Car Insurance Reviews

Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance) Auto Insurance Reviews

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(408 reviews)
Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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Insurance advisor amazing

by Evylania on Mar 7, 2020
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, I had to call TD today as my payment for my premium did not go through so I was at risk to have my policy terminated unless I paid what was left to pay (over 2.5K). I could not afford that and had missed the payment as I did not get paid and just paid for my permanent residency so I was left dry... The insurance advisor, did everything he could to get me back on track and now everything has been settled. I can't thank him enough for how good he was and how amazing of a customer service experience he delivered. Thank you again.

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by jessy on Jan 28, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I was told that using my truck in any way makes my insurance null and void as that means that I need commercial insurance. So, when I had an accident and I was NOT AT work or doing any work at all then I was told that they found out I use my truck to move furniture for my business back and forth from my storage. When the accident happened they DID NOT PAY OUT ANYTHING and told the other person to SUE ME! Most terrible company ever! After they cancelled me they told me to get insurance elsewhere and then still continued to take money out of my account!!! What kind of scam is this... I paid collision insurance for years and they don't want to pay... Then they told me if I want to stop the 150 dollars coming out of my account then I have to send an email with my new insurance pink slips and then when I did they told me I had to cancel it by sending the pink slips as this disorganized group don't know how to open an email. Do not insure a truck with this company!

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by Disappointed on Jul 17, 2019
2.5 out of 5 stars

After my car accident TD provided excellent customer service, I was very impressed. However, after my claim was closed and I learned I needed to replace the car seat in my car and that TD would pay for it, it was painful trying to get a hold of my representative. She would either not answer my emails or take forever to get back to me. Customers shouldn’t have to chase down their representatives and hound them for answers via email and/or phone. My experience started great and ended with disappointment. Still, haven’t received payment for the new car seat either!

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What's happened to TD Mel Mon?

by Dr. Jesse Smith on May 8, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I've had my house and auto insurance with them for 25 years maybe more. In all that time I've had one auto claim some 11 years ago and no home claims. I was not at fault but my car was totalled. The claim was settled satisfactorily with speed and politeness. Nor did my rates go up beyond the usual creepage. A recent matter, not even involving a claim, has made me decide to leave this company. I had to purchase a car out of the province of my residence when my old one was beyond reasonable repair costs. First, they told me the maritime branch could still insure me but with a 60 % premium. I was willing to pay because it would only be for a few months. Then they came back and said they could not insure me and that I would have to be insured by their Ontario branch. That auto insurance was 85% more than I had been paying. Because they do not consider the Ontario and Maritme branches the same company and my home was insured with the Maritime branch my house insurance also went up 18%. I was not pleased but again considered it a temporary matter until I had my plates changed back in several months. I decided I would change insurance companies if they did not return me to close to the previous status quo to both house and auto. I asked them to send the policies to a temporary mailing address for me to review. But they got the address wrong. So I had to phone them to correct that and make sure future mailings went to my home address. Tried a couple of times but I could not wait more than 15 minutes to get a person. Then one day I got to a person within minutes... By not listening, just like the individual who did not get the address right, she turned what should have been a simple matter into something very complicated. She kept cutting me off and would not let me speak my mind. She had the gall to threaten to hang up if I did not calm down when she was the one escalating matters. I should have said, "You know what? It doesn't matter. I'll be changing insurance companies in the next few months," and then hung up. They'll be losing a good client. Never any problems with payment and only one claim in 25 years. She was the straw in a series of events. I do not want to be insured by a company that employs someone like her. She's a bully with psychological issues; the need to be right and a lack of genuine empathy. (I have a Ph.D. in psychology and worked in a psychiatric facility). They also lost my father a few years back. He never made any claims. But they were making mistakes with billing and he got tired of calling them up after they kept making the same mistakes over and over again.

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Avoids paying claims

by Alisha on Feb 27, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

First of all...stay far away from this company! We had a small accident a few weeks ago that caused minor surface damage to the rear of our vehicle. We got our own repair estimate for $2500. We took it to their guys so that we could file our claim. We waited over THREE WEEKS for them to get back to us after numerous follow-ups, only to find out work hadn't even started on our vehicle. The repair shop blamed the insurance company for not sending paperwork, and TD Meloche blamed the repair shop for being backed-up with work. We, finally, escalated it to a manager. Got a call back the next day to tell us that the vehicle was considered a write-off. We're still waiting to find out our settlement offer, apparently, there is no one we can speak to on it, and we just have to keep waiting for some indefinite time. We bought our vehicle just three years ago for $11K. And they're writing it off for approx. $3k of damage? Why even have insurance if they can just choose to write it off for whatever they want and not repair it when you file a claim. This has been a complete nightmare I wouldn't wish to anyone. Oh...and we had no rental vehicle coverage on our policy, so all this time have been down a vehicle which I understand was our choice not to take it. But you also don't expect an insurance company to take three weeks just to START processing your claim. I tried to ask for a rental vehicle at this point but of course, the answer was no.

