Health insurance Reviews

Manulife Health Insurance Reviews

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(150 reviews)
1.2 out of 5 stars:
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Manulife:WORST Co. EVER! Avoid

by Canadian Chap on Jun 9, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I've recently dealt with manulife for a claim, and they found a really insignificant, immaterial, technicality to deny me my claims. I couldn't believe it. When I first got rejected, I had called their agents, and they said they would take care of it because they thought Manulife was being unresonable too, otherwise they would have just said no right away, but was rejected 2 weeks later. This same thing happened with 4 other agents for the next 3 months, until I expressed my dissatisfaction on social media. They told me to contact client relations, and after 2 weeks, they told me I'm denied again. What was the point of that?! They will screw you over, then drag it out for months until you finally give up in frustration. They are the worst, and I will never buy any policy from them again, and I warn anyone who is considering Manulife to stay the hell away unless you want to be wrongfully denied reimbursement and lose sleep over it.

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Awful to deal with for medical

by Amanda on May 13, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Through my work group insurance I have dealt with many companies over the years...Blue name it...but these guys are the absolute worst. They turn down claims based on a few dollars and expect the client to pay hundreds because they'll save 20. Not good enough when you are paying these people 40 or 50 dollars a week for coverage that you have no say in. It's just so unfair and disheartening to see a big company like this treat their clients like this. I would never recommend this company. Ever.

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Review topics

Terrible insurance

by Virginia on Apr 21, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

We have been with this terrible not-Coverme me program and I can tell you it is horrible. They are super bureaucratic, even my cat's health insurance is much easier and convenient to deal with. You have to fill endless papers and once in a while they change their mind and something that was covered for years suddenly they will make stupid excuses and don't cover anymore (it happened with my daughter psychologist). You have to call and talk to different people and all of them will give you different answers on the same topics, they know nothing. They raise the quote once in a while, the doctors increase their fees and Manulife has the same shitty coverage. Don't believe what the commercials say and look for a serious insurance company.

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Terrible experience

by Jen on Apr 3, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

My employer switched from GWL to Manulife a few months ago for benefits coverage. Apparently Manulife was significantly cheaper for the employer and nothing would change in terms of our benefits. This has not been true. From my perspective and based on my terrible experiences thus far, the reason that they are cheaper is because the employees are now paying for the difference. For example, Manulife has disallowed registered massages because the massage therapist obtained their certification in BC instead of in AB where they practise. This was frustrating because Manulife and my employer did not document this absurd requirement anywhere and now. My employer indicated that they were not aware of this policy so they actually refunded me for the massage. They have told me to get all of the details regarding the Reg Massage Therapist before I book a massage which is such a pain and creates extra stress. In addition, Manulife's website is down on weekends. On Sat, you cannot submit claims after 8pm and Sun, after 5pm. As a parent that works fulltime, it is very difficult to make time to process these claims except on weekends after my young kids have gone to bed. For me, I have actually stopped using my benefits because the thought of trying to process the claim and what Manulife will come back with causes me instant anxiety. Ugh

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Stupid benifits

by Leana on Sep 28, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

Manulife is by the worst benifits u can have and there website works like s... dont recommend Manulife to any human being there dumb.

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Review topics

Loop Holes

by rebecca on Aug 12, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I agree with the below comments as I've had a few claims come back and it goes back and forth until they finally process your claim. I recently moved companies and they told me that they wouldn't accept my claim because it depends on when you receive your contact lenses versus when you submit and actually pay for your order???? I've never heard of this and quite frankly think it's BS. Better off not paying into their plans and paying your own way through.

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Forms - denial

by Michael T on Jun 23, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

They have multiple layers of forms to fill out before they will process a claim.And if you miss any detail it is denied and sent back.
Enough to frustrate the most patient and organized accountants in the world....
I have coverage through my employer and every time I see an ad for them I hope people read these reviews as I would never deal with them if I had the option.
The only reason I continue to go through their processes is that I won't let them win.
I have co-workers who just don't bother anymore.

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Strong reliable trustworthy?

by Mel on May 13, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

Manulife works hard to not pay your claim. I have had to call repeatedly about claims made for dental costs and I am advised to resubmit or told that code is not covered. So 50% usually equates to 20% if I'm lucky. there is no customer service wanting to make the process seamless and hassle free. It's hoop jumping so they do as little work as possible in hopes I am sure that the customer becomes frustrated and gives up.

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Scammers not helpers

by JoAnHa on May 1, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

This is the worst company I have ever dealt with. They put a clause in the insurance because I said that I had a sore right arm blocking any medication that could be used to heal this that means no pain killers no antiinflamatories. So basically all Im covered for is antibiotics. If you want your money back because it is something that is not related then you have to fill out a bunch forms gather your reciepts and get a letter from your doctor. They work on the idea that most people who can afford these policies that it is not worth your time to do this.

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Review topics

Refusing to insure child

by frustrated on Jun 27, 2014
1.5 out of 5 stars

Our daughter has a heart murmur for which she has never received any treatment or medical intervention. Manulife has only recently allowed our her two siblings to be covered on our group insurance plan, after a full year of waiting. We have had to jump through all sorts of hoops and still our daughter, who doesn't even have to take antibiotics when she visits the dentist, is not a recipient of our family's benefits.

When I do contact Manulife they try to imply that they have no record of my husband's policy, because they never include his certificate number on any correspondence that we've received. I'm curious as to how they suppose that I'm receiving correspondence from them, because they certainly seem to have at least our address! I am very unimpressed with this company and their lack of desire to help.

He/she put me on hold for about 15 minutes and when they came to say they couldn't help me, the customer service representative, (admittedly I was angry by this point), pretended that he/she couldn't hear me. I demanded their name, and they simply continued to pretend that they couldn't hear me. I demanded to speak to a manager, and they continued the game of not being able to hear me....even fading their voice so that maybe I might think that the connection was fading out. I hung up and phoned back and guess what? The customer service rep that I got this time, could hear me just fine! And she was able to help me, quickly, I might add!

I get it, it's not fun to deal with an angry and frustrated customer and I was hopping mad, but just pass me off to management rather than implying that I don't know what I'm talking about or playing games with me!

Sadly the experiences that I've had when I've had to contact Manulife have more closely resembled my encounter with the fading out customer service rep rather than the lady who I later spoke with.

I just want our daughter, who is eight and as healthy as a horse to be taken care of! It's been over a year of waiting!

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