Car Insurance Reviews

Economical Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(227 reviews)
Economical Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Accident claim worst experience

by Gurpreet Singh on Jul 5, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Total loss on my car, not my fault. They wouldn't cover for my storage at the body shop it was at, wouldn't pay for my repairs that was done on my vehicle (e.g. new engine & transmission).Wouldn’t pay for my child seats that was in the car. They didn't care about my injuries that I sustained in my accident and was only concerned about cutting costs on their end which ever way they can. Adjusters Ricardo and Shalini (extremely rude) and the whole company was just trying to take advantage of me on my first accident example by asking me "if I'm injured why do I have a rental? "You should return it if you not going to use it. Why does it matter if I have a rental I'm entitled to it under my policy and I can have it parked the whole time at my House or drive all over with it. It’s up to me on what I want to do with it.

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Auto Claim

by Tim on Jun 29, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I had a car accident, I was not at fault. A SUV hit the back of my car. I put in a claim. I went to my body shop I do business with and they said it a write off. So I said to the insurance company and they said to take it to their body shop, so I did. One week later the claim department phoned me back and said the car not a write off. I explained about the car is going sideways down the road and the frame broken and they said give 700$ if I do want to repair the car. I said I cant get a another car for 700$. The car is a 05 Chev Malibu worth 2500$. So I said to claim department, I have to drive my family in a unfit car.

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Economical - Liars & Scammers!

by Sherry on Mar 24, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

They deserve less than 1 star, but unfortunately 0 stars is not an option!

I was involved in a hit and run accident in which my car door was dented. I spoke to people at the insurance company 4 times, while I was debating whether or not to make a claim. Each time, they promised me that because it was a hit and run, my rates would not go up. I was responsible for the deductible but that was it.
I asked them if I could just try and knock the dent out myself, and they said that I could definitely not do that because then if it didn't work, the adjuster might deem it to be not from the accident and it wouldn't be covered. They advised me to get it fixed as soon as possible.
I went ahead on their advice and got it fixed.

The day I was due to pick the car up, someone from Economical called me and said that they were wrong, and that now they had decided that I was at fault in the hit and run, and that my rates would go up accordingly because I had made a claim. I told him that I never would have put in the claim knowing that, and that they promised me this wouldn't happen. I asked him if he could go back and review our phone calls as they were "recorded for quality assurance". He said he would. I asked him if he could send me a copy, and he said he could not do that as they were for internal use only. I asked about the "Quality assurance", and he responded "that is for OUR quality assurance, not your quality assurance".

I then told him what one of his workers had said about the knocking out of the dent, and he directly contradicted what I had been told by someone else. He said that I should have tried to knock the dent out myself, and they still would have covered it.

They basically encouraged me to make a claim, promising me that it wouldn't make a difference to my rates, and then directly went back on their words. I am immediately switching insurance companies, and I will forever suggest to my friends that they do not use Economical!

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Horrible to deal with for a claim

by Never use economical insurance again on Jun 7, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

From my experience, they are by far the worst company to deal with for a claim. Setting up the claim was straight forward. They were too busy to take a look at the car and wanted it released into their own yard and threatened to charge us storage fees. Many phone calls to them with promises of callbacks, nothing returned. One of the guys who called was very rude on the phone.

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0 Stars for Economical

by Sarah Khatau on Feb 27, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

Had the worst experience with them after filing a claim (not at fault)
They made me call the body shop and wouldn't deal with them directly.
They wouldn't answer emails, calls for weeks on end.
Failed to tell us my car was fixed 2 weeks after the fact.
Absolute garbage company, switched right after this experience.

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Worst insurance ever

by WB on Jul 17, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

A truck hauling gravel and rocks with loose back door debris hit the front of my brand new car causing damage to bumper emblem and windshield. It took three months to get Economical Insurance to fix the car. They denied my claim a few times in the beginning. The bumper had few rock chips due to the incident, Economical's adjuster claimed that a couple of scratches at the bumper were not related to the incident even though the bumper had to be painted. Anyways, they made me pay 10% out of my pocket just because they decided that out of 20 rock chips at the bumper 2 were not related to the accident... Scammers... I got my car fixed and cancelled the insurance! If you visit a HUB insurance broker or Family insurance broker make sure to ask who is the insurer and if it is Economical Insurance make sure do not sign up with them!

