RBC WestJet World Elite MASTERCARD Consumer Reviews
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Earn 2% Money-Back Rewards on purchases in two 2% Money-Back Categories of your choice, and 0.50% Money-Back Rewards on all other purchases with Tangerine World Mastercard®.
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Miss a payment and your card is cancelled. No notice... Even if you make a payment RBC security has you locked out for any use of the card.
If you file a complaint, you get a form letter, no addressee and of course, never hear from anyone.
This ruins the Westjet brand.
I#1 have spent 2 full days trying to contact the fraud department because they thought my spending was unusual so instead of contacting me about it they froze my card!! What's the point of having an app where I can watch my spending and freeze my card myself if they just willy-dilly do it on their own? If I ever thought about banking with RBC I have totally changed my mind!!! As far as the WestJet credit card goes I'll be canceling it asap as they clearly don't need my business.