Car Insurance Reviews

Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance) Auto Insurance Reviews

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(408 reviews)
Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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Cancelling insurance

by Kelsea B. on Jul 18, 2017
1.5 out of 5 stars

We had insurance with this company for 2 years. We had no issues in our 2 years with them, they were awesome when we moved to BC....until we cancelled our policy to obtain insurance in BC.

We called to cancel. They never told us of any additional costs or final balances, I actually have a letter from them stating that there were no additional amounts owing. We left it and went on our way.

3 months down the road we get a letter from a collection agency saying our account has been assigned to them for an owing of $274.
They never once tried to get a hold of us by phone, by letter, by email.... anything to inform is of this money owing. To say we were blindsided is an understatement. We called numerous times and was refused answers on WHY we owe this amount. Asked the manager for a copy of a statement of what the owing was for. No one would do anything and told us to deal with the collection agency.

I would never use them again and I sure as heck wouldn't suggest them to anyone I know.

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The customer service

by Daer Ding on Apr 28, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I never have claim, and did not move, however, they increase the premium every year. They recommended an app called myAdvantage said if I use it, then get some discount. I used it for a couple of days, then get an email said they did not receive the data. two days later, I was removed from the program, with a premium modification of $18/month. I called them, they said, I did not activate the app, and can not register any more. The fact is, I used the app, and upload the data. Their email confirmed that they can not receive my data!

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(lackof) TD Problem Resolution

by DissatisfiedTDClient on Mar 2, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My accident occurred on December 2nd, 2016. There were issues with my vehicle once repairs were complete at the beginning of January. I have made several attempts to contact my claims adjuster, along with his colleague since January 5th, 2017. I have not received any responses from either individual.

Then, I receive a generic 'Closing Notice' in the mail dated January 30, 2017.

I attempted to present my problem to a manager on two separate occasions (February 24th and February 28th). In both instances, Claims Advisors assured me that a supervisor/manager will be in contact with me within 48 hours. No one has contacted me in either instance following the 48 hours.

I contacted the automobile claims department once again and spoke with a Senior Claims Advisor. She looked into my file and advised that the manager assigned to my claim, could no longer be reached.

My problem remains unresolved.

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by Asad on Dec 14, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

My monthly insurance was $247 i was into 8th day of the month. I found a better insurance price which is $146 with exact same coverage somewhere else. So i decided to cancel, it was 8th day into the month and yet they still charged me $247 + another $13 just to put gravy on it.
Another thing i always have 2 cars insured. So i sold one of my cars waited for a month bought another. Called for insurance it went up by $15 dollar. I asked y they said cuz the car is newer even though it doesn't matter cuz its a third party coverage anyhow i let it go. Month latter didn't like the car so sold it and bought another one. Called again this time it went up by $4 asked y they said cuz its an older car. Anyhow to top it all off. Td isn't the greatest they don't care what kinda of economy situation we are in. They just want their pocket full.

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Very poor customer service

by tarapada on Sep 10, 2016
1.5 out of 5 stars

I'm actually trying to pay them money and they can't help but interrupt me, talk over me and show attitude. I try to escalate and the folks in charge send me back to the call centre. Somebody needs to manage their image - their customer service is the worst I've encountered in the industry! I've had policies for over 20 years, so maybe it's time to start looking elsewhere...

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Avoid at all costs

by DAW on Aug 16, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I am so done with this company. Their customer service is atrocious.

Lately any change I have made to my policy has consistently resulted in a mistake made on their part that requires a lengthy telephone to call to resolve.

The person on the phone normally seems annoyingly unconcerned and unapologetic about the poor service and in one of the most recent events this person was a manager/supervisor who was curt and rude leading me to beleive that the companies issues are systemic.

I have been paying just south of $10000 a year for auto and home policies and I am certain I can find a company that is more deserving and appreciative of my business

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

Customer value less than 10$

by Matin on Jul 5, 2016
1.5 out of 5 stars

Well, I've got a quote over the phone from them for 90$/M for the auto insurance. after I received the confirmation, i noticed 100$/M !

When I called them back, they told me "sorry! it was an error but the correct quote is 100$!".

Total conversation time 2 hours (half of this time on hold) and at the end they didn't change anything! Frustrating customer service and no respect.

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Do not get TD auto insurance

by pissed off customer on May 27, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Worst company ever to have an auto insurance with. Hidden charges that they add up at the time of the cancellation that they have a hard time explaining !!! I paid my fees in advance and they are charging me 120 dollars as a cancellation fee and 108 dollars as a short-term notice fee? (and this is after giving one month of notice ) comparatively expensive rate. Warning: bad idea to go with them

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by srwtdins on Mar 24, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

They were good at first and then I was cancelled because I missed a payment by 1 hour.... 1 HOUR!!

They just want money and apparently they have so many customers in line they dont need your money.

I could understand if I didnt pay my insurance but i did and then for them to cancel me because I was a little late? and have no way of making it up to them... garbage.... don't waste your time with these guys. the Government should step in and put a stop to this monopoly that we have to go through just to want to have insurance.

See all the NEGATIVE reviews??

That is there for a reason, go somewhere else.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Terrible customer service

by 1234 on Mar 21, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

TD sent my renewal and then subsequent cancellation notice to an incorrect address after I moved. They had missed a digit when I called to let them know about the change of address. I didn't notice the payment hadn't come out of my account until they phoned 3.5 months later to check my address and tell me they had cancelled the policy a month ago. Not allowed to pay and renew without a 30-day application process and increased rate. Also tagged with Non-payment on my record. All of this could have been avoided with a phone call.

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