Car Insurance Reviews

Economical Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(227 reviews)
Economical Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Overall Great Experience

by Marcus514 on Apr 22, 2020
5 out of 5 stars

At first, I wasn't sure because I have never submitted a claim with any insurance company. In this case, it was for a total loss. They asked a handful of questions at the beginning which made me somewhat concerned that this would be a lengthy and annoying process. Turns out it was the exact opposite. I had a great experience and my representative was amazing. Thanks for making this experience a good one. I'll definitely put my future insurance policies with them and recommend them to family & friends.

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This company is useless

by Gaultzy on Mar 20, 2020
1.5 out of 5 stars

My car got destroyed by someone running a red light nearly 3 months ago and I haven’t received a dime from them yet. There was a witness who testified on my behalf but Economical Insurance wanted to make me 50% at fault because there is conflicting stories between me and the guy who ran the light. This is ridiculous because most people who are at fault deny it, therefore having a witness who nearly got hit by the same driver, should make it a slam dunk case. I couldn’t imagine how unfortunate it would be to have this happen without having a witness. I had to threaten them with a lawyer to get them to budge and reduce my fault down to 0%. I went to the garage of their choice the day after the accident to get a damage assessment but here I am still waiting on the money I’m owed. In these 3 months, I’ve paid them nearly $1000 from my monthly payments. I’m not sure what service I’m paying them for?

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