Health insurance Reviews

Manulife Health Insurance Reviews

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(150 reviews)
1.2 out of 5 stars:
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Employee Group Benefits Plan

by Still Trying on May 11, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Almost every claim with them is initially rejected or delayed for invalid or illogical reasons and involves consistent follow-up time, stress and aggravation. Below are just a few examples. Example 1: I have coverage only for myself; I do not have my spouse or anyone else as a dependent with them. However, for a standard claim for myself, I was told that I need to set up “Co-ordination of Benefits.” The claim I submitted was for myself. Therefore asking for “Co-ordination of Benefits’ does not make sense. Eventually, the claim was paid after several attempts and other incorrect replies. Example 2: For a straight-forward eye-exam (my coverage is 50% every two-years), and this exam was well over two years from my last one, they did not pay up-front saying that they need to “review and adjudicate” the claim before approving the payment. This was only a $59.00 payment, and should not have required any review as it is part of my standard coverage. It should have been paid automatically. The Health Tier I selected & paid for includes eye-exam, therefore this review is unreasonable. Example 3: I submitted a claim online with the dentist’s name, address, phone # etc. clearly entered. The claim was not paid and when I followed up they sent an email stating that “we need the name of the dentist who provided the procedure.” Note: It is impossible to submit an online claim without entering the practitioner’s info; the system would not allow a user to proceed without it. When I pointed out that the info was indeed on the claim, they then said they need the procedure code (which I had also provided). I then provided every bit of coding and detail (on a phone call to them) but still not good enough, I had to re-mail paper-work. At the time of this review, the claim is still pending. Finally, trying to have anything paid from my Health Care Spending Account balance is a nightmare.

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Dishonest Manulife reps

by bebopbopper on Apr 11, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I fractured my ankle and went on short term disability for a month. After asking a simple question about whether or not I was entitled to physiotherapy recommended by the surgeon, under short term disability, the case manager avoided my question and went off topic, minimizing the severity of pain I was feeling. The case manager then deferred to the group benefits department. The group benefits department lied to me by omission. They said I wasn't covered for my physio past the $200 a year, but failed to mention I could carry over the amounts into my healthcare spending account the next year. I only found out this information from my employer. The case managers are not true managers in the sense of the word. They just parrot a script. I'd have a better time speaking with a chatbot. At least chatbots have an excuse for being soulless.

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Dental Insurance - Don't trust

by sherri.m on Feb 13, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

We, unfortunately, don't get a choice as insurance is chosen by my husband's company. We could not figure out why my son's dental visit was not fully covered but mine was. My husband called and asked and they said that between ages 8 and 12 they get 8 units a year but can only use one unit at a time. That means you would have to take your child to the dentist every 6.5 weeks to use the 8 units. 1 unit is 15 minutes. So take them every 6.5 weeks for a 15-minute appointment. My husband asked how anyone would be able to know this as there is nothing anywhere on their website, on our account page, or in any booklet anywhere that tells us these important details. She acknowledged that and said we should maybe do a pre-authorization before every appointment. I have 4 kids. How much does it cost them to do a pre-auth every time? Likely more than allowing my son to use his 8 units better. I told our dentist office about this and they were flabbergasted. The representative simply told us to take it up with our HR office but they likely have no idea about this like the rest of us. It feels like they could just make things up as you go. There is zero proof this policy exists except that they said so. They had nothing to show us or send us. I don't trust them at all.

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Poor Mental Health Options

by jvan on Feb 13, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

They cover you for $200-500/year for paramedical but refuse to accept registered counsellors along with psychologists. Psychologists charge +$200/hour per session Clinical counsellor's charge ~$130/hour per session Even though registered clinical counsellors MUST have a master's degree (same as Psychologists--more in some cases). So basically you pay more for less. Refuse to even listen to any reason and give the same standard answers. I understand that counsellors aren't question is WHY NOT?

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Ask Questions

by ExCoverMe User on Jan 12, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

Belonged to CoverMe.Com for over 5 years. The promotional information and the realities are two different stories. Dental coverage was probably the one area we had the least complaints in and would rate it 4 out of 5 (major dental may not be covered). Medical is 1 to 1.5 out of 5. They have so many unexpected caps so while yes they may cover "..."; it falls under a category and that category has caps, so we presumed we were covered when we were not. If you consider it, companies like this would go bankrupt unless they provided caps, so don't go into it blindly accepting their amazing advertising. Also remember, what the staff tells you means nothing if it is not in writing within the contract and we found answers were less than satisfactory. For us, we decided it would be better to put the cost into a special fund to cover unexpected costs. Bottom line, it was very disappointing.

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covers nothing, misleading ads

by mdixon on Jan 12, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Rude customer service and NO, they do not cover what they say on the TV ads

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no refund

by janders on Jun 8, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

They messed up my coverage and overcharged me by 420. I'm not a millionaire and that hurt. Each weekly pay they promise to pay it back. They never do. Total fraud. Would never deal again with them

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Terrible coverage

by Chris on May 17, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

We went from one group plan that was fine to Manulife. It was supposed to be the exact same plan, but I found out it's not. They only cover psychologists, not clinical counsellors. I've been seeing the same counsellor for years (that my previous benefits supplied to me as an authorized provider) and now I can't get covered at all. And the dollar value coverage is so low that you'll use your entire coverage on one of the approved psychologists after one visit. In addition, two different eye care places I've been to have both complained to me about how frustrating Manulife is to work with. I often have to pay out of pocket and submit my claim because of their submission rules. They also have one of the most frustrating websites to navigate if you're trying to find information.

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by Chris West on Feb 13, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Horrible customer service, makes you feel like your not entitled to anything. Have had good experience in past with them. But lately Horrible....

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Nonsense policy

by Pissed off on Feb 12, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I have suffered for more than 20 years with poor leg circulation which requires me to wear compression socks at a cost of $110 a pair. When I submitted my first claim(They only cover $40 per year) to Manulife I was told in order to process my claim I would need to submit a doctors note which explained my condition (Which is a chronic condition with little to no chance of improving). Second time I submit another claim for same thing and again another doctor note is required which I again submit. Third claim same response. Does anyone not know what chronic means over there! Do they not keep these notes on file! For god sake, they are only paying out $40 on a $110 claim.

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