Health insurance Reviews

Manulife Health Insurance Reviews

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(150 reviews)
1.2 out of 5 stars:
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Horrible and more horrible

by Marcelle Allen on Jun 28, 2021
1 out of 5 stars

Manulife is just horrible to deal with. You have to go back and forth with them for information. For example, my coverage for compression stockings is supposedly once every 3 years, but nowhere is this written in the plan document at my employer, the employee benefits booklet or the Manulife website. They want me to submit estimates for some medical supplies even though there are no health specialists or suppliers of those medical products in the city my employer is located. They send you letters that have standard information and incomplete information and not specific to my case. The doctor requisition stated the medical problems as they required yet they asked me to complete a questionnaire regarding why I need the product. I wasted too much time sending documents on the phone with this company. They need to make things easier especially for people with physical challenges.

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Not recommended

by Concerned on Jun 4, 2021
1 out of 5 stars

I chose the best package they offered... not because I needed it, but to make sure if needed it would be there and I wouldn't have to worry about it. Six months in they substantially reduced the coverage and substantially increased the price, without a single claim being submitted. Not recommended.

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Difficult to Deal With

by tengofly on Oct 9, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

In my career, I've dealt with several insurance companies and never had a complaint, but in the three years I've been with Manulife, it's been almost non-stop. Everything is a battle with this company, and when you manage to get a representative to look at your case, they give you a short window of time to mail (yes, physically mail) or fax your documents to them. Their goal seems to be to wear you down so you give up on your claim, or getting your spouse added to your plan, which was arbitrarily rejected. Most recently, they stopped covering my son's medication in full. When I inquired, it was because I wasn't getting a generic version. I asked the pharmacist about this and he stated there is no generic version of this medication. I got in touch with Manulife about this again, and they gave me two days to fax them the receipt (which the pharmacist sent them electronically...). I have no access to a fax, so here's hoping an email will work. At this point, I'm not optimistic. I've tried to straight-up cancel this insurance but there's only one week every two years I'm allowed to make changes to my plan. Time to check with HR and see if it's coming up soon.

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Deceitful company

by AD on Apr 4, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

My wife and I took out a policy 2 years ago. She asked some very specific questions and was told that it does cover certain dental work she needed when she got the work done and filed for coverage as we were told to we got denied. Manulife said it's not covered despite the paperwork we signed saying it was. They refused to cover anything, so we cancelled the policy. She called in to find out how to cancel it and went through the process on the phone with them. They kept taking money from our account for 6 months after it was cancelled. Do not go near this company. They are dishonest and don't care about you one bit.

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Change coverage without notice

by PM on Feb 16, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Signed up post-retirement insurance. Increased premiums every year then don't cover after 2+ years, saying it was a mistake. They hide information too.

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Complete Joke

by Run on Oct 29, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

It would be better to go with any other company. They are only in the business of taking your money and giving you nothing in return. Horrible. Don't waste your time or your money. Example with their health insurance. We pay to have 100% coverage for massages and chiropractor services. If they don't feel the cost of the service if low enough, they do not reimburse the 100% cost. Rather an amount they feel is suitable for the service. It has happened to us twice now. We went for massages with a registered massage therapist, summited our receipts with all the information required, and were given a portion of the amount back. It's an absolute joke. If I could give lower than one star, I would.

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Terrible Assessment

by parnia on Oct 2, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I have had a terrible accident and I have had a few surgeries. With serious injuries. Every bill I submit by default gets rejected. While I need to rest to recover I have to be on phone with them to convince them that it is included... They ignore doctor notes by reputable surgeons they ignore hospital bills they basically do their best to not pay anything to the insured person.

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Congé maladie

by S’il y a zéro je le mètrerais on Aug 28, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Service à la clientèle nul . Ils ne prennent même pas en considération la
note du médecin , ils arrêtent l’assurance même avec une note médicale et ils disent qu’ils n’ont pas assez d’informations pour continuer la demande.
Ils te poussent de retourner au travail même si t’es incapable parcequ’ils disent qu’ils ne paieront plus. J’ai jamais vue une assurance autant nulle et considère ces clients comme des numéros et s’en fiche de ta situation. Il faut juste les payé à eux mais quand t’as besoin d’eux ils font tout pour ne pas payer et supporter leur clients.

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Can't provide simple dental

by DontBuy-manulife on Aug 25, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I worked for my company for 7ish years. Recently moved to full time to receive benefits. After a month or so of being full time, I had some dental repairs. They paid me absolutely nothing, claiming I wasn't eligible because I didn't have coverage at the time of operation, which is categorically untrue. Additionally, there is no way of contacting them to dispute the claim. Stay as far away from these crooks as you can, don't trust them with even pennies for the dollars cause they won't actually care to pay even the minimal amount when it comes down to it.

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Deny deny deny

by Notsurprised on Aug 12, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

They deny everything. The final straw for me was when they denied my medical forms submitted to my healthcare spending account (designed to be used for anything medically related). What a joke of a company.

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