Car Insurance Reviews

ICBC Auto Insurance Reviews

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(211 reviews)
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Terrible Rates/service

by Ian on Sep 1, 2021
1 out of 5 stars

My insurance is $4900 a year for an old VW. (Used to be over $5000), I have no accidents or tickets and I have been driving for 5 years. The price is the highest anywhere in the world and it seems to be completely arbitrary who gets the better prices and who gets completely robbed by ICBC. Then, when the time comes around for you to actually have to use your insurance from ICBC, it’s next-to-impossible to contact them at all, and they give you an abysmal compensation for lost wages and recovery fees. I know a person who couldn’t contact their adjuster for an entire year and had multiple months of lost income, plus physical therapy fees and a destroyed car (~$2000), and the best ICBC could muster up was $4000.

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ICBC is a total rip-off

by TR on Oct 16, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Two professional adults, 40-45 years-old, doing low-risk jobs, both with maximum (16+) loss-free years, driving a 15-year-old minivan worth <$5000, insured for commuting to a nearby place of work - and the annual ICBC premium is $2000!!! This is extortion. Nowhere else in the world charges this much for motor insurance. ICBC is broken, bad and wrong. Why? (1) They are a state monopoly - no competitive pressure to reduce their rates (2) They charge all drivers the same premium, independent of the driver's age (okay, they add $100 to the premium for an inexperienced driver - but that is no way enough to reflect the relative insurance risk) (3) They are loss-making and in debt, so gleefully profiteer from us, the residents of BC, in an attempt to back fill their coffers.

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by Xvi on Apr 1, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Very high rates. A new and improved system that caused delays in renewals and adjustments finally came out with the promise of punishing bad drivers while doing the opposite. The fact that I now have to put a parent on my insurance who will NEVER EVER drive my vehicle to lower my rates more accurately to what they were at before should be a HUGE RED FLAG. Well over 10 years of flawless driving. Being punished. A person close to me has to pay over 1400 more a year. Also 10 safe driving.

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Cash Grab

by ICBC Sucks on Feb 2, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

64 year old with a clean driving history. My insurance went up to $175.00, almost 10 %. This is a tax grab. ICBC should be opened up for a competition to make it more efficient and fiscally responsible

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The worst company of all

by Gabo on Dec 17, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

My hatred for ICBC knows no bound, in the last 5 years I tried to deal with them, they only bled me dry and/or actually prevented me from being able to drive legally. All the way from file opening to cancellation, the process is inconvenient and cumbersome, the terms are confusing and inflexible. 3 months upfront or 6 monthly payment, miss one and you're banned forever from payment plans. They PUNISH drivers from out of province, from the get-go, they told me that much when I asked to justify the ludicrous 250$ monthly payments I have to make for LIABILITY ONLY!!! ( Although I never claimed my whole life.) Punish drivers out of province though workers from outside are vital for the local economy and a car there is a vital PERIOD. Not to mention they have a total monopoly and you're obligated to deal with them to purchase a vehicle in BC. You are very welcome. Renewal is no better, they have a 30-day frame where you can renew and you have to be physically present in BC. They actually ruined my life this fall with this beforehand undisclosed hurdle; forcing me to go back to BC then away on icy Canadian roads. I crashed my car of course and since 250$ a month is already more than I can afford I have liability only so they'll leave hanging and I lost everything. I asked to cancel my payments since I no longer have a vehicle, but no, I'm a bad out of province boy again so I'll have to mail them their plates back then they'll consider letting me off the hook, after taking a hefty cancellation fee. So there goes the last 250$ I had. Again, you are very welcome. To top it off, the customer service is rude and unhelpful, I never could keep my cool with them, all they do is nag you about what a bad customer you are for not knowing all of their book of rules and hurdles. If you are thinking of getting a car in BC, don't, get it from Alberta or Ontario or wherever else, especially if out of province; you will save money and trouble and sanity and not contribute to enriching the heads of this poisonous state-mandated cartel. I intend to never ever deal with them again after I get my cancellation.

