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RBC Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(265 reviews)
RBC Insurance
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Fraudulent Charges on card

by syusuke on Feb 12, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

I called to cancel my home/auto insurance policy with RBC (now it's Aviva Gen Insurance) in Nov. The last payment was made in the previous month. The policy was set to expire in Dec. On Dec, Jan and Feb my card was still getting charged. For some reason, I had to check my card for something else and found out that Aviva was still charging my credit card. I called to ask them about it and was given the answer 'we did the cancellation but for 'some reason' the account is still active and that's why the card is still getting charged'. Don't make me laugh!! That was beyond ridiculous. I do not know if it's the employees who were not doing their job properly and couldn't really complete a Cancellation request or it's the company's greediness that makes them do anything just to make money off of its' clients. I will never go back to Aviva for insurance again. For those of you, please if you ever cancel a policy with them, make sure to check your transactions because what they're doing is fraud. Also, every year my insurance with them went up even though I have no tickets and claims. They want to increase my premium on auto alone by $120 per month, I asked them why since I have no tickets whatsoever, and I was told interest rates went up in my location. I've had enough.

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RBC/Aviva Renewal Experience

by Kronya on Feb 3, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

I was with Aviva for one year - had no claims and a clean driving record, but no longer am because of the following. Their renewal process is needlessly complicated - they mailed me a renewal application in December, which I then had to mail back. Why the renewal isn't automatic like other insurance companies I don't know but I hadn't had any reason not to renew, so I dutifully sent back my completed application in January. I then got a phone call saying that my application was incomplete because I hadn't filled in N/A in 3 places! I thought it was ridiculous that I had to mail off an application in the first place, and that they couldn't just accept my verbal confirmation for N/A to be filled in. Keeping in mind that they take some time to process your application, and I got this phone call shortly before my insurance was about to expire, this seemed shady. In any case, I filled it out quickly and sent it again before expiration. I then had to call them 2 times to see what the progress was, waiting on hold for minimum 20 minutes each time, and they kept saying someone would call me the next day with a quote once it had been processed. No one ever did. I find it very unbelievable that I can get a quote by calling in if I am a new customer, but that they cannot give me a quote for renewal until the entire application had been processed. The third time I called I spoke to a lady who finally said that my renewal had been approved and that it had been mailed out. At this point, my insurance had expired, and this is when I found out what my quote was: $300 more than the previous year! She assured me I still had time to cancel before my card was charged, and did not mention anything about a cancellation fee. So I waited until I received the mailed out package and then called around and found a much more reasonable quote with TD ($450 less). I then called RBC back to cancel my renewal - at this point, the guy said that as my policy was already in effect, I would be charged a cancellation fee, plus the insurance for 2 weeks, which worked out to a whopping $291. This made me really upset because that is a lot of money for me. It was still cheaper to go with TD, so I still cancelled but I am really unhappy with Aviva's shady tactics. If it was this hard for a simple renewal, I am glad I never had any claims with them. Also, they have changed their policy so that you have to pay the entire premium upfront, which is a huge expense. Buyer beware and I hope my review has at least helped someone.

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Treats loyal clients terribly

by BadNotGood on Jan 24, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

Out of the blue RBC decided I would have to pay one lump sump up front rather than the monthly installments I had been paying for many years. I had no claims, a great driving record, nothing to warrant this kind of change in policy. When I called and asked why this happened, the broker just said 'It's a new RBC policy. They don't tell us why they did it.' Shoddy treatment. But this was the same company that was involved in the outsourcing fiasco a few years ago, so it should come as a surprise to no one that they continue to act dishonourably toward both their clients and employees.

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Shame on RBC

by Doug on Nov 9, 2018
2 out of 5 stars

I was 7 years with RBC insurance, now RBC Aviva insurance, for both my home (paid policy in full upfront) every year, Auto Insurance & life. My expiration date had ended on my credit card used to make installment payments on auto policy only. So the payment went NSF. My yearly policy for auto had just renewed. Not knowing I was sent a letter stating your policy was cancelled in 15 days. Hoping to not have any interruption in service I offered to pay the policy premium in full (1 pay) as I do my house insurance & they still were unwilling to continue coverage. I have a clean driving record with zero claims ever. I was told by RBC that I would have to reapply and the only acceptable form is a written application, not over the phone, & it would take 3 to 4 weeks to reissue a policy. You see this was done by RBC Aviva so they can raise premiums. What a joke. Shame on Royal Bank of Canada for putting their name on this garbage business practice!!

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Terrible customer service

by dalt on May 5, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I parked my car and put it on suspended coverage. When I went to put it back on the road, they increased my rate. Said it was "pro-rated" for the rest of my term even though I ensured that my rates would not change when I changed my coverage. They refused to quote me for motorcycle coverage because I was not 30 even though I have a clean record and 4 years of constant coverage on my bike, but they will quote someone with two tickets who is 30. Terrible experience every time I call.

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Hike in Rates

by Vic on Mar 26, 2018
2 out of 5 stars

I was insured with RBC auto insurance for a year at a fair rate. However, after a year they increased my insurance by $50 a month without any specific reason. I had no claims, violations or speeding ticket and had a clean driving record. When I tried to know the reason for the hike, even their reps weren't able to give any clear answer.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Biggest Scammers

by Fedupwthscamners on Aug 16, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I was stupid and switched to RBC 4yrs ago, I haven't fit one good thing to say about them be it horrible customer service constantly increasing rates, and they refuse to fix your vehicle properly even when I took it to their approved facility. Now they quote me a price then won't put full coverage until I took it for inspection, so after 6 weeks of the only 1 place that does this for RBC finally doing it, they double my deductible, double the cost, say they won't cover the rims or the stereo, and they will only pay half what the auction value is on the car!! I have multiple vehicles and multiple house policies, and now ill be taking it elsewhere!! Did I mention I have no tickets and only 2 claims in 20 years!!

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