Car Insurance Reviews

The Personal Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(191 reviews)
The Personal Insurance
1.6 out of 5 stars:
Customer service:
Value for Money:
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Worst customer service

by Bishal on Sep 2, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

The worst customer service and they trying to rip off me by offering a very low amount to me. They even didn't let me keep my SUV as they know they can get a huge profit by selling my SUV in the market. Scam.

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Hail Damage Claim

by R.Darwish on Aug 18, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

They don't deserve even 1 star. I recommend to change your insurance from the Personal before it is too late. They are not good with the communication, follow up with your claims, booking for repairs. If you have time to deal by yourself then stay with them because they will not do until you push them.

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Run now, while you still can!

by Displeased, soon to be ex-customer on Aug 4, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

This company is terrible. I would highly recommend you LOOK ELSEWHERE! They are completely inept and plain RUDE. While trying to get some answers about a claim filed over 6 months ago, I was put on an extraordinarily long hold, passed over to an agent who was unaware of the day of the week, put on another hold and then passed over to another agent who was eager to start that process all over again. They DO NOT respect their client's time and must be taught a lesson in business value! They also stumble over facts and misrepresent details and are very ill-informed thus wasting more time. Then, on top of all that, they hang up on me and now I am on hold for another 1.5 hours. As I said, overpriced, under-serviced with NO CLUE as to the value of customer's time! STAY AWAY!

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Do not waste your time

by FormerUnderwriter on Apr 3, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

As someone who has worked in the insurance industry for more than 8 years, I hate being lied to by people who are supposed to be "experts." If you have a claim with this company, get ready for the run around of your life. I filed a claim back in January and only resolved it this week. I did everything that I was told to do, submitted all the documents and was told I would be contacted as soon as possible. Fast forward three weeks later and I had called and e-mailed for some sort of update. I told my advisor that I needed my car fixed by the middle of February because I had a new job in another province. I literally begged my advisor's help which was followed by silence. Meanwhile, my claim was denied weeks prior because their adjustor couldn't determine the damage, to the car, which did not make sense to me as I provided all the information they needed. I was even told that the adjustor physically went to the shop to see my car. I called the shop as soon as I found this out, only to be told that that was a lie. Long story short, I spent more than 10 hours on the phone speaking to multiple people, told that I had to pay for all the repairs and to submit the documents. It was a wonderful time borrowing money from family members and also being told that my job was given to someone else because I was going to be 2 weeks late. When my original advisor finally got back to me, I was told that they went on vacation. So glad their priorities were in check, and if you're curious, they had a wonderful time. They had no remorse for what they put me through that I hung up on them in disgust. They do not care about you at all. Remember, these people are so desensitized that you are nothing more than a voice on the other line. The best part is that you can not even escalate the call, you are stuck...

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