Health insurance Reviews

Manulife Health Insurance Reviews

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(149 reviews)
1.2 out of 5 stars:
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Got horrible in 2018

by Scott on Feb 10, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

First of all their hours of operation are terrible if you live on the west side of Canada since their hours are EST and they are never open on weekends so you can barely get a hold of them. Also, they made a bunch of changes to my plan in 2018 that made my coverage garbage without telling me anything. They lessened my coverage amounts and percentages, and even changed basic dental checkups from 6 months to 9 months! I found this out when I took my son in for his 6 month check up and had to pay the whole amount! Manulife is garbage and I only use them because it's my works insurance but I'm going to cancel the whole plan and just buy my own for me and my family.

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by Very disappointed on Jun 28, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I am someone who does not like to complain or do reviews, but I truly feel people should be aware of how terrible Manulife is so I can save others the issues and frustration I have dealt with.

In short; they flat out lie to you (saying my plan does not cover something when it does, and I send them the booklet with it highlighted), make you feel like you are the one at fault, even when essential paperwork is provided will consistently deny claim. Even when my work gets involved will deny claim and lie to my work. I have all paperwork to back up my claim and still deny deny. It's horrible what they are doing to my family, I have paid them for years with very few claims and when I do claim something it's a battle now lasting almost a year (a minor claim I might add) Totally unacceptable. If you are able, please do not go with this company, for the sake of your sanity and family please please pass on Manulife!

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denied short term disability

by pppppp on Apr 3, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Their forms are not easy to interpret so if your doctor does not fill out their forms correctly, they will deny your claim without seeking clarification or additional information. I advised the Manulife representative my doctor wrote my medical symptoms on the wrong page but it clearly states I've been sick due to pregnancy and should be off a certain period of time. I have a scheduled vacation coming up which I was told but Manulife I cannot travel aboard and appeal the case at the same time, eventhough the doctor approved of my sick leave up until my vacation time, which at that point he expects me to be better. This is on the verge of discrimination and I will be contesting their treatment of my case as they are causing undue hardship by not taking reasonable steps to assess and process my claim.

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Nothing other than useless.

by Manulife on Feb 23, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

While my experiences with the call centre have not been as bad as some of the other reviews, my overall experience with Manulife has been nothing short of garbage.

Firstly, the time to process claims is a thorough joke. They state 5 - 7 BUSINESS days after they receive the claim (which is bad enough to begin with), but don't kid yourself - you will wait roughly 3 weeks before you see any money back.

Secondly, the coverage is extremely poor - even for "Comprehensive" cover. Manulife pays out "90%" (of the regulatory "norms") - finding a healthcare provider that charges in accordance with the regulatory norms is almost as good as winning the lotto.

I had previously been with Sun Life, but had to change due to moving employers - I experienced NONE of the above issues when dealing with Sun Life whatsoever.

So, if you feel like waiting about 3 weeks to recover a small portion of your medical expenses for "COMPREHENSIVE" cover, then Manulife is your choice.

However, if you actually want any sort of adequate insurance coverage, then you can pretty much GO WITH ANY OTHER SERVICE PROVIDER.

These guys are the worst.

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MANULIFE ARE criminals

by Manu life hater on Feb 14, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My calls were constantly farmed out and went out to some call center in the Philippines. They demanded several notes and even phoned my doctor. I have now gotten in trouble with my doctor saying they will not do phone and prescriptions for me anymore because of the harassment from Manulife. They are criminals, they do whatever they can to not pay including changing the rules.

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Review topics

Useless insurance.

by CC on Feb 10, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

It actually cost's me more money to use Manulife when I pick up my prescriptions. They have a 30-40 tablet at a time policy, so I would have to get my prescription broken up into 4 different times of driving to the pharmacy and then paying the fee 4 different times. Ridiculous. I just pay for it all myself once a month and I end up saving $18 in fees, plus the gas and my time each month.

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Worse than its 2.1 stars

by disgruntled on Feb 10, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My experience:
Manulife took over our provider Standard Life in April 2016.
We were assured that access to our Standard Life claims would remain active. True until May, after which we were required to call into Manulife to access the information.

Manulife required a new pre-determination for my daughter's orthodontic treatments. Manulife then proceeded to double pay some benefits, sending a bill for the extra amounts, pay incorrect amounts on some benefits, and in all cases fail to process associated Health Spending Accounts (HSA) amounts.

After 8 months I hoping to have a resolution to these issues next month currently I am owed over 1,500 in benefits that are yet to be paid.
History corrections litter the completed claims area with some applied to the wrong patient.

In tracking this issue I have discovered the following:
* Manulife removes claim documents from their website... I have claim documents that I downloaded but can no longer be found in the claims area. After calling Manulife, they stated that they "update" the forms and old versions are replaced and removed.
* The HSA (Health Spending Account) information "current as of the date listed" stated a $0 balance for most of 2016, so no claims were applied to it. In January 2017, the website updated with approximately $600 unused for 2016. All the HSA claims need to be re-filed by mail.

I would rate Manulife 0 stars if I could!

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Rejected plan upgrade

by Seliquin on Jan 27, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

We went with Manulife for medicine coverage for my husband. We signed up with them in 2014. At first everything was good. He had been a client for a while and then was diagnosed with sinus polyps and Exercised-induced asthma and a back condition. He needs $300-400 worth of medication every month for basic quality of life. This year he had used all of his benefits half way through the year. So we called and they recommended we upgrade his plan. It would up the amount we could use for medications from $750/year to $5000/year. So we decided to do that and got paper work process underway. Two months later we find out they are accepting him on the policy but only for everything other then the medications he needs for his 3 conditions. They claim its a preexisting condition and they wont pay for anything to do with it even though the conditions were discovered/diagnosed while already under coverage. The insurance company was made aware of every diagnosis and condition every step of the way and never voiced any concerns.

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Piece of sh*t

by GMan on Jan 12, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My wife's work recently switched from Great West Life to Manualife. We are planning on doing some eye exams and I just wanted to take a look to make sure it's covered, and how much. I've been trying all day to look up the amount. And each time, the website says it's experiencing technical difficulties and to try again later.
I don't have time for this crap. I have work to do during the day and when I get home I have 3 kids to look after. I can't believe a company of this size can't get their website running properly. And judging by other reviews, this is not a one-time occurrence.
Like seriously. Get your website working. There are tens of thousands of other companies who can get their website running. You should try it too. What a disaster.

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by Manulife is Horrible! on Dec 6, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

This has got to be the worst god awful company I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with.

We are offered this company through our company and it is the worst company I have ever had to utilize. I have dealt with Sun Life Insurance before and they are always so quick and friendly.

They have me on an audit for the past 7 months for absolutely no reason so I am not able to do any claims online. Therefore it takes weeks to get any claim reimbursement due to having to send it in the mail. It then takes 5-7 BUSINESS days to get the reimbursement. I am with a company, so to be on ANY sort of audit, makes absolutely no sense.


They have a bunch of young, talent less, rude employees working there.

Let me tell you, I have never written a review in my life, but after the 3rd time of being told I can't submit online and them losing my claim forms and them not having my husband on file even though the initial forms stated this. They are known to use loopholes to not pay out, which is what they did with me. They are honestly the WORST company in North America! I will be making a complaint to my HR department in regards to this, thankfully for me, I have some pull in my company!

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