Car Insurance Reviews

Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance) Auto Insurance Reviews

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(408 reviews)
Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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It's a popularity game.

by Done on Feb 6, 2019
3 out of 5 stars

Let me say first and foremost that their customer service is 2nd to none, but this insurance broker is for groups only. It's completely worthless for average individuals. I've been with them well over a decade, my group was dropped, and my rates were jacked up ever since. Despite no claims or speeding tickets for well over a decade, my rates kept increasing. They will get creative with packaging products (i.e. lower deductible, Grand touring, blah blah blah) claiming it's free, but your premiums will keep going up. It's difficult to remove the extra products since they are grouped together "free", removing them yields little to no savings. Great customer service (you pay for it I suppose), absolutely overpriced insurance product for the average person.

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TD my advantage driving app

by Retrovie on Jan 2, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Even when I got a 24% discount TD raised premiums without any justification. The TD advantage app is a scam. Used app for a year, had a 95% trip rating and 24% projected and TD raised my insurance $160 per year so even with my 24% discount my premium did not change. They refuse to justify such a drastic increase. They want to look like you will get a huge discount for being a good driver but they are just raising rates. What crooks.

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by Ali on Dec 9, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

The same thing happened with me. I can't remember her last name, she offered me Ryerson rates..what is the deal with this's like they have some string operation going on under their group rates. I bet even the CEO is in on it. I would say cut your losses, I gave up on getting my money back months ago.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Great price!

by andi_pants on Feb 10, 2018
5 out of 5 stars

Got a better policy for almost $400 cheaper than anywhere else! Got coverage confirmation same day and they didn't jack the price up despite us having a policy cancellation in 2015. Was very happy with the experience, they were quick, efficient, and worked after closing time because we needed insurance confirmation to pick up our new vehicle. Can't say enough good about TD insurance and I would recommend them to anyone!!

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Amazing experience for 9 years

by baffled on Nov 2, 2017
5 out of 5 stars

I have absolutely no idea why so many people are complaining. I have been with Meloche Monnex for over 9 years, ever since I began driving at age 16. I've had several claim experiences with them, which have always been dealt with professionally. I have only experienced long wait times when calling at peak hours, which is common sense to expect. That's not even something I'd complain about. Every single person I've dealt with has CONSISTENTLY been amazing. I have called them MANY times, as I'm one of those people who calls even if a small question arises. They have ALWAYS been patient with me, answering my questions to my satisfaction, and I even receive consistent answers when asking the same question to multiple people. My rates are incomparable to anyone I know, so that is another plus. Recently, Meloche Monnex denied renewing my policy because I had acquired too many speeding tickets, but they notified me in advance and explained that I could come back once a few tickets were off my record. Fast forward 6 months, and I just got off the phone with them to get a new policy with them. Once again, I had a very positive experience with the person I spoke to, and despite still having 2 speeding tickets on my record, I still received an extremely low rate. In terms of the claims I've made, my car was always repaired by professionals and even arranging rental vehicles was NEVER an issue. I literally cannot fathom why anyone would complain about them, as I've spoken to countless people employed at Meloche Monnex and I have nothing negative to say.

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The customer service

by Daer Ding on Apr 28, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I never have claim, and did not move, however, they increase the premium every year. They recommended an app called myAdvantage said if I use it, then get some discount. I used it for a couple of days, then get an email said they did not receive the data. two days later, I was removed from the program, with a premium modification of $18/month. I called them, they said, I did not activate the app, and can not register any more. The fact is, I used the app, and upload the data. Their email confirmed that they can not receive my data!

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.


by Asad on Dec 14, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

My monthly insurance was $247 i was into 8th day of the month. I found a better insurance price which is $146 with exact same coverage somewhere else. So i decided to cancel, it was 8th day into the month and yet they still charged me $247 + another $13 just to put gravy on it.
Another thing i always have 2 cars insured. So i sold one of my cars waited for a month bought another. Called for insurance it went up by $15 dollar. I asked y they said cuz the car is newer even though it doesn't matter cuz its a third party coverage anyhow i let it go. Month latter didn't like the car so sold it and bought another one. Called again this time it went up by $4 asked y they said cuz its an older car. Anyhow to top it all off. Td isn't the greatest they don't care what kinda of economy situation we are in. They just want their pocket full.

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New Policy - Payments in Half

by Lauren on Nov 16, 2016
5 out of 5 stars

First off, they answer the phone right away. None of this weird waiting through several lines of automated messaging stuff that many companies have adopted these days. Second, the guy (I'm SO BAD with names) was such a pleasure to deal with! He went through every idea to save me money possible and now my payments are cut in HALF from my current policy that ends next month. I couldn't be happier and... Although I like them, I hope to never have to have a claim. I'd hate to see my awesome rates go. Third... Well, there is no third. I didn't have to wait around for anything else!

Much love!

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Do not get TD auto insurance

by pissed off customer on May 27, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Worst company ever to have an auto insurance with. Hidden charges that they add up at the time of the cancellation that they have a hard time explaining !!! I paid my fees in advance and they are charging me 120 dollars as a cancellation fee and 108 dollars as a short-term notice fee? (and this is after giving one month of notice ) comparatively expensive rate. Warning: bad idea to go with them

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

increase of over $1000!

by tstephens on Mar 28, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I was with TD Meloche Monnex for just over a year (house and auto). When I first signed with them I was happy as the rate was the lowest I could find. $205/mth for auto and $98 for house. I got my G licence within this year and expected my rate to decrease since I had no accidents, no tickets, no claims and I got my full G licence. I got my renewals in the mail and I was shocked to see that my auto had increased over $1000 a year. Auto insurance was now $294 and home insurance was hiked up to $118 per year. I called to find out why, thinking this could only be a mistake. The person on the phone told me there was no explanation except maybe all rates had gone up. She tried to keep me as a customer by telling me that if I had winter tires I would get a huge discount. Once she told me what the discount was (a measly $160 a year or something stupid) I laughed. They increased my auto insurance over a year, but would now give me a discount for having winter tires of $168. laughable. I shopped around and found another company that is charging less than when I first started with TD. I was told by one broker that a trick TD uses to get customers is to offer them a much lower rate at first but then on renewal, they increase it to make up for the lower premium they offered you at the beginning. Scammers!

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