Car Insurance Reviews

Economical Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(227 reviews)
Economical Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Uber claim was super long

by Uber on May 3, 2022
1.3 out of 5 stars

I had a bad experience with Economical insurance. Especially the adjuster name Robert. I wish I can give less than one star to this guy. He is super rude and never ever answers the calls and emails…. He didn’t provide any rental car... My car is sitting in towing yard for more than a month now…. Never ever go with this insurance company!

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A painful claim experience

by Ming Gao on Jan 7, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

The experience of making a vehicle claim with Economical insurance company this time is really unforgettable for me, and I hope that I will never have any association with this company again.
I am a UBER driver. There was a traffic accident in November 2021. After nearly 2 months of processing, I received compensation today and the claim is over. My car was hit and scrapped, but the insurance company bought out my car at a price of nearly 1,000 lower than the market price. If there is any objection, I can continue to appeal, but I am worried that I will be caught in protracted-time consumption and have to agree to their bid. My feeling is that I was hit twice, once by another driver and once by an Economical Insurance.
The communication with this insurance company during this period is really maddening. Basically, you can’t find your adjuster and their manager. They don’t reply to your emails, don’t reply to your calls. Don’t reply to the customers’ emails and the phones seems to be the rules and regulations of this insurance company.
In such an unequal situation, you are left with only a long time to wait and being anxiety, which is a particularly painful experience. I sincerely hope that the fewer people who experience it, the better.
In Canada, I have never met a company that doesn't care about the customer's feelings like this. Later, I realized that it is UBER company chose this insurance company, and UBER drivers have no right to choose which insurance company to insure, so the Economical Insurance Company can ignore the feelings of individual UBER drivers without losing money.
In short, cherish your life and wallet, please stay away from ECONOMICAL Insurance Company.

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Economical Insurance

by Ali SHAHEIN on Oct 23, 2021
1 out of 5 stars

The company use dealing tactics to make you accept what they offer you I dealt with one of their adjuster who does not know about the insurance act diagram of determining fault.
She is assigned to my case 1697600 never call to discuss the claim I could not believe this.

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Great Experience

by Ashley on May 18, 2021
5 out of 5 stars

I had a tree fall on my car one day and I was panicked and called Economical. The claims adjuster was incredibly friendly, understanding - and honestly took all my stress away. They arranged for my car to be repaired quickly and had a beautiful rental car ready for me too. Honestly, I was so pleased with the experience and would definitely recommend them!

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It's goodbye after you bye

by Minaz Ladhani on Apr 19, 2021
2 out of 5 stars

I recently had a very bad experience with Economical as my daughter was involved in a minor fender bender and the adjuster was arrogant and could not respond to a couple of simple questions related to the accident until I wrote to the CEO of the company after which I got responses to my questions.

Horrible company to deal with and I would not recommend them.

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Review topics

Car Insurance Claim

by Eva K on Nov 25, 2020
5 out of 5 stars

I initiated my claim in the morning and by afternoon I was contacted by an Economical Insurance Representative who arranged everything for me including my rental car which is ready for pickup. The experience I had was friendly, supportive, professional and with kindness. I highly recommend Economical Insurance.

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by EconomicalSucks on Oct 14, 2020
2 out of 5 stars

Don’t use ECONOMICAL! The worst insurance company ever! They're great at taking your money but god forbid you to have a claim with them, they don’t care! Their brokers and adjusters are terrible, they only care about minimizing the work done to your car, they say they will fix it right never do! I have over 300 emails trying to get my vehicle fixed properly over 14 months. There’s always an excuse, they never provide documentation, they always force you to chase the repair, timelines are blamed on a garage, shipping, Covid blah blah - it’s whatever the roulette wheel says this week! Just picked up my car after 14 months it’s pulling to the right and here the actual quote from the adjuster ‘ It is possible that the drift to the right is a combination of the worn suspension parts and the effect of the crown of the roadway which will naturally cause a vehicle to drift towards the shoulder.’ hahahaha crown of the roadway OMG that is the most ignorant excuse I’ve ever heard! Please don’t ever buy Economical insurance they don’t care at all about you or your property.

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Harassment and abusive

by Bekah on Sep 14, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

After being injured in a car accident a claim was filed for my physiotherapy treatment. I suffered extreme whiplash and a herniated disc which required me to need help with every single aspect of living. I lost 4 months of treatment due to the pandemic closure. Things were going fine with the company until we got close to the end of my benefits. I have not recovered from my injuries due to the pandemic closure and require more time. My adjuster decided to cut me off early. He refused my physios treatment plan. He claimed to have spoken with my provider which my physiotherapist can confirm is a lie. He claimed that my treatment plan would be approved. Another lie. He continued to send harassing and threatening emails stating "let me tell you upfront that this is not the end of the story". This felt like an absolute do what I say threat. He demanded I attend a medical exam with a doctor of his choosing. I was advised by my physiotherapist not to do this as it will not be beneficial to my cause. I am also immune-compromised and have no desire to enter a medical facility during a pandemic. It is not safe for me. I requested that he drop this and leave me alone. I do not need the added stress and anxiety. Today my fiancé received a message from Direct IME, a medical examiner in Markham demanding that I return the call. The adjuster does not have permission whatsoever to give out my fiancé's details to anyone. He was told by multiple individuals to back off and leave me alone but he went ahead with this anyway. This is now just pure harassment on his part. He clearly enjoys making other people stressed and miserable. The audacity of this man is just appalling. Extremely unprofessional and incredibly abusive.

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Not worth

by Iconio on Sep 10, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

My wife had an accident with our vehicle, she was at fault. Up to this point, it’s all good. The problem was that my car was worth $20K and they spent $24K to fix it. Does that make any sense? Needless to say, my car’s value dropped to nothing. I called them to enquire and after a really bad customer service the guy literally said “We judge whether or not it’s a write-off.” Again... it’s simple math, why spend $24K in something that’s worth $20? Please, stay away from them.

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by SOL Client on Sep 9, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

It took 5 weeks after our accident to get an answer on what they were doing with our car. They offered us no rental, and when they did, it was through a substandard company that failed to mention it was closed on weekends, so our week-long rental, factored in with the holiday, was only for a few days. Apparently, for five weeks they can't get an adjuster and then an appraiser to give an amount on what is now a total loss, but they expect us to buy a new car in 3 days, without having even finalized their offer to us?! This company is absolutely the worst. The woman who was our claims representative allegedly has an MBA, and this is what she chose to do with her life, screw people over and with a smile? Please, save yourself the grief and go elsewhere. If you have a policy with them, don't renew. It is not worth the grief because when you do need them, they literally strand you.

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