Car Insurance Reviews
SGI Auto Insurance Reviews
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(76 reviews)

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Most helpfull reviewsTags
Agent/rep attitude (6)
Agent/rep availability (4)
Agent/rep callbacks (1)
Agent/rep knowledge (2)
Billing/payments (15)
Cancellation experience (6)
Claim - adjuster (12)
Claim - denial (5)
Claim - injuries (1)
Claim - not-at-fault (3)
Claim - rental car (6)
Claim - repair shop (6)
Claim payout amount (7)
Claim processing time (6)
Complaints/ombudsman (11)
Discounts, deals, rewards (1)
Insurance Rates, Prices (7)
Late payment fee / NSF (1)
Legal actions (1)
Parking/pausing policy (1)
Policy coverage (23)
Rates competitiveness (1)
Rates for bad drivers (2)
Rates for good drivers (4)
Renewal experience (1)
Rewards (1)
Review author
I’ve had my auto insurance with SGI for 3-4 years now, and I’ve paid my premiums monthly on time with no issues. My payment for last month, unfortunately, bounced so my broker reached out to me stating that SGI is now threatening to cancel my insurance unless I pay my FULL YEARS premium to them within two weeks. My monthly payment that bounced was $100 - now they’ve threatened that since one payment bounced, I owe them the rest of the entire years premiums of over $900 in two weeks or I’ll be cancelled. I have no problem paying what I owe for my monthly installments maybe even a fee is understandable but to demand almost $1,000 from a loyal customer for one meesly missed payment is horrendous. You got to have some type of understanding with your customers. That’s not a good way to do business at all. I work in the Commercial Insurance Industry and we allow people to make up their missed payments before taking action like this. Absolutely ridiculous.