Car Insurance Reviews

Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance) Auto Insurance Reviews

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(408 reviews)
Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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HORRIBLE customer service

by mariam.i on Apr 24, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I had been a loyal auto insurance and home insurance customer for 10+ years. I had a recent incident where I got a ticket but otherwise a clean record. TD called to let me know they have declined me for renewal. They said it was a major ticket and they cannot insure me any longer. They wouldn't even discuss the issue. Oh and this is almost a year post the ticket I received and just 2 months before my insurance expires.

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increase of over $1000!

by tstephens on Mar 28, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I was with TD Meloche Monnex for just over a year (house and auto). When I first signed with them I was happy as the rate was the lowest I could find. $205/mth for auto and $98 for house. I got my G licence within this year and expected my rate to decrease since I had no accidents, no tickets, no claims and I got my full G licence. I got my renewals in the mail and I was shocked to see that my auto had increased over $1000 a year. Auto insurance was now $294 and home insurance was hiked up to $118 per year. I called to find out why, thinking this could only be a mistake. The person on the phone told me there was no explanation except maybe all rates had gone up. She tried to keep me as a customer by telling me that if I had winter tires I would get a huge discount. Once she told me what the discount was (a measly $160 a year or something stupid) I laughed. They increased my auto insurance over a year, but would now give me a discount for having winter tires of $168. laughable. I shopped around and found another company that is charging less than when I first started with TD. I was told by one broker that a trick TD uses to get customers is to offer them a much lower rate at first but then on renewal, they increase it to make up for the lower premium they offered you at the beginning. Scammers!

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by Randy on Mar 24, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

We are with TD Meloche Monnex for last 8 years. We never had a claim, never got a ticket, luckily never had an accident. We also had house insurance with them from last year. I got G licence this year. As per our last conversation our insurance rate suppose to decrease for next year. But We are surprised to see that out rate increase 28/mo for next one yr. When I called they dont have any logical explanation. Even the guy on the phone are telling that there are no logical explanation why its gone up and he is sorry but he can not do anything about it. We have time to accept it or reject it after doing our own math.
This is how they are treating their loyal customer!!

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nothing but talking heads

by feelinripped on Aug 29, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

After a 25 year clean driving record and over 10 years with this company I made the mistake of calling them to say that is backed into a post and wanted to know what my deductible would be and how it would affect my premiums. They could tell me only what my deductible was. They couldn't tell me how it would affect my premiums because that isn't calculated until renewal???? I say fine, I'll leave it and pay for the repairs myself. That's when she said that it would still show up on my record as an at fault accident. I went up the monkey chain a couple of levels and got the same canned reply. One supervisor thought that maybe the premiums wouldn't go up that much if I didn't complete the claim. This outfit is a ripoff. They suck you in with big alumni discounts and then jack up their prices yearly. Don't ever use them.

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Rates Kept Going up

by Lee on Oct 29, 2013
2.5 out of 5 stars

I had been with TD since 2001 (so over 12 years).
At first my auto rates were very reasonable.
But noticed that my rates have been going up for the last few years.
I'm in my late 30's, have home insurance with them, have had a clean record for over 9 years (my only accident was in 2004 and was a both at fault accident, but has since been wiped off my record). I don't drive anything fancy or racy. Yet this year's renewal went up over 15%. When I called, the customer rep had no answer, only to say, it might be the car you drive.
So I have since left, as I used a insurance broker who found me another company 45% less!
I have since moved both my home and auto insurance over.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Buyers Beware

by marisakeller on Sep 3, 2012
3.5 out of 5 stars

TD Insurance did offer me a competitive auto insurance. However, the two main issues I had was with an accident claim (now off record) and heavily rising premiums the past couple of years, despite a good driving record. My claim for a US accident (not at fault) was not dealt with well. Due to slow case processing and a lack of will to pursue the incident due to complications with cross-border rules, I did not find the claims process fair nor easy to deal with. Despite not being at fault, I ended up taking a premium hit and absorbing the claim. Also, premiums have risen $1000 the past 2 years, a huge increase, merely due to the demographics of "other" drivers that live in the same neighbourhood. Where good driving and loyalty were once both considered a factor in competitive insurance rates, I find more recently that this is not the case and will be re-assessing my options upon renewal.

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