Health insurance Reviews
Blue Cross Health Insurance Reviews
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(26 reviews)

Best Health Insurance?
- Rates from 20+ life insurers
- Dental, Vision, Drug plans
- Can be purchased remotely
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Agent/rep attitude (1)
Agent/rep availability (4)
Agent/rep callbacks (2)
Agent/rep knowledge (4)
Billing/payments (7)
Cancellation experience (1)
Claim - adjuster (2)
Claim - denial (4)
Claim payout amount (2)
Claim processing time (2)
Complaints/ombudsman (1)
Email/message wait time (1)
Fax experience (2)
Insurance Rates, Prices (1)
Policy changes experience (1)
Policy clarity (2)
Policy coverage (17)
Pre-conditions (1)
Rates competitiveness (2)
Review author
The individual health insurance seems great. The plan seems to provide many benefits for a low cost. If you claim a benefit? Your medical history will be investigated and you will be labelled as having a pre-existing condition, regardless of your actual medical history. You will be unable to make future claims for this affliction. If your doctor disputes these findings and sends a letter to Blue Cross, it will be ignored. You will spend in excess of four months going back and forth with the very friendly but entirely clueless and useless customer service staff.
In short, a COMPLETE waste of time and money. Avoid at all costs.