Blue Cross Health Insurance Reviews

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I have been a very long-time high-paying customer.
My monthly payments were reasonable at one point, but then I noticed it's now well over $200 a month They take from me and I don't even get 90% in refunds...
So far I've had 5 Chiropractic appointments and submitted 3 claims and I just got a $75 check today.
And that's not $75 each, it's only one cheque. The sessions are $109 each!
Way to treat your long-time, high-paying customers... Thank you for essentially giving all of us nothing.
You are LOADED. Do better with us!
How is it legal to charge 3500 over a 2 year period and only cover 200 in contact lenses and the rest I pay out of pocket? And how is it legal to FORCE employees to pay for this with no choice? It's blatant robbery.