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Be Careful what they quote u!

by CPA on Dec 5, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

1. When I replied to the email that I got the Insurance confirmation from asking to change something, I never got any reply! The confirmation was only a table including the basic information only in their own terminology and did not have any clarification of anything in detail on top of that it had wrong information about the lessee! 2. When I later called and asked to send me a copy of the terms and conditions or the contract that I am signing in order to commit financially, I was told that the system doesn’t do that and that I have to accept everything we talked about verbally and I should not see what is excluded in the contract and on top of that if I cancel, mid-term or even when the mail comes to see the contract, I will be paying one month cancellation fee and the agents didn’t care about anything and he said he’ll be happy helping me cancel right now before the policy starts. I have asked for a manager and the manager just simply repeated what he said and then told me this is the rule here, it’s only a verbal quotation, this is how things work in this company! This is neither ethical nor professional. I am very disappointed with a big company like this behaving in such a bad scammy way!!

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Customer Service Nightmare

by willpeterson on Jan 19, 2018
2 out of 5 stars

TD insists on only using mail for communication, no matter the circumstance. They refuse to contact anyone for any reason using any form of communication other than mail. I had an issue with my mailing address and they sent about 12 letters, informing me that they were going to cancel my insurance due to a payment issue. Eventually, they cancelled it, without informing me by any method other than by mail (note that they had my email and phone number on file). I never received any of these notifications and was driving with invalid insurance for about 4 months because of this. Then, because I had an amount owing, they got their collection agency to contact me. They were able to contact me immediately, of course, since they tried any method other than mail. This is the only reason I found out my insurance had been cancelled. I paid them immediately. I have never had any issue with payment for any service in my life, except for with TD. If they had contacted me by phone or email, I would have been able to clear things up right away and would have taken measures to ensure this would never happen in the future. I tried to reinstate my insurance with them, but they would not grant me home insurance due to my previous non-payment, even though I had paid everything I owed in full. I went with another company, but they would not insure me until they had confirmation from TD that my account had been settled. So I went through the horribly long wait to speak with someone by phone, and after being put on hold multiple times, I was told they would send me confirmation the next day. I assumed this meant they would email it to me. However, when I checked with them two days later, it turned out they were mailing it to me. I spent about an hour trying to convince them to scan the document and email it to me or to just send me the original saved document, but of course, they refused. I cannot for the life of me understand what they have against alternate forms of communication. Why do they insist on doing everything with the oldest, slowest, most unreliable, and most expensive form of communication? To make a long story short, this company has the worst customer service of any company I have ever experienced, and will never contact you except by mail.

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The customer service

by Daer Ding on Apr 28, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I never have claim, and did not move, however, they increase the premium every year. They recommended an app called myAdvantage said if I use it, then get some discount. I used it for a couple of days, then get an email said they did not receive the data. two days later, I was removed from the program, with a premium modification of $18/month. I called them, they said, I did not activate the app, and can not register any more. The fact is, I used the app, and upload the data. Their email confirmed that they can not receive my data!

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by Asad on Dec 14, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

My monthly insurance was $247 i was into 8th day of the month. I found a better insurance price which is $146 with exact same coverage somewhere else. So i decided to cancel, it was 8th day into the month and yet they still charged me $247 + another $13 just to put gravy on it.
Another thing i always have 2 cars insured. So i sold one of my cars waited for a month bought another. Called for insurance it went up by $15 dollar. I asked y they said cuz the car is newer even though it doesn't matter cuz its a third party coverage anyhow i let it go. Month latter didn't like the car so sold it and bought another one. Called again this time it went up by $4 asked y they said cuz its an older car. Anyhow to top it all off. Td isn't the greatest they don't care what kinda of economy situation we are in. They just want their pocket full.

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New Policy - Payments in Half

by Lauren on Nov 16, 2016
5 out of 5 stars

First off, they answer the phone right away. None of this weird waiting through several lines of automated messaging stuff that many companies have adopted these days. Second, the guy (I'm SO BAD with names) was such a pleasure to deal with! He went through every idea to save me money possible and now my payments are cut in HALF from my current policy that ends next month. I couldn't be happier and... Although I like them, I hope to never have to have a claim. I'd hate to see my awesome rates go. Third... Well, there is no third. I didn't have to wait around for anything else!

Much love!

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