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Absolutely Ridiculous

by A1234K on Nov 15, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I just went to renew my insurance, and under the new ICBC policy, I'll be paying 5200 a year compared to 3600. I have had 0 accidents, 0 claims and not even a parking ticket to my name. All because I still have my N and under the old policy they used the years you had your L towards your discount and recently cut that only counting the years you had your N. As well there is an increase for N drivers to boot. I'm in university full time, in what world can a full-time student afford that? We don't even have reliable public transportation where I live so I'm forced to pay this even though I can't afford it.

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How can ICBC do business?

by Lee on Oct 17, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I am a driver with a perfect record who had the full discount under that system. Since the change this year I am considered a driver with 17 years experience and still have the perfect driving record. I was shocked when I went to renew this year as good drivers were supposed to save money. It went up another 80 bucks from last year. I nearly had a heart attack as I drive a 2003 Jeep wrangler Sport with a perfect record and years of experience and I'm paying 2006.00 dollars for the year. In comparison, if I was living in Alberta it would cost me around 600 bucks full coverage for the whole year. To pay that much on an old vehicle is criminal and shows just how corrupt ICBC really is. To give you all contrast I was curious about what it would cost me to Insure a brand new 2019 Jeep Wrangler Sport with all the same coverages I have now. This is where it gets interesting and even made the agent sit up in her chair and wonder what is going on. So the quote on the 2019 Jeep was 2236.00 dollars, only 230 more than my 2003 Jeep. They cost basically the same even though one is a 2003 and the other is a 2019? How is this possible? If I had the money I would sue them for there massive corruption. We need private insurance today in B.C and ICBC needs to just go away. They have zero competition and are run by a bunch of crooks who are all padding bank accounts until the ship goes under. It would also be nice to give zero stars for the rating or even a negative rating as ICBC keeps showing that they are unable to run an insurance business effectively.

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Absolute joke of a system.

by get out of ICBC jail, free card. on Sep 18, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

It’s a very defeating feeling when you realize that the government has TOTAL control over our vehicles that we own and bought with our hard-earned money. I just had to hand over $950 for only... get this. Three months of coverage!!! If I were to pay off the full year it would have cost me $3800!!! My deductibles are maxed to $1000, my coverage is lacklustre and knocked down to very basic coverage. Never been in a collision, never had any serious driving offences, drive a newer vehicle, yet I still can barely afford to be able to use my vehicle to you know... get to work, buy groceries, live my usual life?! I own my car, the government had NOTHING to do with the purchase of my vehicle. I should get to choose who I insure my possessions with. Shouldn’t be forced to use some company that only ever has their own best interests in mind. Hope you sleep well at night making your 6 figure salaries from this disgusting capitalistic monopolized industry you guys call “insurance”.

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Seriously pissed off

by Tdot on Sep 18, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I've had 0 accidents, but 2 speeding tickets in over 10+ years of driving. My husband, who has flipped and totalled his car, plus 3 years ago had to have the breathalyzer for a year, etc. Apparently has cheaper insurance than me. How? Such a RIP-off!!! But I have to drive so I have to gork over the money. ICBC should be trashed and bring on companies we could choose cheaper rates from so they compete. I am so livid! May as well go get into an accident or drink and drive apparently, maybe then I'll have cheaper insurance!

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.


by Leah A on Sep 17, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

ICBC is complete garbage, as I just renewed my car insurance I have been majorly affected by there new rates. My car insurance went up by almost 50% a month. I’m in actual shock as a “young” driver they wiped my 3 years of safe driving experience from my learners and now to them I only have 1 year! (I have never had a car accident in this time) This is garbage I have been a customer for 4 almost 5 years and they took all my discounts away. Sounds great ICBC let’s make the people younger group of people who already have a harder time pay more.

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