Car Insurance Reviews

ICBC Auto Insurance Reviews

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(206 reviews)
1.8 out of 5 stars:
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Need other options

by Frank on Apr 4, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

There's the money hungry ICBC. Don't give me any garbage about getting optional insurance elsewhere. I have no options but pay ICBC for my basic insurance. I dislike the idea of giving a single penny to ICBC. Then I have to hear about bonuses and their pay rates. They absolutely do not deserve any pay rate increase and certainly no bonus. I haven't had a ticket in 40 years and no claim for about the same. I'm fed up with ICBC. I want other options!

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Absolutely worst

by MUJI on Feb 10, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I had two claims in the past 3 years, unfortunately. One is 100% my fault and another is 0% ( I was rear-ended and I was a passenger only). Both experiences are absolutely horrible. 1. The accident that I was 100% at fault was very minor. The damage in total is less than 1000$. But ICBC increased my insurance by $5000 in 3 years!! 2. I was injured in another accident as a passenger. ICBC just tried their best to avoid paying for my medical bills. Almost 2 years past, they owe me $4000 in medical bills. When they charge someone, they are so efficient; when it is time for them to perform their duties, they become useless. Hate them !!

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Drained my wallet

by davidoto on Feb 8, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I got into a car crash (my fault over a year ago). I lost my N licence and was prohibited from driving for 6 months but it took ICBC 6 months to process this so as a result, I could drive for a full. Year. I have to pay 450$ a month insurance and a yearly fine of 750$ on my birthday and had to redo my N.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Literally a dumpster fire

by Devin on Feb 7, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Rates: ridiculous. Fees: horrible. Customer service: what? And god forbid if you make a single mistake on the road because if you do, ICBC will drain your wallet DRY!

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by JohnnyTest on Feb 6, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I was on customer service and the lady told me I can only pay today for my insurance (I moved to Edmonton for the time being and things messed up). I told them to please extend it to tomorrow and they said that is in no way possible and that if I didn’t pay by 12 pm tonight, I was going to be charged 3K and no explanation whatsoever on that. Awful awful company that has completely monopolized BC, people should start protesting because these scum are ripping people off and can choose to price their insurance to whatever they want and charge you whatever and you can’t do a single thing about it! As well the customer service is complete garbage and the manager even gave me attitude while I was panicking and asking questions. I told them to hold for a moment and they hung up the phone, horrible company and even worse service!

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ICBC is the Legal thief of BC

by Zan on Jan 28, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

ICBC CEOs should be in prison, no questions asked, so many nightmare stories with them, I’ll just share my most recent one. I watched this old lady bang her door into my car, caused dent and scratch on my car, so I filmed the whole thing with her door lines up with my dent. Videos, pictures everything. I submit to ICBC, waited 3 months because adjuster never called me, I finally called and asked: have you reviewed the videos and pictures? She said: what videos and pictures? I said: the ones I’ve sent you 3 months ago. She couldn't find them, so I sent again, she said she doesn't know what she's looking at, so I went back to the body shop, redid the measurements and resent new photos. Then another 3 weeks went by, nothing from her. I called again, she said please, stop calling, she will call me. I finally had enough, I called every day asking for her manager because she can't do her job. Finally, one day the manager calls me and said the case is closed, I have to pay the deductible because dent doesn't match up. I said: have you reviewed the videos and photos? He said: what video and photos... Seriously, I have not seen a more incompetent and useless human being. They do nothing at ICBC but raise insurance every year. Finally, the manager said the videos make sense, my deductible is waived, in total, I emailed them my video 5 times to 3 different people, had to call every other day for 3 months. This is the kind of joke this garbage place is, BC is run by the thief NDP or liberals who take money from ICBC in return letting them do whatever they want, raise insurance every year and does no work at all.

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Review topics
Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.


by Pissed Off on Nov 28, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

If I could have given 0 stars I would have!!! These guys are an absolute joke! One, they charge an arm and a leg for insurance, but when you don't have much competition, I guess you can do whatever you want. I moved back to ON (where my insurance is 1/2 the price, I might add) but these idiots will not cancel my insurance because the plates have not arrived yet - prob because of the postal strike atm … so instead of just charging me the cost of the plates (not even sure why I need to send them back since, um, I paid for them!!), no, they are telling me that my policy cannot be cancelled until the plates are surrendered, so I now have to pay an additional month of insurance - insurance, by the way, I do not need and they will not cover if I do have an accident since I now have ON insurance … so I do not know legally how they are allowed to charge another month of insurance (and deny a request for cancellation) when they are providing me with NO service! They are thieves and frauds!

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money grab

by Very angry person on Nov 28, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I was driving a drunk friend home 2 years ago and he briefly put his upper half out of the window when I got pulled over and ticketed for 800$. After I paid that fine, I was told I still have to pay 650$ every year on my birthday for the next 3 years. So because of my drunk friend's silly little mistake, I have to pay almost 3000$ to ICBC over multiple years. Complete scam. Highway robbery, cash grab so they can pay their CEO’s more money than they can spend. ICBC needs to go. I’d move away in a heartbeat if I didn't have this bill looming over me.

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Stealing people’s money

by Upset customer on Nov 21, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

Every year I’m waiting for my discount and all of a sudden with no reason car insurance prices went up. I have paid insurance more than my car’s price and they are forcing the private car insurance companies to close. They are taking our money and give it as a high salary to their employers. Government act like they are deaf and acting for drivers complaints. The worst insurance company I have dealt with, we need a big number of people to start to react for these unfair prices.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Why so expensive?

by Ray on May 27, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Hate ICBC. No exaggeration. They're ridiculously expensive (I'm a student) and still continue to lose money while increasing profit margins for their CEOs. Big surprise. When I turned 25, they lowered my insurance rate. Not even a month later, it went back up again. Biggest scam and customer service is horrible.

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