Car Insurance Reviews

Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance) Auto Insurance Reviews

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(408 reviews)
Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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Refusing to refund

by baffledinlondon on Feb 13, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

As an update to my previous review, we still haven't received a refund. This is over $700 owed to us, as they cancelled our policy out of nowhere despite being paid in full. Additionally, I am having trouble cancelling our home insurance. We went with this company because of the Western student discount. Considering that I am active with the graduate student society, I am going to warn students away from this company and suggest that we partner with different insurance providers.

Sonnet had us re-insured, without fuss, within an afternoon. I would recommend their customer service.

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Just terrible - AVOID!

by baffledinlondon on Feb 8, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I am baffled as to how this company stays in business. They are very antiquated with few online services, seeming to rely mainly on letters for communication. They claimed to have called as well, but either a representative put in the wrong number or that's false. Anyway, we were notified via letter that we didn't have all of the proper documentation for our insurance (this is 6 months into our policy) to satisfy regulations. Baffled, we contacted the customer service e-mail to fix the error. The insurance was canceled anyway, the company saying we had until the 2nd to fix the issue and time had passed. I have the physical letter that clearly said until the 12th. Canceled anyway, and I was berated on the phone by a representative that said they had tried to contact me several times and it was therefore our fault. We paid in full, have no accidents, no claims, a clean driving record, and Ontario driver's licenses. Yet they still canceled out of the blue and refused to salvage our account. They also made no attempt to refund until I complained. I don't know how they manage to stay in business when they treat customers like that, and miss out on $800 they have to refund (hopefully - I am still waiting). Avoid this company like the plague. While they offer discounts, their services are terrible, and now we're stuck with this record saying we were non-compliant as we shop for other insurance, even though we had perfect insurance records before. It's ridiculous and the strangest, most awful experience I've had with an insurance company. It's like they outright didn't want our business.

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Very frustrating to work with

by Sharon on Nov 21, 2017
2 out of 5 stars

I tried to cancel my insurance. It became a 3-week process resulting in additional withdrawals from my account including a penalty. Very disappointing and frustrating. I would NOT recommend them to anyone. Stick with the smaller companies where you get more personal service.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Don't get insurance with TD!

by thetruth on Jan 9, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

-Sky high premiums. Search around, everyone you call will have better pricing
-horrible cancellation policies, very unforgiving

enough said.

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Stole money for two years

by Mohammed on Jul 20, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

As insurance companies work mostly over he phone, the lack of transparency, follow up, communications and integrity is sorely lacking at Meloche Monnex. I was a customer for over two years and paid $120 monthly, I was told that I had the comprehensive coverage yet this month for He first time I called about two small items, my windshield that has stone chips from the highway and a scratch from someone vandalizing my car by keying the side of the body. After numerous transfers, voicemails, promises of managers calling back and wrong as well as conflicting information being provided every time I call- I decided to cancel my insurance policy with TD. They do not care about the customer at all. They did not acknowledge their error whatsoever. They stuck to the script and each person would repeat that I was sent insurance policy by mail and henceforth it was my fault all along. It doesn't matter to them that they have made a mistake and that they should at the very least apologize and try to retain the customer. They have completely alienated and upset me because they are thieves. TD should be sued for their business practices.

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Incompetent customer service

by screwedbyTD on May 24, 2016
2 out of 5 stars

My ex-wife and I shared a Home-Auto Insurance. So when we separated and changed our addresses I called and they told me I had to cancel my policy, and that my wife had to call to approve it. She did but they just cancelled the auto portion of my insurance. They didn't cancel the home insurance and of course they continued charging me for it.

They never mentioned that I was subject to cancellation fees and the last operator I chat with told me that I would be penalized with a small portion because of cancellation fees. That small portion represents a 70% of my monthly payment. How in the world a 70% is a small portion???

Moreover, they will refund an extra payment they charged me in 2-3 business weeks? So they screwed me up in every way they could.

Stay away from this robbers!!!!

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Don't trust them

by cton on Aug 26, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

Was assured upon purchase that I would not have to pay cancellation fee if I was selling the car rather than switching insurance companies. Now that I try to cancel I am charged a cancellation fee without explanation of how it is calculated. The supervisor refuses to show me the actual auto policy claiming I have no right to look at the the policy in print and the official wording of it all only referring me to OAP and nothing specific. Then the manager of the customer service "respectfully" hangs up on me.

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by OKGJND on Jun 8, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I canceled the insurance, I want to know how do they calculated the penalty fee, because they charge a lot, but she said this is internal, she can't tell me how they calculated. They trick customer.

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Very slow at paying money back

by Hobie on Nov 21, 2014
1.5 out of 5 stars

After 10 years with TD Meloche Monnex I decided to get other quotes. I was very surprised that I could save $800 per year on auto because I thought I was getting a good rate from them due to my post secondary affiliation discount. I canceled my insurance with them and was told they owed me about $500 and would get it in a week and I also owed them a small amount for my home ins. They kept their promise of taking the money owed but not the money they owe me. Instead of 1 week I have to wait 4 weeks. I called and of course they say there is nothing they can do. Funny how insurance companies and banks are extremely efficient at taking $$ but not at giving it back.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Rate increase

by Dan Foster on Oct 4, 2023
1 out of 5 stars

After 17 years with the company, and part of a professional group that supposedly had a discount with TD, I was shocked to receive my annual renewal with a 29% increase.
Nothing has changed with me in the past year and so I called to ask why the increase.
I was told that all policies were affected by general conditions in the industry and there was nothing other than that they could identify in my situation.
Enough is enough and I am changing insurers. I have contacted a few and have found more competitive rates at all of them.
One in particular will take me back to the level of premium that I paid last year. That's a 29% reduction from the TD renewal quote.
Goodbye TD.

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