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Horrible service!

by Dodgeram on Jul 9, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

They are the worst insurance company! I have full coverage! And my truck Abs electrical went on the highway there was a fire and I paid 400$ to get my truck towed to my mechanic. They told me he can’t even look at it that they will tow it to their shop and start an investigation. They waited a month and a half to tell me my claim didn’t go through! I use my truck for work so I needed a rental so far paid 2000$ for the rental while paying for my truck payments and car insurance. They never got back to me even my broker had a hard time contacting them. This is my first claim in 15 years of driving. They are not reliable customer service! I’m annoyed! My broker even set me up with this insurance company. I have 0 clue where my truck is if they damaged it more or what. They tried to get me to back out of my claim looked for any way for them not to pay or help! I would never ever insure anything with them! A horrible service! They should loose their license to insure anyone! I have a year left on my finance paid $60,000 into it! Why would I make fraud or false claim! I still can’t believe they put me through this just to say no. Always get your car looked at before they take your car. I am scared to find out what the deal is with it. Think twice before insuring with them.

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Allowing ins. fraud to stand

by upset customer on Apr 3, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

They only get one star because I can't do 0. Do your future self a huge favour, and don't bother with Economical Insurance. Not only they have terrible customer service, their assume guilty policy punishes good drivers who act in good faith while allowing or even rewarding bad drivers who lie about insurance claims to get off with only a slap on the wrist. No wonder insurance fraud is so high, with that policy. I have been a customer for years with no claims. I've driven 10 years with no at-fault accidents. The first time I submitted a claim this year, things went downhill fast. Not only did the insurance agent insist I go to their auto shop, across town from where I had an appointment already booked, but she also didn't even give me the right address. I'm glad I called the shop to confirm ahead, because I found out that she had also given me the wrong time, Monday afternoon instead of Friday, making my time off work nothing but lost hours and income. (Apparently, this was not the first time this had happened according to the auto shop.) Next, we come to the claim itself. I had a police report with a clear not at fault, a clear recounting of the events, and photos of vehicle damage on my left / driver's side. The other 'honest' driver (who insisted we should not do insurance and was 'very honest,' we could settle with cash!) made a false claim to their insurance saying I turned right and hit them, instead of what happened, they turned right and hit me. Their story is physically impossible while travelling in the same direction given the physical damages to my vehicle. But, the lie did not match, so apparently, it was an automatic 50/50 - now, not only was I being given bad customer service, they weren't even trying to help at all, and I was treated as guilty in each subsequent interaction. Nobody wanted to do any real work to help or make sure that things were done right. They are currently trying to finalize my claim without even bothering to wait for the police report on their end to be delivered - pure laziness, and it makes me wonder if that part is even legal - I gave them proof and they can't even be bothered to read it? Clearly, it was far easier (and more profitable) to just hit the 50/50 button than do their job. This policy of treating their customers like dirt, and guilty until innocent not only punish those drivers who do things right but by allowing the false claims to stand it condones and even rewards bad drivers who lie to avoid a penalty, with no burden of proof on their side. I can almost guarantee that the other driver, if they keep driving like what I saw, will go on to be in another accident and next time may not be lucky enough to escape with no injury. The first agent I spoke to argued up and down how I could have hit the other person, in fact, taking their side! (and the first story I heard was not identical to the second story either - different stories from the other insurance agency would also make things a bit suspicious too!) This lack of oversight might be why insurance fraud is so high if their agents just accept lies at face value while deliberately ignoring proof from their own customers.

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This company is useless

by Gaultzy on Mar 20, 2020
1.5 out of 5 stars

My car got destroyed by someone running a red light nearly 3 months ago and I haven’t received a dime from them yet. There was a witness who testified on my behalf but Economical Insurance wanted to make me 50% at fault because there is conflicting stories between me and the guy who ran the light. This is ridiculous because most people who are at fault deny it, therefore having a witness who nearly got hit by the same driver, should make it a slam dunk case. I couldn’t imagine how unfortunate it would be to have this happen without having a witness. I had to threaten them with a lawyer to get them to budge and reduce my fault down to 0%. I went to the garage of their choice the day after the accident to get a damage assessment but here I am still waiting on the money I’m owed. In these 3 months, I’ve paid them nearly $1000 from my monthly payments. I’m not sure what service I’m paying them for?

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by Disgruntled on Mar 4, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I got hit on a Saturday night - badly. They claim to have 24 emergency claim support - NOPE! People are at their most emotionally vulnerable - but if you get hit after 5 pm on a Friday - guess what? You'll be waiting for 3 days. They have an answering machine that DOESN'T record messages. It's been like that for 2 years and NO ONE CARES ENOUGH TO FIX IT! I called on a Monday morning - go through to a representative - she put me on hold after a 5-minute chat and my call was disconnected. Did she call back? NOPE! I got an assessment and it's been 4 days - my shop still hasn't received it. I'm driving around in a smashed-up car. Terrible company.

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