusing to cover me. I have not been able to practice in two years! I am disgusted, demoralized, and I feel dehumanized by a company that I trusted. I’ve got a lawyer.
I have a chronic mental illness that I previously made a claim on disability insurance. At that time, I had a diagnosis from two psychiatrists on my files. Unfortunately, two years later, I had to make another claim on my disability and it has been a total nightmare! The insurance broker made personal comments about my educational background and my file to me that were just plain bizarre. (‘You have a lot of education and ‘your file makes great reading!’) I looked up the background of the broker and previously, he worked as a grocery store manager and a manager of Michael’s store. How is it that people who have absolutely NO knowledge — and in fact, minimal education as well — make decisions about complex medical and mental health issues?!! As some of the previous commenters mentioned, they ask repeatedly for the same information and delay — all in an effort to avoid paying the benefits. I have had to see three psychiatrists who have all made the same diagnosis. And I have made an appeal and they have delayed on that — all tactics on their part. At any rate, I had a discussion with a disability lawyer, so I’m in the process of making a small claims court case regarding damages due to untimely payment should the appeal be approved. If the appeal is denied, I will of course seek a lawyer. In addition, I have contacted RBC Ombudsman office; however, have also contacted the Minister of Mental Health Carolyn Bennett. Finally, I will also contact the head of RBC Insurance and CEO. My case is a high-profile case at the moment, and I will highlight RBC Insurance’s complete mishandling of my case, and literally how they are driving many people further into mental distress, poverty and homelessness during the pandemic, even though the bank has been making record profits. I’m also going to advise my company to change insurance companies as well, as I don’t want this to happen to another employee with a mental illness. Finally, I will ask for an investigation of the broker himself as he was extremely unprofessional with his remarks and frankly, downright stupid.
Communication is extremely poor, I've been asked to submit the exact same information repeatedly. I've been sent forms and links that cannot be opened, multiple people have attempted to help with numerous computers. The supervisor has never returned a phone call or email. The complaints manager has also not returned any messages or emails. I feel that they are just trying to dig for information to deny my claim for a mental illness. They are causing me extreme financial hardship, prolonging & preventing my recovery while adding even more stress while I'm attempting to recover and deal with trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and other currently diagnosed medical issues. This insurance company takes our money for the insurance but torment and financially torture us when we need it. What's the point of having coverage if it's impossible to collect when you need it the most.
I have been with RBC for a long time, but lately, they gave me a new adjuster who just blatantly denied my claim. No reason, no letters to this date 6 months and running. The manager agreed it was not properly handled yet I am still waiting 6 months later with no money or answers? It is obvious that they are stalling just to starve people. I barely have the money to pay for meds which are keeping me alive at this point.
I don't know how they are allowed to work outside of the law with no one on the consumer's side except for Ombudsman, what a corrupt company.
They are also extremely incompetent, constant late payments, mistakes. It's like they are hiring people with zero experience and training them to lie and cheat people.
My experience with RBC Insurance has been one of gross incompetence so far. It has been over 8 months since my company purchased group insurance through them, and I'm still unable to confirm my policy because they are repeatedly asking for information that I've already given them. I tried calling the number on the bottom of the letters they send and it goes to something called "RBC Illustrations Tech Support", which goes straight to voicemail if you indicate that you're not an RBC employee. They have two different return addresses; one on their envelope and one on their letterhead, and the one on their letterhead is a PO Box for the Mississauga Parks Board. It is so incredibly sketchy that I'd assume some scammer was trying to phish me, except that I've called the main RBC insurance number on their website, and after 3 telephone transfers, ended up talking to someone who was able to talk to the people who actually sent the letters. He had no idea what was going on with my case, and for some reason wouldn't transfer me to the people who actually did. Instead, he gave me educated guesses on what to do next, the first few of which I had already tried unsuccessfully. I have had to miss work to go down to the clinic and fill out additional paperwork, which they found insufficient for reasons I had already warned them about before they told me to fill it out. The letters are barely coherent English and contradict themselves factually, which certainly doesn't help me to understand what they're trying to ask for that they don't already have. Meanwhile, they have been charging my company as if I had been covered for the last 8 months. Our company is planning on switching providers this year, and I will never, ever willingly do business with RBC again in any form.
Never sign up with RBC Insurance, you'll need a lawyer to get them straightened out. Bloody shame, will cut all ties to RBC.
I was put on medical leave from work after being on the same job for nearly 9 years. After a brief stint with an STD company, I was informed that my employer's policy was to have me transferred to a LTD policy through their group insurer (which each employee contributes to and is part of after 1 year of full-time employment). We have an HR claims benefits specialist and a Plan Committee who assists with ensuring our group plans are overseen appropriately, and we're always invited to info sessions and quarterly plan meetings to keep up to date. That being said, as soon as you know you need to apply for disability insurance through RBC, ensure you have all the required paperwork, a claims adjusters or claims specialist's name (from RBC) and their contact info, and get all the paperwork completed in as much possible details (by both yourself and your doctors). It took me a couple of hours one day, and an hour a second day to ensure completion of all the documents they requested. Send these off to RBC by fax or email immediately as different jurisdictions have different insurance act limitation periods allowing insurance companies to be able to deny your claim just based on the passage of too much time (usually several months, but this varies based on where you live). You should hear back by way of letter, email or phone call within 7-14 days letting you know they're reviewing your claim and documentation. The RBC claims person will then call you with some questions to assist with the claim review within this time frame. Be mindful but honest when answering these questions by phone. After that, RBC usually takes a few more business days to make a final decision to approve or deny your claim. The claims specialist from RBC will contact you by phone to notify you of their final decision and give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. They'll also outline your responsibilities and any legal expectations framed in your RBC Insurance policy you're covered under specifically in order to continue receiving benefits. This is followed up by a formal letter by mail or email also outlining all these items. I don't know about other RBC Insurance products, but the group disability insurance (at least their long-term disability group insurance plan) has been impressive, professional, fairly timely in nature, my claims specialist has been wonderful and very helpful, and I've yet to run into any major issues. I should note that I was NOT a fan of RBC services in general and was very uncertain about dealing with them at all as I had issues with their banking and credit card products eons ago, but I'm pleasantly surprised. If you put in the work (the paperwork, keep your communication open with your claims specialist at RBC, provide them with the requested updates in a timely fashion, abide by their requests and they'll pay for all of the costs), you really should not have much trouble. I should note that having a good doctor who knows you well, hears you when you talk, and who is willing to walk through their share of the paperwork (such as the Attending Physician's Statement) is extremely helpful too.