Desjardins Insurance Life Insurance Reviews

Affordable Life Insurance?
- Rates from 20+ life insurers
- Premiums start at $12/month
- Standard & Guaranteed plans
- Can be purchased remotely
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I have a life insurance policy with this company dating back to October 1991. I am now a retiree, living on a fixed income and finding it difficult to meet the monthly premium, which increases significantly each year. So I requested quotes on what the premiums would be if I reduced the coverage (from the current $50,000) to $25,000, $30,000 and $35,000. The quote for $25,000 coverage was only slightly lower than for my current $50,000 and the $30,000 and $35,000 coverage had premiums HIGHER than the current premium! My representative informed me 'the rate goes up because when the insurance amount goes down the cost of insurance per thousand goes up'. This, of course, makes no sense, since the premiums for LOWER coverage are HIGHER than currently. I am contacting the Life Insurance Ombudsman by way of one last effort but, though I want to leave something for my children, am inclined to just close this policy totally. AVOID!
Long story short. State Farm Customer for over 30 years. I had a 10-year term policy expiring and Desjardins urged me to apply for another policy before this one expired. I did. I was turned down for "medical reasons" (That was news to my doctor) and that they would not be offering me a new policy. Then I received an unsigned photocopy offer from them to continue my present policy for another 10 years at triple the previous rate. If you are a younger person reading this, find a good agent with a reliable company and put your business with them. Desjardins is not a company to grow old with.