Car Insurance Reviews

MPI Auto Insurance Reviews

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(60 reviews)
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by POedInMB on Sep 14, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Experiencing severe whiplash after MVA. Medical practitioners rate it a 3. Despite 5 assessments and documentation, MPI rates it a 1. So I'm not getting the care I need. Daily headaches. Weekly migraines. Torn ligaments in shoulders and neck and back. No medical history of any of this before MVA. Super athletic, ADHD person before MVA. What can I do to get proper medical care? MPI insists on a Multidisciplinary Assessment. Even with migraines and chest pain. If I don't go, physio, chiro, etc. are stopped. I was self-employed in a delivery business, lifting 25 to 50-pound items. At the rehab clinic, the PT guy let slip that I am to be rehabbed at minimum wage. He had me carry a 5-pound weight for 1 minute, then said that I could easily go back to work. I asked him if he knew what my job was. "No," I told him how much I lift and he was very surprised. "That's interesting. MPI's determined position for you is different." How can MPI pretend my 28-year job is nothing? After 4 months MPI finally said they would pay Loss of Income. "Starting at minimum wage." MPI person said due to 28 years in the business, in a few weeks, I'd get another check based on my skills - $40 per hour. No cheque has shown up and MPI won't answer my questions. Ombudsman won't change any decisions. Ombudsman only makes sure MPI follows proper procedure. I need help. Living in pain is depressing and I try to keep happy for my grandkids. I've started documenting the number of actual lies MPI has said to me. 7 and counting. The number of times they "never received a FAXED document" - 5 and counting. Is there anyone who can make MPI treat people properly? I know, I know. It's an insurance company. Would private insurance be better? This has been so depressing and my mindset is getting worse. If anyone has any ideas, it would be hugely appreciated.

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4 weeks and counting

by adam r. on Sep 11, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My vehicle was in an accident 4 weeks ago. Nobody has contacted me once about my vehicle. After calling in numerous times I found out they deemed it a writeoff after two weeks. One week after that I was given an "offer" which I again had to call in to get. They offered me $12,000 less than I paid for it 14 months ago. I submitted a counter offer the very next day, filling out all their required paperwork. It has now been another whole week and have yet to get a reply. Any time I call in the supervisor who has to handle our claim now is not in or is off that day. What a way to treat your customers who are without a vehicle... I would give MPI a 0 if it were an option.

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by Heartbroken on Sep 6, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I'm currently having an absolute battle with MPI. My vehicle was at a shop being fixed when they left my keys in the car and left it outside the compound! Well shockingly it was stolen. Now my Lincoln MKX was a 2007 but it was in perfect condition other then the passenger mirror wouldn't stay up, which was why it was at the shop in the first place. It has only been on the highway 4 times and has 70, 000 km on it. MPI doesn't want to fix any of the damages saying it was old damages! I'm fuming. All kinds of scratches and dents, tears in the leather, the windshield cracked all the way across.. I was a victim and now MPI is victimizing me. It has been over a month since it was stolen and I don't even have it back yet. I wish I could go anywhere else for insurance.

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Rear-ended at a red light

by RippedoffbyMPI on Apr 1, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I was rear ended at a red light and the driver responsible took 100% fault. I noticed within a few days after the accident that my gas gauge was going down rapidly so I had my vehicle towed believing that my vehicle would be fixed or written off. (It's a 2000 GMC 4x4) After three weeks of MPI inspecting and also towing it to a shop, MPI refused ti fix my vehicle stating that the fuel line leak was caused by corrosion and not the impact of being rear ended! B.s. I even offered to pay 50% to get it fixed but they outright refused. I was then informed by the inspector that MPI would be demanding a safety inspection at my cost. After taking my truck in there was no mention of rust and that I had a fuel leak!! I can't justify fixing my truck for $1000 when its only worth $1800! This should all be covered by MPI, my insurance provider because I was rear ended and it wasn't my fault. I now have one week to cancel my plates and now will have to sell my truck off for parts with no money to replace it! I feel ripped off completely!!

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Use false values for vehicles

by Cheated on Jul 26, 2016
1.5 out of 5 stars

My adjuster claimed that they didn't have any market info for a 1999 Golf GLS TDI and then had to resort to using ADP for a value report. The report was full of $1000 "unidentifed vehicles". How can they claim that this makes any sense?! How am I to reasonably believe that these are cars like my own? If they could use it in my report, why couldn't they be identified as my car? MPI and ADP are a bunch of crooks. They are trying to cheat people out of the proper value of their vehicles. There are similar stories everywhere... why does this keep happening?!

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Mpi ignores the facts

by mick on Jun 27, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

My vehicle was hit in a parking lot. A witness came forward and gave a statement to mpi, . Mpi still won't process the claim. They insist the vehicle hit a stationery object. They hired someone who looks at the vehicle and writes a biased report. Amazing how a person who gets a cheques from Autopac and has a theory out weighs a witness who was there. It would be a complement to call mpi a crook.

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MPI doesn't care about custome

by hugo on Feb 21, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Yes, my older car was in an accident, broken headlight and few scratches. The estimator says, here's the estimate, go get it fixed. I say, hey, is this close to a write off? He says, sure we can total loss it. Fine.
But then I have to go up 3 levels of supervisors to get a sniff of a fair settlement, bringing similar ads with prices, making 5 appointments - arguing and debating about the settlement. And finally they agree to give me the amount they were willing to pay for repairs on the car!! Why put me through all this?? oh yeah, cause you can, cause your the only game in town, cause your mission statment about customers and all that is bogus. mpi you play a mean game and not fair.

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