Car Insurance Reviews
Allstate Auto Insurance Reviews
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(329 reviews)

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Most helpfull reviewsTags
Accident Forgiveness (1)
Agent/rep attitude (51)
Agent/rep availability (54)
Agent/rep callbacks (32)
Agent/rep knowledge (32)
Agent/rep language skills (1)
App to track driving (2)
Billing/payments (70)
Broker experience (2)
Cancellation experience (41)
Cancellation fee (4)
Claim - adjuster (28)
Claim - denial (10)
Claim - injuries (2)
Claim - not-at-fault (15)
Claim - rental car (23)
Claim - repair shop (22)
Claim - theft (4)
Claim - total loss (5)
Claim - towing (3)
Claim - windshield/glass (1)
Claim payout amount (10)
Claim processing time (42)
Complaints/ombudsman (16)
COVID Handling (2)
Discounts, deals, rewards (4)
Email/message wait time (5)
Insurance Rates, Prices (33)
Late payment fee / NSF (4)
Legal actions (2)
New purchase experience (2)
On-hold times/transfers (8)
Online quoting (2)
Parking/pausing policy (1)
Phone wait times (38)
Policy changes experience (9)
Policy clarity (2)
Policy coverage (41)
Rates after claim (2)
Rates at renewal (6)
Rates competitiveness (14)
Rates for bad drivers (1)
Rates for good drivers (12)
Rates for long-term clients (2)
Rates for second driver (3)
Rates for students (1)
Rates in bundle (9)
Refund (6)
Renewal experience (2)
Roadside Assistance (1)
Trailer/motorhome (1)
Website experience (1)
Review author
It's a good thing I only had a claim for a windshield god forbid not a fire, jeez. I called my Allstate office to report a windshield claim and she gave me an 800 number which I called. After being on hold for over 15 minutes (see what I mean by just a windshield) a guy told me that their system was down and somebody would call me back. 24 hours later still no phone call return (see again what I mean by just a windshield not a fire) and with a 1000 deductible thank god I found a windshield much much cheaper which means they would not have paid a dime so Allstate kiss my behind I will pass the word around how much of a scam you are just like the other insurance companies you are insured for everything EXCEPT what happens to you.