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SGI Auto Insurance Reviews

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No benefit for over 13 years

by princessgirl on Aug 11, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

After sustaining a severe brain injury from an accident, I did not receive a benefit for over 13 years from SGI called Living Assistance despite my doctors, support staff, Occupational Therapist, rehabilitation workers, myself and my parents asking for help over the years. And SGI always declined without a written decision letter. Following a request, one injury note reads in part “… All in all, I did not okay any homecare, as it doesn’t seem warranted from our conversation, especially when she has two days off a week, and I’m sure she doesn’t sleep the entire time. Also, the fact that she has not received homecare in the past, I did not want to open up a can of worms. I’ll leave this to you Darlene to look after.” My parents (in their 60s and 70s) were travelling over 940 km round trip (often taking shifts; 1 parent helping me while another parent was at home taking care of my sister who was mentally handicapped, dealing with a business and household responsibilities. My father was also terminally ill and his doctor only gave him 5 years to live; he only lived half of that. SGI knew all this as this was written in my injury notes.) When SGI started to give the benefit to me years later (only after bypassing my adjuster and sending an email for help to her supervisor), I was given some help. SGI gave the adjuster early retirement (provable in court) and then it took them a year to find a new adjuster to replace her. (It has never taken that long to replace an adjuster) I thought it was a brand-new benefit because I never heard of it before. After my Occupational therapist decided what I needed, SGI reduced my benefit by about 70%. I had enough money for one day of work after they reduced my benefit significantly. I did go to court, but the court system is designed to favour SGI as documented by a legal document called "Cash and Crash". I could not get costs paid for my parents because the court did not have jurisdiction over damages. And I could not get all my court costs paid for. While the amount I got in court was a significant amount of money (paragraph 104- 110), it did not cover the cost of helping with my bottleneck from not receiving my benefit for all those years and repaying my parents for their costs and other things. After the decision letter from the commission and the one month that I had to re-appeal, SGI gave me over 9 adjusters in that one month. SGI did state they would help me with my bottleneck from the 13 years I did not get Living Assistance. So I thought why to continue with court action if SGI is willing to help me as well as the fact both my support workers and my doctors were telling me it was causing me to decompensate and problems with my therapy. But as soon as the time lapsed to re-appeal the decision, SGI’s story soon changed. They would not help me at all. Yes, I am receiving my living assistance but it is not enough to cover all my expenses to clean up my bottleneck. So, my parents aren’t paying just once. They are paying twice by helping me clean up the bottleneck. Do you really want to get insurance from a company that did not give a claimant a benefit (knowingly) for over 13 years?

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