Health insurance Reviews

Sun Life Health Insurance Reviews

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(159 reviews)
Sun Life
1.2 out of 5 stars:
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Terrible Company/ Service.

by Sandy on Jul 27, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

It took them a month and a half to make a decision on my claim. Every time I would call I had a different answer - claim still being reviewed, sent to medical team, they would call me back, etc.... I had open heart surgery due to birth defect. Surgery was done mid Jan 2017. Before I was scheduled to go back to work I developed some complications with fluid going to my heart and lungs. After sending in about 40 pages of medical records, doctor, surgeon and cardiologist notes, their final decision was to deny the claim because " I was not completely immobile the entire time." - I "Started to get better....." This is what their medical team THE SUN LIFE DOCTOR??? decided. God help anyone that needs to go on disability if they are insured with this company. Horrible company and service. Don't know where they find their doctors. - But again their doctors are being paid by Sun Life. A month and a half to make a decision. Something is seriously wrong with that. If you are insured with Sun Life my advise is to change insurers. Lobby to your company and union (as I will do) to make a change. If you are looking for insurance DO NOT GO HERE!!!

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pre-cleared coverage denied

by nick on Sep 29, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I had extended healthcare coverage through my professional association which I paid thousands of dollars for over the years. Having had skin cancer 3 times, I decided to have a skin treatment advised by my skin specialist. The treatment was approved by Sun Life ahead of time but my claim was denied when submitted. They requested bogus information and talking with their customer rep didn't help. Having been ripped off by Sun Life I have cancelled my health plan. I would advise not doing business with this company as their conduct is dishonest.

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